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After modification amx_gag plugins ungag does not work

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Join Date: May 2013
Old 04-17-2020 , 21:59   After modification amx_gag plugins ungag does not work
Reply With Quote #1


I modified the amx_gag plugins to introduce a backup of the old GAGs.
This works well, but my problem is that when I want to ungag a person it no longer works for it to work I have to do the following manipulation :

- I have to ungag the person
- the gag again
- then the ungag and its works

i use SQL, if I do not do this manipulation, the gag and always present in the database and therefore at the change of map the gag and put back on the person.
It looks like it skips the whole part where there are the query.
here is the file :

DeleteGag( const iArrayPos )
    new data[ GagData ];
    ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
    if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & GAG_VOICE )
        new iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    TrieDeleteKey( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
    ArrayDeleteItem( g_aGagData, iArrayPos );
    for( new i = iArrayPos; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], i );
    if( g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
        formatex( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid='%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid = '%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
instead of

DeleteGag( const iArrayPos )
    new data[ GagData ];
    ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
    if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & GAG_VOICE )
        new iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    TrieDeleteKey( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
    ArrayDeleteItem( g_aGagData, iArrayPos );
    for( new i = iArrayPos; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], i );
    if( g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
        formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid = '%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );

public FwdThink( const iEntity )
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
    new bool:bUsingSQL = g_bUsingSQL;
    new Array:aRemoveSteamIDs, iNumRemoveSteamIDs;
    if( bUsingSQL )
        aRemoveSteamIDs = ArrayCreate( 35 );
        g_bUsingSQL = false;
    new data[ GagData ], id, szName[ 32 ];
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 && ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) <= iSystime )
            id = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Player ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Player ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, 0, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 SteamID ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] SteamID ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            DeleteGag( i-- );
            bRemovedGags = true;
            if( bUsingSQL )
                ArrayPushString( aRemoveSteamIDs, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            log_to_file("ungagautomatique.txt", "Ungag de ^"%s^" Automatiquement GAG le ^"%d^" Fin le ^"%d^"", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_START ], data[ GAG_TIME ] );
    if( !bUsingSQL )
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iNumRemoveSteamIDs )
            new szNextt[ 64 ], iNexttLen, iDefaulttLen, iLent = iDefaulttLen = copy( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            new szNext[ 64 ], iNextLen, iDefaultLen, iLen = iDefaultLen = copy( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            for( new i = 0; i < iNumRemoveSteamIDs; i++ )
                ArrayGetString( aRemoveSteamIDs, i, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                iNexttLen = formatex( szNextt, charsmax( szNextt ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                iNextLen = formatex( szNext, charsmax( szNext ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                if( ( iLen + iNextLen + 1 ) > charsmax( szQuery ) && ( iLent + iNexttLen + 1 ) > charsmax( sz1Query ) )
                    sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';'
                    sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';'
                    szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                iLent += copy( sz1Query[ iLent ], charsmax( sz1Query ) - iLent, szNextt );
                iLen += copy( szQuery[ iLen ], charsmax( szQuery ) - iLen, szNext );
            sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';';
            sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
            szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';';
            szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
        ArrayDestroy( aRemoveSteamIDs );
        g_bUsingSQL = true;
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iNextTime = 999999;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
            iNextTime = min( iNextTime, data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime );
    if( iNextTime < 999999 )
        entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iNextTime );
instead of

public FwdThink( const iEntity )
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
    new bool:bUsingSQL = g_bUsingSQL;
    new Array:aRemoveSteamIDs, iNumRemoveSteamIDs;
    if( bUsingSQL )
        aRemoveSteamIDs = ArrayCreate( 35 );
        g_bUsingSQL = false;
    new data[ GagData ], id, szName[ 32 ];
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 && ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) <= iSystime )
            id = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Player ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Player ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, 0, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 SteamID ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] SteamID ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            DeleteGag( i-- );
            bRemovedGags = true;
            if( bUsingSQL )
                ArrayPushString( aRemoveSteamIDs, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            log_to_file("ungagautomatique.txt", "Ungag de ^"%s^" Automatiquement GAG le ^"%d^" Fin le ^"%d^"", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_START ], data[ GAG_TIME ] );
    if( !bUsingSQL )
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iNumRemoveSteamIDs )
            new szNext[ 64 ], iNextLen, iDefaultLen, iLen = iDefaultLen = copy( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            for( new i = 0; i < iNumRemoveSteamIDs; i++ )
                ArrayGetString( aRemoveSteamIDs, i, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                iNextLen = formatex( szNext, charsmax( szNext ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                if( ( iLen + iNextLen + 1 ) > charsmax( szQuery ) && ( iLent + iNexttLen + 1 ) > charsmax( sz1Query ) )
                    szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';'
                    szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                iLen += copy( szQuery[ iLen ], charsmax( szQuery ) - iLen, szNext );
            szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';';
            szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
        ArrayDestroy( aRemoveSteamIDs );
        g_bUsingSQL = true;
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iNextTime = 999999;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
            iNextTime = min( iNextTime, data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime );
    if( iNextTime < 999999 )
        entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iNextTime );
the whole file with the modifications

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < engine >
#include < sqlx >

#define MAX_PLAYERS 32

#define MAX_PATTERN_LEN 255

enum ( <<= 1 )
    GAG_CHAT = 1,

enum _:GagData
    GAG_STEAMID[ 35 ],

enum _:TimeUnit

new const g_szTimeUnitName[ TimeUnit ][ 2 ][ ] =
    { "second", "seconds" },
    { "minute", "minutes" },
    { "hour",   "hours"   },
    { "day",    "days"    },
    { "week",   "weeks"   }

new const g_iTimeUnitMult[ TimeUnit ] =

new const DATETIME_FORMAT[ ] = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
const DATE_SIZE = 20; 
new Array:g_aGagTimes;
new Array:g_aGagData;
new Trie:g_tArrayPos;
new Trie:g_tTimeUnitWords;

new g_iGagged;
new g_iThinker;
new g_iTotalGagTimes;
new g_iMsgSayText;

new g_szSteamID[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ 35 ];
new g_iMenuOption[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new g_iMenuPosition[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new g_iMenuPlayers[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ 32 ];
new g_iMenuFlags[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];

new g_szGagFile[ 64 ];

new bool:g_bColorSupported;

