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Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders

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Old 07-07-2017 , 07:12   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #21

Download The Latest Version From Here Please

Last edited by WatchDogs; 08-09-2017 at 07:36.
WatchDogs is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Old 07-07-2017 , 07:42   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #22

I'll be happy to do that! Uploading right now to my server.

EDIT: first test didn't go too well. :p
Quite a few players got kicked despite having their profile public.
I thought it was the

sm_private_kick_failed "1"
But it was set to 0.

EDIT2: crap, I had forgotten to add the correct url in the CFG. Let's see now.

EDIT3: ok it was a disaster. Everyone was getting warned and kicked even if they had public profiles. :C Kinda risky testing right now as I have many users and they could get annoyed and leave the server. How do I find the debug logs though?

Last edited by Obyboby; 07-07-2017 at 08:31.
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Old 07-07-2017 , 09:08   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #23

Debug logs are in addons/sourcemod/logs/PrivateKick_Debug.txt.

Please give them if possible thanks.

Also see SourceMod error logs and search for Private-Kicker lines.

Last edited by WatchDogs; 07-07-2017 at 09:09.
WatchDogs is offline
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Old 07-07-2017 , 09:09   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #24

Originally Posted by WatchDogs View Post
Hi, You have good ideas in your mind totally

I picked up some of code from Veterans Only and made this:

PHP Code:
#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN_VERSION    "1.1.1"

#include <sourcemod>
#include <SteamWorks>

bool IsPrivate[MAXPLAYERS 1];
int iWarnings[MAXPLAYERS 1];

Handle h_bEnable;
Handle h_bKickFailed;
Handle h_iGameID;
Handle h_sURL;
Handle h_iWarnings;

Plugin myinfo 
name "Private Kicker",
author "[W]atch [D]ogs, Soroush Falahati",
description "Kicks the players without public profile after X count of warnings",
url ""

void OnPluginStart()
h_bEnable CreateConVar("sm_private_kick_enable""1""Enable / Disable the plugin"_true0.0true1.0);
h_iGameID CreateConVar("sm_private_kick_gameid""730""Steam's Store id of the game you want us to check against?");
h_bKickFailed CreateConVar("sm_private_kick_failed""0""Enable / Disable kicking client if didn't receive response"_true0.0true1.0);
h_sURL CreateConVar("sm_private_kick_url""""Address of the PHP file responsible for getting user profile status.");
h_iWarnings CreateConVar("sm_private_kick_warnings""5""How many warnings should plugin warn before kicking client"_true1.0);

Action Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle event, const char[] namebool dontBroadcast)
int client GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event"userid"));
PrintToChat(client"[SM] WARNING! Your steam profile is private. If you don't make it public before your next spawn you will get kicked.");
iWarnings[client] >= GetConVarInt(h_iWarnings))
KickClient(client"Kicked by server. Your steam profile is private Make it public and rejoin.");

void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
GetConVarBool(h_bEnable) && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsPrivate[client])
IsPrivate[client] = false;
iWarnings[client] = 0;

void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
GetConVarBool(h_bEnable) && !IsFakeClient(client))
char sURL[256];
char gameId[16];
IntToString(GetConVarInt(h_iGameID), gameIdsizeof(gameId));
char steamId[32];
Handle hRequest SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGETsURL);

HTTP_RequestComplete(Handle HTTPRequestbool bFailurebool bRequestSuccessfulEHTTPStatusCode eStatusCodeint client)
bRequestSuccessful || eStatusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
        if (
KickClient(client"Failed to retrieve profile status.");
LogError("Private-Kicker: Failed to retrieve user's profile status (HTTP status: %d)"eStatusCode);
int iBodySize;
    if (
        if (
iBodySize == 0)
PrintToChat(client"[SM] WARNING! Your steam profile is private. If you don't make it public you will get kicked.");
IsPrivate[client] = true;
iWarnings[client] = 0;

Not tested. Please test it and tell the result

EDIT: 1.0.1 | Added a check for fail connections
EDIT: 1.1.1 | Fixed plugin (didn't work)
Hey, can you try and be consistent when you're naming variables please Makes the code much easier to read. In this case you've written one of your boolean variables as
PHP Code:
bool IsPrivate[MAXPLAYERS 1]; 
However if we were following the same variable naming scheme it would become
PHP Code:
bool b_IsPrivate[MAXPLAYERS 1]; 
Not trivial but variable naming consistency helps other people read your code. It'd be much worse if the code was huge but in this small case it doesn't matter too much.
B3none is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Old 07-07-2017 , 10:27   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #25

Originally Posted by WatchDogs View Post
Debug logs are in addons/sourcemod/logs/PrivateKick_Debug.txt.

Please give them if possible thanks.

Also see SourceMod error logs and search for Private-Kicker lines.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:13:35: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 843
L 07/07/2017 - 14:13:35: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 843, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:14:29: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 20, UserID: 844, SteamID64: 76561198376685872, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:14:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 20, UserID: 844
L 07/07/2017 - 14:14:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 20, UserID: 844, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:20:28: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 8, UserID: 846, SteamID64: 76561198258592813, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:20:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 846
L 07/07/2017 - 14:20:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 846, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:20:35: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 4, UserID: 845, SteamID64: 76561198376685872, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:20:35: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 845
L 07/07/2017 - 14:20:35: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 845, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:22:26: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 11, UserID: 849, SteamID64: 76561198076123699, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:22:27: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 849
L 07/07/2017 - 14:22:27: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 849, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:22:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 10, UserID: 848, SteamID64: 76561198083341263, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:22:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 848
L 07/07/2017 - 14:22:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 848, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:15: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 18, UserID: 840, SteamID64: 76561197979783177, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:15: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 18, UserID: 840
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:15: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 18, UserID: 840, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:16: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 19, UserID: 841, SteamID64: 76561198033117042, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:16: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 19, UserID: 841
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:16: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 19, UserID: 841, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:16: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 3, UserID: 792, SteamID64: 76561198009375642, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:16: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 792
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:16: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 792, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:17: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 9, UserID: 817, SteamID64: 76561198016287062, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:17: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 817
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:17: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 817, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 15, UserID: 832, SteamID64: 76561197976767146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 15, UserID: 832
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 15, UserID: 832, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:19: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 6, UserID: 812, SteamID64: 76561198003679830, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:19: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 812
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:19: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 812, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 2, UserID: 813, SteamID64: 76561198354955210, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 1, UserID: 835, SteamID64: 76561198119481044, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 813
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 813, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 835
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 835, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:22: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 11, UserID: 849, SteamID64: 76561198076123699, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:22: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 5, UserID: 843, SteamID64: 76561198075813696, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:22: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 849
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:22: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 849, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:22: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 843
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:22: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 843, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:22: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 12, UserID: 794, SteamID64: 76561198036577290, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:23: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 794
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:23: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 794, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:23: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 8, UserID: 846, SteamID64: 76561198258592813, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:23: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 846
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:23: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 846, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:24: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 24, UserID: 837, SteamID64: 76561198139368425, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:24: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 24, UserID: 837
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:24: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 24, UserID: 837, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:24: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 7, UserID: 815, SteamID64: 76561198331970146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:25: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 815
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:25: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 815, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:26: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 16, UserID: 818, SteamID64: 76561198203172496, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:27: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 818
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:27: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 818, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:27: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 14, UserID: 831, SteamID64: 76561198034455154, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:27: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 831
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:27: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 831, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:28: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 21, UserID: 842, SteamID64: 76561198001197229, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:28: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 21, UserID: 842
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:28: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 21, UserID: 842, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 10, UserID: 848, SteamID64: 76561198083341263, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 848
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:30: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 848, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:57: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 4, UserID: 845, SteamID64: 76561198376685872, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:57: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 845
L 07/07/2017 - 14:23:57: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 845, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:39: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 1, UserID: 850, SteamID64: 76561198119481044, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 850
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 850, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 6, UserID: 852, SteamID64: 76561198076123699, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 2, UserID: 851, SteamID64: 76561198036577290, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 852
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 852, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 7, UserID: 853, SteamID64: 76561197979783177, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 851
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 851, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 853
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 853, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:42: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 9, UserID: 854, SteamID64: 76561198016287062, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 854
L 07/07/2017 - 14:24:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 854, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:25:06: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 11, UserID: 855, SteamID64: 76561198050356547, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:25:06: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 855
L 07/07/2017 - 14:25:06: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 855, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:25:56: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 3, UserID: 856, SteamID64: 76561198139368425, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:25:57: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 856
L 07/07/2017 - 14:25:57: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 856, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 4, UserID: 857, SteamID64: 76561198376685872, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:02: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 857
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:02: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 857, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:05: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 10, UserID: 858, SteamID64: 76561198203172496, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:05: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 858
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:05: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 858, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:09: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 12, UserID: 859, SteamID64: 76561198009375642, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:09: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 859
L 07/07/2017 - 14:26:09: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 859, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:39: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 1, UserID: 861, SteamID64: 76561198033117042, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:39: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 11, UserID: 855, SteamID64: 76561198050356547, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 7, UserID: 853, SteamID64: 76561197979783177, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 861
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 861, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 853
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 853, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 855
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 855, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:41: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 12, UserID: 859, SteamID64: 76561198009375642, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:41: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 859
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:41: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 859, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:42: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 14, UserID: 869, SteamID64: 76561198059679551, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:42: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 9, UserID: 854, SteamID64: 76561198016287062, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:42: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 869
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:42: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 869, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:42: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 854
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:42: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 854, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 8, UserID: 866, SteamID64: 76561198258592813, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 866
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 866, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 15, UserID: 832, SteamID64: 76561197976767146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 15, UserID: 832
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:43: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 15, UserID: 832, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:44: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 3, UserID: 868, SteamID64: 76561198205626637, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:44: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 17, UserID: 864, SteamID64: 76561197963026668, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 2, UserID: 851, SteamID64: 76561198036577290, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 868
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 868, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 17, UserID: 864
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 17, UserID: 864, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 851