new g_pCvarDefaultFlags;
new g_pCvarDefaultTime;
new g_pCvarTimeUnit;
new g_pCvarMaxTime;
new g_pCvarSQL;
new g_pCvarSQLHost;
new g_pCvarSQLUser;
new g_pCvarSQLPass;
new g_pCvarSQLDb;

new bool:g_bUsingSQL = false;
new Handle:g_hSqlTuple;

new szQuery[ 1024 ];
new sz1Query[ 1024 ];

public plugin_init( )
    register_plugin( "AMXX Gag", "1.5.0", "xPaw & Exolent" );
    register_clcmd( "say",        "CmdSay" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team",   "CmdTeamSay" );
    register_concmd( "amx_gag",       "CmdGagPlayer",   ADMIN_KICK, "<nick or #userid> <time> <a|b|c> -- Use 0 time for permanent" );
    register_concmd( "amx_addgag",    "CmdAddGag",      ADMIN_KICK, "<authid> <time> <a|b|c> -- Use 0 time for permanent" );
    register_concmd( "amx_ungag",     "CmdUnGagPlayer", ADMIN_KICK, "<nick or #userid>" );
    register_concmd( "amx_gagmenu",   "CmdGagMenu",     ADMIN_KICK, "- displays gag menu" );
    register_srvcmd( "amx_gag_times", "CmdSetBanTimes" );
    register_menu( "Gag Menu", 1023, "ActionGagMenu" );
    register_menu( "Gag Flags", 1023, "ActionGagFlags" );
    register_message( get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), "MessageSayText" );
    g_pCvarDefaultFlags = register_cvar( "amx_gag_default_flags", "abc"   );
    g_pCvarDefaultTime  = register_cvar( "amx_gag_default_time",  "600"   );
    g_pCvarTimeUnit     = register_cvar( "amx_gag_time_units",    "0"     );
    g_pCvarMaxTime      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_max_time",      "86400" );
    g_pCvarSQL          = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql",           "0"     );
    g_pCvarSQLHost      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_host",      ""      );
    g_pCvarSQLUser      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_user",      ""      );
    g_pCvarSQLPass      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_pass",      ""      );
    g_pCvarSQLDb        = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_db",        ""      );
    g_tArrayPos       = TrieCreate( );
    g_aGagTimes       = ArrayCreate( );
    g_aGagData        = ArrayCreate( GagData );
    g_bColorSupported = bool:colored_menus( );
    g_iMsgSayText     = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
    // Let words work with the time unit cvar
    g_tTimeUnitWords = TrieCreate( );
    for( new i = 0; i < TimeUnit; i++ )
        TrieSetCell( g_tTimeUnitWords, g_szTimeUnitName[ i ][ 0 ], i );
        TrieSetCell( g_tTimeUnitWords, g_szTimeUnitName[ i ][ 1 ], i );
    // This is used for ungag in the menu
    ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 0 );
    // Gag times for the gag menu (amx_gagmenu)
    // Default values: 60 300 600 1800 3600 7200 86400
    new const iDefaultTimes[ ] = { 60, 300, 600, 1800, 3600, 7200, 86400, 0 };
    // Load up standart times
    for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( iDefaultTimes ); i++ )
        ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, iDefaultTimes[ i ] );
    g_iTotalGagTimes = sizeof( iDefaultTimes ) + 1;
    // Set up entity-thinker
    new const szClassName[ ] = "gag_thinker";
    g_iThinker = create_entity( "info_target" );
    entity_set_string( g_iThinker, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName );
    register_think( szClassName, "FwdThink" );
    // Load gags from file
    get_datadir( g_szGagFile, charsmax( g_szGagFile ) );
    add( g_szGagFile, charsmax( g_szGagFile ), "/gags.txt" );
    // Set server's SteamID to "SERVER"
    copy( g_szSteamID[ 0 ], charsmax( g_szSteamID[ ] ), "SERVER" );

public plugin_natives( )
    register_library( "amx_gag" );
    register_native( "is_user_gagged" , "_is_user_gagged"  );
    register_native( "set_user_gagged", "_set_user_gagged" );
    register_native( "get_gagtime"    , "_get_gagtime"     );
    register_native( "gag_check" , "_gag_check"  );
    register_native( "gag_add"   , "_gag_add"    );
    register_native( "gag_remove", "_gag_remove" );

public _is_user_gagged( iPlugin, iParams )
    new iPlayer = get_param( 1 );
    return ( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) );

public _set_user_gagged( iPlugin, iParams )
    new iPlayer  = get_param( 1 );
    new bGagged  = get_param( 2 );
    new iSeconds = get_param( 3 );
    new bSave    = get_param( 4 );
    new iFlags   = get_param( 5 );
    if( !is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
        return 0;
    if( bGagged )
        if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
            return 0;
        GagPlayer( 0, iPlayer, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iSeconds, iFlags, bSave, 0 );
        new iArrayPos;
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
            return 0;
        new data[ GagData ];
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
        DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
        if( !g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
            SaveToFile( );
    return 1;

public _get_gagtime( iPlugin, iParams )
    new iPlayer = get_param( 1 );
    new iTime = 0;
    if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
        new iArrayPos;
        if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
            new data[ GagData ];
            ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
            if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                iTime = data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - ( get_systime( ) + 7200 );
    return iTime;

public _gag_check( iPlugin, iParams )
    new szSteamID[ 35 ];
    get_string( 1, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ) );
    return _:TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, szSteamID );

public _gag_add( iPlugin, iParams )
    new szSteamID[ 35 ];
    get_string( 1, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ) );
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, szSteamID ) )
        return 0;
    new iSeconds = get_param( 2 );
    new bSave    = get_param( 3 );
    new iFlags   = get_param( 4 );
    GagPlayer( 0, 0, szSteamID, iSeconds, iFlags, bSave, 0 );
    return 1;

public _gag_remove( iPlugin, iParams )
    new szSteamID[ 35 ];
    get_string( 1, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ) );
    new iArrayPos;
    if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, szSteamID, iArrayPos ) )
        return 0;
    DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
    return 1;

public plugin_cfg( )
    // Check SQL

    InitSQL( );

    if( !g_bUsingSQL )
        // If not using SQL, load from file
        LoadFromFile( );

InitSQL( )
    // Init SQL after configs were executed
    if( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarSQL ) )
        new szHost[ 64 ], szUser[ 64 ], szPass[ 64 ], szDb[ 64 ];
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLHost, szHost, charsmax( szHost ) );
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLUser, szUser, charsmax( szUser ) );
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLPass, szPass, charsmax( szPass ) );
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLDb,   szDb,   charsmax( szDb   ) );
        g_hSqlTuple = SQL_MakeDbTuple( szHost, szUser, szPass, szDb );
        if( g_hSqlTuple == Empty_Handle ) return;
        // admin_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL
        // admin_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL
        // admin_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
        // player_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL
        // player_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
        // player_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
        // date_gagged DATETIME NOT NULL
        // date_ungag DATETIME NOT NULL
        // gag_seconds INT NOT NULL
        // gag_flags VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
        new iError, szError[ 128 ];
        new Handle:hDb = SQL_Connect( g_hSqlTuple, iError, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
        if( hDb == Empty_Handle )
            log_amx( "Failed to connect to database: (%d) %s", iError, szError );
        new Handle:hQuery = SQL_PrepareQuery( hDb, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gagged_players (\
            admin_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,\
            admin_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL,\
            admin_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,\
            player_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,\
            player_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\
            player_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,\
            date_gagged DATETIME NOT NULL,\
            date_ungag DATETIME NOT NULL,\
            gag_seconds INT NOT NULL,\
            gag_flags VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL);" );
        if( !SQL_Execute( hQuery ) )
            SQL_QueryError( hQuery, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
            log_amx( "Failed create table query: %s", szError );
            SQL_FreeHandle( hQuery );
            new szDate[ DATE_SIZE ];
            get_time( DATETIME_FORMAT, szDate, charsmax( szDate ) );
            // Load all users
            hQuery = SQL_PrepareQuery( hDb, "SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE date_ungag;", szDate );
            if( !SQL_Execute( hQuery ) )
                SQL_QueryError( hQuery, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
                log_amx( "Failed load gags query: %s", szError );
                g_bUsingSQL = true;
                if( SQL_NumResults( hQuery ) )
                    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
                    new iShortestTime = 999999;
                    new data[ GagData ];
                    new szFlags[ 4 ];
                    new iTimeLeft;
                    data[ GAG_SAVE   ] = 1;
                    data[ GAG_NOTIFY ] = 1;
                    new iFieldSteamID = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "player_steamid" );
                    new iFieldDateGagged = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "date_gagged" );
                    new iFieldGagTime = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "gag_seconds" );
                    new iFieldGagFlags = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "gag_flags" );
                    while( SQL_MoreResults( hQuery ) )
                        SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldSteamID, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                        SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldDateGagged, szDate, charsmax( szDate ) );
                        data[ GAG_TIME ] = SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldGagTime );
                        SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldGagFlags, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
                        data[ GAG_START ] = strtotime( szDate );
                        data[ GAG_FLAGS ] = read_flags( szFlags );
                        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                            iTimeLeft = data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime;
                            if( iShortestTime > iTimeLeft )
                                iShortestTime = iTimeLeft;

                        ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
                        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], g_iGagged );
                        SQL_NextRow( hQuery );
                    if( iShortestTime < 999999 )
                        entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iShortestTime );
        SQL_FreeHandle( hQuery );
        SQL_FreeHandle( hDb );

public plugin_end( )
    TrieDestroy( g_tArrayPos );
    ArrayDestroy( g_aGagData );
    ArrayDestroy( g_aGagTimes );
    TrieDestroy( g_tTimeUnitWords );

public CmdSetBanTimes( )
    new iArgs = read_argc( );
    if( iArgs <= 1 )
        server_print( "Usage: amx_gag_times <time1> [time2] [time3] ..." );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    ArrayClear( g_aGagTimes );
    // This is used for ungag in the menu
    ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 0 );
    g_iTotalGagTimes = 1;
    // Get max time allowed
    new iTimeLimit = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarMaxTime );
    new szBuffer[ 32 ], iTime;
    for( new i = 1; i < iArgs; i++ )
        read_argv( i, szBuffer, 31 );
        if( !is_str_num( szBuffer ) )
            server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time must be an integer! (%s)", szBuffer );
        iTime = str_to_num( szBuffer );
        if( iTime < 0 )
            server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time must be a positive integer! (%d)", iTime );
        if( 0 < iTimeLimit < iTime )
            server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time more then %d is not allowed! (%d)", iTimeLimit, iTime );
        ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, iTime );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public client_putinserver( id )
    if( CheckGagFlag( id, GAG_VOICE ) )
        set_speak( id, SPEAK_MUTED );
    // Default flags are "abc"
    g_iMenuFlags[ id ] = GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY | GAG_VOICE;

public client_authorized( id )
    get_user_authid( id, g_szSteamID[ id ], 34 );

public client_disconnected( id )
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ id ] ) )
        new szName[ 32 ];
        get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
        new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, iPlayer;
        get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" );
        for( new i; i < iNum; i++ )
            iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
            if( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & ADMIN_KICK )
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( iPlayer, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Gagged player ^"^3%s^1<^4%s^1>^" has disconnected!", szName, g_szSteamID[ id ] );
                    client_print( iPlayer, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Gagged player ^"%s<%s>^" has disconnected!", szName, g_szSteamID[ id ] );
    g_szSteamID[ id ][ 0 ] = '^0';

public client_infochanged( id )
    if( !CheckGagFlag( id, ( GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY ) ) )
    static const name[ ] = "name";
    static szNewName[ 32 ], szOldName[ 32 ];
    get_user_info( id, name, szNewName, 31 );
    get_user_name( id, szOldName, 31 );
    if( !equal( szNewName, szOldName ) )
        if( g_bColorSupported )
            GreenPrint( id, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Gagged players cannot change their names!" );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Gagged players cannot change their names!" );
        set_user_info( id, name, szOldName );