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 851, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 4, UserID: 871, SteamID64: 76561198237780134, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 5, UserID: 843, SteamID64: 76561198075813696, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 871
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 871, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 843
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 843, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:49: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 16, UserID: 863, SteamID64: 76561198331970146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:49: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 863
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:49: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 863, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:50: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 21, UserID: 842, SteamID64: 76561198001197229, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:50: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 21, UserID: 842
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:50: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 21, UserID: 842, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:56: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 10, UserID: 873, SteamID64: 76561198089614432, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:56: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 873
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:56: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 873, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:56: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 6, UserID: 874, SteamID64: 76561197971060039, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:57: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 874
L 07/07/2017 - 14:52:57: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 874, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 1, UserID: 875, SteamID64: 76561197979783177, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 875
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 875, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:03: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 7, UserID: 877, SteamID64: 76561198050356547, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:04: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 877
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:04: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 877, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:07: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 13, UserID: 880, SteamID64: 76561198033117042, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:07: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 13, UserID: 880
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:07: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 13, UserID: 880, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:07: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 11, UserID: 879, SteamID64: 76561198258592813, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:07: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 8, UserID: 878, SteamID64: 76561198331970146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 879
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 879, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 878
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 878, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 3, UserID: 876, SteamID64: 76561198001197229, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 876
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 876, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:10: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 14, UserID: 881, SteamID64: 76561198205626637, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:10: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 881
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:10: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 881, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:19: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 16, UserID: 882, SteamID64: 76561198059679551, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:19: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 882
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:19: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 882, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 18, UserID: 883, SteamID64: 76561198118260049, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 18, UserID: 883
L 07/07/2017 - 14:54:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 18, UserID: 883, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 6, UserID: 884, SteamID64: 76561198156023854, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:02: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 884
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:02: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 884, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 3, UserID: 4, SteamID64: 76561198009375642, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 4
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 4, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:45: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 2, UserID: 3, SteamID64: 76561198059679551, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 3
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:46: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 3, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:47: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 1, UserID: 2, SteamID64: 76561198036577290, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:47: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 4, UserID: 5, SteamID64: 76561198050356547, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:47: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 2
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:47: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 2, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:47: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 5
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:47: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 5, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:47: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 7, UserID: 8, SteamID64: 76561198033117042, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:48: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 8
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:48: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 8, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:49: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 5, UserID: 6, SteamID64: 76561197976767146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:49: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 6
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:49: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 6, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:51: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 9, UserID: 10, SteamID64: 76561198016287062, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:51: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 10
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:51: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 10, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:59: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 8, UserID: 9, SteamID64: 76561198118260049, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:59: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 9
L 07/07/2017 - 14:55:59: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 9, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 11, UserID: 12, SteamID64: 76561198313288748, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 12
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 12, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 12, UserID: 13, SteamID64: 76561197971060039, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 6, UserID: 7, SteamID64: 76561198089614432, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 13
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 13, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 7
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 7, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:02: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 10, UserID: 11, SteamID64: 76561198001197229, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:02: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 11
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:02: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 11, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:06: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 13, UserID: 14, SteamID64: 76561198258592813, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:06: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 13, UserID: 14
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:06: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 13, UserID: 14, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 14, UserID: 15, SteamID64: 76561198237780134, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 15
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 15, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 15, UserID: 16, SteamID64: 76561197963026668, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 15, UserID: 16
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 15, UserID: 16, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 3, UserID: 17, SteamID64: 76561198009375642, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 17
L 07/07/2017 - 14:56:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 17, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:00: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 16, UserID: 19, SteamID64: 76561198033117042, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 19
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:01: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 16, UserID: 19, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:08: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 1, UserID: 22, SteamID64: 76561198036577290, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:09: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 22
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:09: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 1, UserID: 22, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:11: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 4, UserID: 23, SteamID64: 76561197971060039, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:11: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 23
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:11: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 4, UserID: 23, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:11: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 17, UserID: 20, SteamID64: 76561198331970146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:12: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 17, UserID: 20
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:12: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 17, UserID: 20, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 7, UserID: 21, SteamID64: 76561198156023854, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 8, UserID: 24, SteamID64: 76561198258592813, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 21
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 7, UserID: 21, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 24
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 8, UserID: 24, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 12, UserID: 25, SteamID64: 76561198118260049, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 25
L 07/07/2017 - 14:57:14: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 12, UserID: 25, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 3, UserID: 27, SteamID64: 76561198059679551, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 9, UserID: 29, SteamID64: 76561198009375642, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 27
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 3, UserID: 27, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 29
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:18: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 9, UserID: 29, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:20: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 10, UserID: 30, SteamID64: 76561198016287062, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:20: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 30
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:20: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 10, UserID: 30, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:20: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 6, UserID: 28, SteamID64: 76561197963026668, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 11, UserID: 31, SteamID64: 76561198050356547, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 28
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 6, UserID: 28, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 2, UserID: 26, SteamID64: 76561198001197229, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 31
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 11, UserID: 31, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 26
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:21: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 2, UserID: 26, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:31: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 13, UserID: 32, SteamID64: 76561198089614432, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:31: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 13, UserID: 32
L 07/07/2017 - 14:58:31: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 13, UserID: 32, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:59:12: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 14, UserID: 33, SteamID64: 76561198051931124, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:59:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 33
L 07/07/2017 - 14:59:13: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 14, UserID: 33, Private account detected.
L 07/07/2017 - 14:59:40: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request has sent for client 5, UserID: 34, SteamID64: 76561197976767146, URL:
L 07/07/2017 - 14:59:41: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 34
L 07/07/2017 - 14:59:41: [PrivateKicker.smx] HTTP Request call back. client 5, UserID: 34, Private account detected.