public MessageSayText( )
    static const Cstrike_Name_Change[ ] = "#Cstrike_Name_Change";
    new szMessage[ sizeof( Cstrike_Name_Change ) + 1 ];
    get_msg_arg_string( 2, szMessage, charsmax( szMessage ) );
    if( equal( szMessage, Cstrike_Name_Change ) )
        new szName[ 32 ], id;
        for( new i = 3; i <= 4; i++ )
            get_msg_arg_string( i, szName, 31 );
            id = get_user_index( szName );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                if( CheckGagFlag( id, ( GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY ) ) )
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public FwdThink( const iEntity )
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
    new bool:bUsingSQL = g_bUsingSQL;
    new Array:aRemoveSteamIDs, iNumRemoveSteamIDs;
    if( bUsingSQL )
        aRemoveSteamIDs = ArrayCreate( 35 );
        g_bUsingSQL = false;
    new data[ GagData ], id, szName[ 32 ];
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 && ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) <= iSystime )
            id = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Player ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Player ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, 0, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 SteamID ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] SteamID ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            DeleteGag( i-- );
            bRemovedGags = true;
            if( bUsingSQL )
                ArrayPushString( aRemoveSteamIDs, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            log_to_file("ungagautomatique.txt", "Ungag de ^"%s^" Automatiquement GAG le ^"%d^" Fin le ^"%d^"", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_START ], data[ GAG_TIME ] );
    if( !bUsingSQL )
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iNumRemoveSteamIDs )
            new szNextt[ 64 ], iNexttLen, iDefaulttLen, iLent = iDefaulttLen = copy( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            new szNext[ 64 ], iNextLen, iDefaultLen, iLen = iDefaultLen = copy( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            for( new i = 0; i < iNumRemoveSteamIDs; i++ )
                ArrayGetString( aRemoveSteamIDs, i, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                iNexttLen = formatex( szNextt, charsmax( szNextt ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                iNextLen = formatex( szNext, charsmax( szNext ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                if( ( iLen + iNextLen + 1 ) > charsmax( szQuery ) && ( iLent + iNexttLen + 1 ) > charsmax( sz1Query ) )
                    sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';'
                    sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';'
                    szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                iLent += copy( sz1Query[ iLent ], charsmax( sz1Query ) - iLent, szNextt );
                iLen += copy( szQuery[ iLen ], charsmax( szQuery ) - iLen, szNext );
            sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';';
            sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
            szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';';
            szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
        ArrayDestroy( aRemoveSteamIDs );
        g_bUsingSQL = true;
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iNextTime = 999999;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
            iNextTime = min( iNextTime, data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime );
    if( iNextTime < 999999 )
        entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iNextTime );

public CmdSay( const id )
    return CheckSay( id, 0 );

public CmdTeamSay( const id )
    return CheckSay( id, 1 );

CheckSay( const id, const bIsTeam )
    new iArrayPos;
    if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ id ], iArrayPos ) )
        new data[ GagData ];
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
        new const iFlags[ ] = { GAG_CHAT, GAG_TEAMSAY };
        if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & iFlags[ bIsTeam ] )
            if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
                new szInfo[ 128 ], iTime = ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) - iSystime;
                GetTimeLength( iTime, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( id, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^3 %s^1 left before your ungag!", szInfo );
                    client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] %s left before your ungag!", szInfo );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( id, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^3 You are gagged permanently!" );
                    client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] You are gagged permanently!" );
            client_print( id, print_center, "** You are gagged from%s chat! **", bIsTeam ? " team" : "" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CmdGagPlayer( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) )
        console_print( id, "Flags: a - Chat | b - Team Chat | c - Voice communications" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szArg[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
    new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szArg, CMDTARGET_OBEY_IMMUNITY | CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
    if( !iPlayer )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szName[ 20 ];
    get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 19 );
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
        console_print( id, "User ^"%s^" is already gagged!", szName );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new iFlags;
    new iGagTime = -1;
    read_argv( 2, szArg, 31 );
    if( szArg[ 0 ] ) // No time entered
        if( is_str_num( szArg ) ) // Seconds entered
            iGagTime = abs( str_to_num( szArg ) );
            console_print( id, "The value must be in seconds!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        read_argv( 3, szArg, 31 );
        if( szArg[ 0 ] )
            iFlags = read_flags( szArg );
    GagPlayer( id, iPlayer, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iGagTime, iFlags );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

GagPlayer( id, iPlayer, const szPlayerSteamID[ ], iGagTime, iFlags, bSave=1, bNotify=1 )
    new iMaxTime = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarMaxTime );
    if( iGagTime == -1 )
        iGagTime = clamp( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarDefaultTime ), 0, iMaxTime );
    if( iGagTime )
        new iTimeUnit = GetTimeUnit( );
        iGagTime = clamp( iGagTime, 1, iMaxTime ) * g_iTimeUnitMult[ iTimeUnit ];
    if( !iFlags )
        new szFlags[ 27 ];
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarDefaultFlags, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
        iFlags = read_flags( szFlags );
    new data[ GagData ];
    data[ GAG_START ]  = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    data[ GAG_TIME ]   = iGagTime;
    data[ GAG_FLAGS ]  = iFlags;
    data[ GAG_SAVE ]   = bSave;
    data[ GAG_NOTIFY ] = bNotify;
    copy( data[ GAG_STEAMID ], 34, szPlayerSteamID );
    TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, szPlayerSteamID, g_iGagged );
    ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
    if( iGagTime > 0 )
        new Float:flGametime = get_gametime( ), Float:flNextThink;
        flNextThink = entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink );
        if( !flNextThink || flNextThink > ( flGametime + iGagTime ) )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, flGametime + iGagTime );
    if( bSave )
        if( g_bUsingSQL )
            new szPlayerName[ 32 ], szPlayerIP[ 32 ];
            if( iPlayer )
                get_user_name( iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax( szPlayerName ) );
                get_user_ip( iPlayer, szPlayerIP, charsmax( szPlayerIP ), 1 );
                szPlayerName[ 0 ] = szPlayerIP[ 0 ] = '?';
            AddGag( id, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], szPlayerName, szPlayerIP, iGagTime, iFlags );
            SaveToFile( );
    if( bNotify )
        new szFrom[ 64 ];
        if( iFlags & GAG_CHAT )
            copy( szFrom, 63, "say" );
        if( iFlags & GAG_TEAMSAY )
            if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
                copy( szFrom, 63, "say_team" );
                add( szFrom, 63, " / say_team" );
        if( iFlags & GAG_VOICE )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_MUTED );
            if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
                copy( szFrom, 63, "voicecomm" );
                add( szFrom, 63, " / voicecomm" );
        new szName[ 64 ];
        if( iPlayer )
            get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 19 );
            formatex( szName, charsmax( szName ), "a non-connected player <%s>", szPlayerSteamID );
        new szInfo[ 32 ], szAdmin[ 32 ];
        get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
        if( iGagTime > 0 )
            new iLen = copy( szInfo, 31, "for " );
            GetTimeLength( iGagTime, szInfo[ iLen ], charsmax( szInfo ) - iLen );
            copy( szInfo, 31, "permanently" );
        show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has gagged %s from speaking %s! (%s)", szName, szInfo, szFrom );
        console_print( id, "You have gagged ^"%s^" (%s) !", szName, szFrom );
        log_to_file("Playermute.txt", "Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" has gagged ^"%s<%s>^" %s. (%s)", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], szName, szPlayerSteamID, szInfo, szFrom );

public CmdAddGag( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) )
        console_print( id, "Flags: a - Chat | b - Team Chat | c - Voice communications" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szArg[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
    if( !IsValidSteamID( szArg ) )
        console_print( id, "Invalid SteamID provided (%s). Must be in ^"STEAM_0:X:XXXXX^" format (remember to use quotes!)", szArg );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new iPlayer = find_player( "c", szArg );
    if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
        new szTime[ 12 ], szFlags[ 4 ];
        read_argv( 2, szTime,  charsmax( szTime  ) );
        read_argv( 3, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
        client_cmd( id, "amx_gag #%d ^"%s^" ^"%s^"", get_user_userid( iPlayer ), szTime, szFlags );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, szArg ) )
        console_print( id, "This user is already gagged!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( GetAccessBySteamID( szArg ) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY )
        console_print( id, "This user has immunity!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new data[ GagData ];
    copy( data[ GAG_STEAMID ], 34, szArg );
    get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarDefaultFlags, szArg, charsmax( szArg ) );
    new iFlags = read_flags( szArg );
    new iMaxTime = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarMaxTime );
    new iGagTime = clamp( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarDefaultTime ), 0, iMaxTime );
    read_argv( 2, szArg, 31 );
    if( szArg[ 0 ] ) // No time entered
        if( is_str_num( szArg ) ) // Seconds entered
            iGagTime = min( abs( str_to_num( szArg ) ), iMaxTime );
            console_print( id, "The value must be in seconds!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        read_argv( 3, szArg, 31 );
        if( szArg[ 0 ] )
            iFlags = read_flags( szArg );
    new iTimeUnit = GetTimeUnit( );
    // convert to seconds
    iGagTime *= g_iTimeUnitMult[ iTimeUnit ];
    data[ GAG_START ] = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    data[ GAG_TIME ]  = iGagTime;
    data[ GAG_FLAGS ] = iFlags;
    data[ GAG_SAVE ] = 1;
    TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], g_iGagged );
    ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
    new szFrom[ 64 ];
    if( iFlags & GAG_CHAT )
        copy( szFrom, 63, "say" );
    if( iFlags & GAG_TEAMSAY )
        if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
            copy( szFrom, 63, "say_team" );
            add( szFrom, 63, " / say_team" );
    if( iFlags & GAG_VOICE )
        if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
            copy( szFrom, 63, "voicecomm" );
            add( szFrom, 63, " / voicecomm" );
    if( iGagTime > 0 )
        new Float:flGametime = get_gametime( ), Float:flNextThink;
        flNextThink = entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink );
        if( !flNextThink || flNextThink > ( flGametime + iGagTime ) )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, flGametime + iGagTime );
    if( g_bUsingSQL )
        AddGag( id, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], "?", "?", iGagTime, iFlags );
        SaveToFile( );
    new szInfo[ 32 ], szAdmin[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
    if( iGagTime > 0 )
        new iLen = copy( szInfo, 31, "for " );
        GetTimeLength( iGagTime, szInfo[ iLen ], charsmax( szInfo ) - iLen );
        copy( szInfo, 31, "permanently" );
    show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has gagged a non-connected player <%s> from speaking %s! (%s)", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], szInfo, szFrom );
    console_print( id, "You have gagged ^"%s^" (%s) !", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], szFrom );
    log_to_file("Playermute.txt", "Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" has gagged a non-connected player ^"<%s>^" %s. (%s)", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], data[ GAG_STEAMID ], szInfo, szFrom );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CmdUnGagPlayer( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szArg[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
    if( szArg[ 0 ] == '@' && equali( szArg[ 1 ], "all" ) )
        if( !g_iGagged )
            console_print( id, "No gagged players!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        DeleteAllGags( );
        if( entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink ) > 0.0 )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, 0.0 );
        console_print( id, "You have ungagged all players!" );
        new szAdmin[ 32 ];
        get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
        show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged all players." );
        log_to_file("Playerunmute.txt", "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged all players.", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ] );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szArg, CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
    new iArrayPos, szName[ 32 ];
    if( !iPlayer )
        // Maybe it's a steamid
        if( !IsValidSteamID( szArg ) )
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, szArg, iArrayPos ) )
            console_print( id, "This steamid is not gagged!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        copy( szName, charsmax( szName ), szArg );
        get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, charsmax( szName ) );
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
            console_print( id, "User ^"%s^" is not gagged!", szName );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
    if( !g_bUsingSQL )
        SaveToFile( );
    new szAdmin[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
    show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged %s.", szName );
    console_print( id, "You have ungagged ^"%s^" !", szName );
    log_to_file("Playerunmute.txt", "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged ^"%s<%s>^"", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], szName, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CmdGagMenu( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 1 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    g_iMenuOption[ id ] = 0;
    arrayset( g_iMenuPlayers[ id ], 0, 32 );
    DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] = 0 );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

#define PERPAGE 6

public ActionGagMenu( const id, const iKey )
    switch( iKey )
        case 6: DisplayGagFlags( id );
        case 7:
            ++g_iMenuOption[ id ];
            g_iMenuOption[ id ] %= g_iTotalGagTimes;
            DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
        case 8: DisplayGagMenu( id, ++g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
        case 9: DisplayGagMenu( id, --g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
            new iPlayer = g_iMenuPlayers[ id ][ g_iMenuPosition[ id ] * PERPAGE + iKey ];
            if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
                if( !g_iMenuOption[ id ] )
                    new iArrayPos;
                    if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
                        DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
                        if( !g_bUsingSQL )
                            SaveToFile( );
                        new szName[ 32 ];
                        get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 31 );
                        new szAdmin[ 32 ];
                        get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
                        show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged %s.", szName );
                        console_print( id, "You have ungagged ^"%s^" !", szName );
                        log_to_file("Playerunmute.txt", "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged ^"%s<%s>^"", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], szName, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] );
                else if( !TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
                    GagPlayer( id, iPlayer, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], ArrayGetCell( g_aGagTimes, g_iMenuOption[ id ] ), g_iMenuFlags[ id ] );
            DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );

// I just copied this from AMXX Ban menu, so don't blame me :D
DisplayGagMenu( const id, iPosition )
    if( iPosition < 0 )
        arrayset( g_iMenuPlayers[ id ], 0, 32 );
    new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, iCount, szMenu[ 512 ], iPlayer, iFlags, szName[ 32 ];
    get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" ); // Ignore bots and hltv
    new iStart = iPosition * PERPAGE;
    if( iStart >= iNum )
        iStart = iPosition = g_iMenuPosition[ id ] = 0;
    new iEnd = iStart + PERPAGE, iKeys = MENU_KEY_0 | MENU_KEY_8;
    new iLen = formatex( szMenu, 511, g_bColorSupported ? "\rGag Menu\R%d/%d^n^n" : "Gag Menu %d/%d^n^n", iPosition + 1, ( ( iNum + PERPAGE - 1 ) / PERPAGE ) );
    new bool:bUngag = bool:!g_iMenuOption[ id ];
    if( iEnd > iNum ) iEnd = iNum;
    for( new i = iStart; i < iEnd; ++i )
        iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
        iFlags  = get_user_flags( iPlayer );
        get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 31 );
        if( iPlayer == id || ( iFlags & ADMIN_IMMUNITY ) || bUngag != TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
            if( g_bColorSupported )
                iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\d%d. %s^n", iCount, szName );
                iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "#. %s^n", szName );
            iKeys |= ( 1 << iCount );
            iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "\r%d.\w %s\y%s\r%s^n" : "%d. %s%s%s^n", iCount, szName, TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) ? " GAGGED" : "", ( ~iFlags & ADMIN_USER ? " *" : "" ) );
    g_iMenuPlayers[ id ] = iPlayers;
    new szFlags[ 4 ];
    get_flags( g_iMenuFlags[ id ], szFlags, 3 );
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? ( bUngag ? "^n\d7. Flags: %s" : "^n\r7.\y Flags:\w %s" ) : ( bUngag ? "^n#. Flags: %s" : "^n7. Flags: %s" ), szFlags );
    if( !bUngag )
        iKeys |= MENU_KEY_7;
        new iGagTime = ArrayGetCell( g_aGagTimes, g_iMenuOption[ id ] );
        if( iGagTime )
            new szTime[ 128 ];
            GetTimeLength( iGagTime * g_iTimeUnitMult[ GetTimeUnit( ) ], szTime, charsmax( szTime ) );
            iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r8.\y Time:\w %s^n" : "^n8. Time: %s^n", szTime );
            iLen += copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r8.\y Time: Permanent^n" : "^n8. Time: Permanent^n" );
        iLen += copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r8.\w Ungag^n" : "^n8. Ungag^n" );
    if( iEnd != iNum )
        formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r9.\w More...^n\r0.\w %s" : "^n9. More...^n0. %s", iPosition ? "Back" : "Exit" );
        iKeys |= MENU_KEY_9;
        formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r0.\w %s" : "^n0. %s", iPosition ? "Back" : "Exit" );
    show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "Gag Menu" );

public ActionGagFlags( const id, const iKey )
    switch( iKey )
        case 9: DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
            g_iMenuFlags[ id ] ^= ( 1 << iKey );
            DisplayGagFlags( id );

DisplayGagFlags( const id )
    new szMenu[ 512 ];
    new iLen = copy( szMenu, 511, g_bColorSupported ? "\rGag Flags^n^n" : "Gag Flags^n^n" );
    if( g_bColorSupported )
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r1.\w Chat: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_CHAT ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r2.\w TeamSay: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_TEAMSAY ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r3.\w Voice: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_VOICE ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "1. Chat: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_CHAT ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "2. TeamSay: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_TEAMSAY ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "3. Voice: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_VOICE ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
    copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r0. \wBack to Gag Menu" : "^n0. Back to Gag Menu" );
    show_menu( id, ( MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_0 ), szMenu, -1, "Gag Flags" );

CheckGagFlag( const id, const iFlag )
    new iArrayPos;
    if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ id ], iArrayPos ) )
        new data[ GagData ];
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
        return ( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & iFlag );
    return 0;

DeleteAllGags( )
    new data[ GagData ];
    new iPlayer;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    ArrayClear( g_aGagData );
    TrieClear( g_tArrayPos );
    g_iGagged = 0;
    if( g_bUsingSQL )
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", "TRUNCATE TABLE gagged_players" );

DeleteGag( const iArrayPos )
    new data[ GagData ];
    ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
    if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & GAG_VOICE )
        new iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    TrieDeleteKey( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
    ArrayDeleteItem( g_aGagData, iArrayPos );
    for( new i = iArrayPos; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], i );
    if( g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
        formatex( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid='%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid = '%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );

LoadFromFile( )
    new hFile = fopen( g_szGagFile, "rt" );
    if( hFile )
        new szData[ 128 ], szTime[ 16 ], szStart[ 16 ], szFlags[ 4 ];
        new data[ GagData ], iSystime = get_systime( ), iTimeLeft, iShortestTime = 999999;
        new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
        data[ GAG_SAVE   ] = 1;
        data[ GAG_NOTIFY ] = 1;
        while( !feof( hFile ) )
            fgets( hFile, szData, charsmax( szData ) );
            trim( szData );
            if( !szData[ 0 ] )
            parse( szData,
                data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ),
                szTime, charsmax( szTime ),
                szStart, charsmax( szStart ),
                szFlags, charsmax( szFlags )
            // Remove old gags
            if( contain( szStart, "." ) > 0 )
            data[ GAG_TIME ] = str_to_num( szTime );
            data[ GAG_START ] = str_to_num( szStart );
            data[ GAG_FLAGS ] = read_flags( szFlags );
            if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                iTimeLeft = data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime;
                if( iTimeLeft <= 0 )
                    bRemovedGags = true;
                if( iShortestTime > iTimeLeft )
                    iShortestTime = iTimeLeft;
            TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], g_iGagged );
            ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
        fclose( hFile );
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iShortestTime < 999999 )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iShortestTime );