Last edited by Obyboby; 07-07-2017 at 10:29.
Obyboby is offline
SourceMod Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2012
Old 07-07-2017 , 10:34   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #26

are invalid for the newest "plugin" above:

Use the newest "/public/" end point mentioned above:

Mostly known as "DarkDeviL".

Dropbox FastDL: Public folder will no longer work after March 15, 2017!
For more info, see the [SRCDS Thread], or the [HLDS Thread].
DarkDeviL is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Sep 2013
Old 07-07-2017 , 10:45   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #27

Originally Posted by arne1288 View Post
are invalid for the newest "plugin" above:

Use the newest "/public/" end point mentioned above:

Replaced URL and now testing. Thanks
Obyboby is offline
AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: OnGameFrame()
Old 07-07-2017 , 14:05   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #28

If works, post please
vortex. is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Sep 2013
Old 07-09-2017 , 06:12   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #29

Seems to be working!
But I had some issues on my server yesterday and have just started fixing everything. Will report back
Obyboby is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Sep 2013
Old 07-26-2017 , 02:09   Re: Plugin that checks steam profiles and warns/kicks private profile holders
Reply With Quote #30

Hello, the plugin seems to not work anymore.
It won't kick private profiles and also it randomly kicks clients and mentions a "timeout in retrieving some information" blah blah
I disabled the kick option in case the plugin couldn't retrieve information about the profile..but still kicks random people out of the server :C
Any ideas?
Is the URL you guys provided still working?

Obyboby is offline

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