SaveToFile( )
    new hFile = fopen( g_szGagFile, "wt" );
    if( hFile )
        new data[ GagData ], szFlags[ 4 ];
        for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
            ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
            if( data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
                get_flags( data[ GAG_FLAGS ], szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
                fprintf( hFile, "^"%s^" ^"%d^" ^"%d^" ^"%s^"^n", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_TIME ], data[ GAG_START ], szFlags );
        fclose( hFile );

GetTimeUnit( )
    new szTimeUnit[ 64 ], iTimeUnit;
    get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarTimeUnit, szTimeUnit, charsmax( szTimeUnit ) );
    if( is_str_num( szTimeUnit ) )
        iTimeUnit = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarTimeUnit );
        if( !( 0 <= iTimeUnit < TimeUnit ) )
            iTimeUnit = -1;
        strtolower( szTimeUnit );
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tTimeUnitWords, szTimeUnit, iTimeUnit ) )
            iTimeUnit = -1;
    if( iTimeUnit == -1 )
        iTimeUnit = TIMEUNIT_SECONDS;
        set_pcvar_num( g_pCvarTimeUnit, TIMEUNIT_SECONDS );
    return iTimeUnit;

GetTimeLength( iTime, szOutput[ ], iOutputLen )
    new szTimes[ TimeUnit ][ 32 ];
    new iUnit, iValue, iTotalDisplay;
    for( new i = TimeUnit - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        iUnit = g_iTimeUnitMult[ i ];
        iValue = iTime / iUnit;
        if( iValue )
            formatex( szTimes[ i ], charsmax( szTimes[ ] ), "%d %s", iValue, g_szTimeUnitName[ i ][ iValue != 1 ] );
            iTime %= iUnit;
    new iLen, iTotalLeft = iTotalDisplay;
    szOutput[ 0 ] = 0;
    for( new i = TimeUnit - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        if( szTimes[ i ][ 0 ] )
            iLen += formatex( szOutput[ iLen ], iOutputLen - iLen, "%s%s%s",
                ( iTotalDisplay > 2 && iLen ) ? ", " : "",
                ( iTotalDisplay > 1 && iTotalLeft == 1 ) ? ( ( iTotalDisplay > 2 ) ? "and " : " and " ) : "",
                szTimes[ i ]
    return iLen

GreenPrint( id, iSender, const szRawMessage[ ], any:... )
    if( !iSender )
        new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
        get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" );
        if( !iNum ) return;
        iSender = iPlayers[ 0 ];
    new szMessage[ 192 ];
    vformat( szMessage, charsmax( szMessage ), szRawMessage, 4 );
    message_begin( id ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST, g_iMsgSayText, _, id );
    write_byte( iSender );
    write_string( szMessage );
    message_end( );

bool:IsValidSteamID( const szSteamID[ ] )
    // STEAM_0:(0|1):\d+
    // 012345678    90
    // 0-7 = STEAM_0:
    // 8 = 0 or 1
    // 9 = :
    // 10+ = integer
    return ( ( '0' <= szSteamID[ 8 ] <= '1' ) && szSteamID[ 9 ] == ':' && equal( szSteamID, "STEAM_0:", 8 ) && is_str_num( szSteamID[ 10 ] ) );

GetAccessBySteamID( const szSteamID[ ] )
    new szAuthData[ 44 ], iCount = admins_num( );
    for( new i; i < iCount; i++ )
        if( admins_lookup( i, AdminProp_Flags ) & FLAG_AUTHID )
            admins_lookup( i, AdminProp_Auth, szAuthData, charsmax( szAuthData ) );
            if( equal( szAuthData, szSteamID ) )
                return admins_lookup( i, AdminProp_Access );
    return 0;

strtotime( const string[ ] )
    new szTemp[ 32 ];
    new szYear[ 5 ], szMonth[ 3 ], szDay[ 3 ], szHour[ 3 ], szMinute[ 3 ], szSecond[ 3 ];
    strtok( string, szYear,   charsmax( szYear   ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), '-' );
    strtok( szTemp, szMonth,  charsmax( szMonth  ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), '-' );
    strtok( szTemp, szDay,    charsmax( szDay    ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), ' ' );
    strtok( szTemp, szHour,   charsmax( szHour   ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), ':' );
    strtok( szTemp, szMinute, charsmax( szMinute ), szSecond, charsmax( szSecond ), ':' );
    return TimeToUnix( str_to_num( szYear ), str_to_num( szMonth ), str_to_num( szDay ), str_to_num( szHour ), str_to_num( szMinute ), str_to_num( szSecond ) );

AddGag( admin, const szPlayerSteamID[ ], const szPlayerName[ ], const szPlayerIP[ ], iGagTime, iFlags )
    new szAdminName[ 32 ], szAdminIP[ 16 ];
    if( admin )
        get_user_name( admin, szAdminName, charsmax( szAdminName ) );
        copy( szAdminName, charsmax( szAdminName ), "SERVER" );
    get_user_ip( admin, szAdminIP, charsmax( szAdminIP ), 1 );
    new szDateNow[ DATE_SIZE ], szDateUngag[ DATE_SIZE ];
    get_time( DATETIME_FORMAT, szDateNow, charsmax( szDateNow ) );
    format_time( szDateUngag, charsmax( szDateUngag ), DATETIME_FORMAT, get_systime( ) + iGagTime );
    new szFlags[ 4 ];
    get_flags( iFlags, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
    formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "REPLACE INTO gagged_players \
        (admin_name, admin_steamid, admin_ip, player_name, player_steamid, player_ip, date_gagged, date_ungag, gag_seconds, gag_flags) \
        VALUES \
        (^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", %d, ^"%s^")",\
        szAdminName,  g_szSteamID[ admin ], szAdminIP,\
        szPlayerName, szPlayerSteamID       , szPlayerIP,\
        szDateNow, szDateUngag, iGagTime, szFlags );
    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );

public HandleDefaultQuery( iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[ ], iError, iData[ ], iDataSize, Float:flQueueTime )
    if( iFailState != TQUERY_SUCCESS )
        switch( iFailState )
            case TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED: log_amx( "Failed to connect to database: (%d) %s", iError, szError );
            case TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED:   log_amx( "Failed to execute query: (%d) %s", iError, szError );


new const YearSeconds[ 2 ] =
    31536000,   //Normal year
    31622400    //Leap year

new const MonthSeconds[ 12 ] =
    2678400, //January  31 
    2419200, //February 28
    2678400, //March    31
    2592000, //April    30
    2678400, //May      31
    2592000, //June     30
    2678400, //July     31
    2678400, //August   31
    2592000, //September    30
    2678400, //October  31
    2592000, //November 30
    2678400  //December 31

const DaySeconds = 86400;
const HourSeconds = 3600;
const MinuteSeconds = 60;

TimeToUnix( const iYear, const iMonth, const iDay, const iHour, const iMinute, const iSecond )
    new i, iTimeStamp;

    for( i = 1970; i < iYear; i++ )
        iTimeStamp += YearSeconds[ IsLeapYear( i ) ];

    for( i = 1; i < iMonth; i++ )
        iTimeStamp += SecondsInMonth( iYear, i );

    iTimeStamp += ( ( iDay - 1 ) * DaySeconds );
    iTimeStamp += ( iHour * HourSeconds );
    iTimeStamp += ( iMinute * MinuteSeconds );
    iTimeStamp += iSecond;

    return iTimeStamp;

SecondsInMonth( const iYear , const iMonth ) 
    return ( ( IsLeapYear( iYear ) && ( iMonth == 2 ) ) ? ( MonthSeconds[ iMonth - 1 ] + DaySeconds ) : MonthSeconds[ iMonth - 1 ] );

IsLeapYear( const iYear ) 
    return ( ( ( iYear % 4 ) == 0) && ( ( ( iYear % 100 ) != 0) || ( ( iYear % 400 ) == 0 ) ) );
I am a beginner if someone could tell me where the error is that I can find how to fix it, I have been looking for 48 hours and I can't find it.

Thank you in advance.

GoRiLliAz is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2013
Old 04-23-2020 , 04:41   Re: After modification amx_gag plugins ungag does not work
Reply With Quote #2

Hi no one have a solution ?

GoRiLliAz is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: Egypt
Old 04-23-2020 , 17:18   Re: After modification amx_gag plugins ungag does not work
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by GoRiLliAz View Post

I modified the amx_gag plugins to introduce a backup of the old GAGs.
This works well, but my problem is that when I want to ungag a person it no longer works for it to work I have to do the following manipulation :

- I have to ungag the person
- the gag again
- then the ungag and its works

i use SQL, if I do not do this manipulation, the gag and always present in the database and therefore at the change of map the gag and put back on the person.
It looks like it skips the whole part where there are the query.
here is the file :

DeleteGag( const iArrayPos )
    new data[ GagData ];
    ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
    if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & GAG_VOICE )
        new iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    TrieDeleteKey( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
    ArrayDeleteItem( g_aGagData, iArrayPos );
    for( new i = iArrayPos; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], i );
    if( g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
        formatex( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid='%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid = '%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
instead of

DeleteGag( const iArrayPos )
    new data[ GagData ];
    ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
    if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & GAG_VOICE )
        new iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    TrieDeleteKey( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
    ArrayDeleteItem( g_aGagData, iArrayPos );
    for( new i = iArrayPos; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], i );
    if( g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
        formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid = '%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );

public FwdThink( const iEntity )
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
    new bool:bUsingSQL = g_bUsingSQL;
    new Array:aRemoveSteamIDs, iNumRemoveSteamIDs;
    if( bUsingSQL )
        aRemoveSteamIDs = ArrayCreate( 35 );
        g_bUsingSQL = false;
    new data[ GagData ], id, szName[ 32 ];
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 && ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) <= iSystime )
            id = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Player ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Player ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, 0, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 SteamID ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] SteamID ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            DeleteGag( i-- );
            bRemovedGags = true;
            if( bUsingSQL )
                ArrayPushString( aRemoveSteamIDs, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            log_to_file("ungagautomatique.txt", "Ungag de ^"%s^" Automatiquement GAG le ^"%d^" Fin le ^"%d^"", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_START ], data[ GAG_TIME ] );
    if( !bUsingSQL )
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iNumRemoveSteamIDs )
            new szNextt[ 64 ], iNexttLen, iDefaulttLen, iLent = iDefaulttLen = copy( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            new szNext[ 64 ], iNextLen, iDefaultLen, iLen = iDefaultLen = copy( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            for( new i = 0; i < iNumRemoveSteamIDs; i++ )
                ArrayGetString( aRemoveSteamIDs, i, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                iNexttLen = formatex( szNextt, charsmax( szNextt ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                iNextLen = formatex( szNext, charsmax( szNext ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                if( ( iLen + iNextLen + 1 ) > charsmax( szQuery ) && ( iLent + iNexttLen + 1 ) > charsmax( sz1Query ) )
                    sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';'
                    sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';'
                    szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                iLent += copy( sz1Query[ iLent ], charsmax( sz1Query ) - iLent, szNextt );
                iLen += copy( szQuery[ iLen ], charsmax( szQuery ) - iLen, szNext );
            sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';';
            sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
            szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';';
            szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
        ArrayDestroy( aRemoveSteamIDs );
        g_bUsingSQL = true;
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iNextTime = 999999;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
            iNextTime = min( iNextTime, data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime );
    if( iNextTime < 999999 )
        entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iNextTime );
instead of

public FwdThink( const iEntity )
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
    new bool:bUsingSQL = g_bUsingSQL;
    new Array:aRemoveSteamIDs, iNumRemoveSteamIDs;
    if( bUsingSQL )
        aRemoveSteamIDs = ArrayCreate( 35 );
        g_bUsingSQL = false;
    new data[ GagData ], id, szName[ 32 ];
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 && ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) <= iSystime )
            id = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Player ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Player ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, 0, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 SteamID ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] SteamID ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            DeleteGag( i-- );
            bRemovedGags = true;
            if( bUsingSQL )
                ArrayPushString( aRemoveSteamIDs, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            log_to_file("ungagautomatique.txt", "Ungag de ^"%s^" Automatiquement GAG le ^"%d^" Fin le ^"%d^"", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_START ], data[ GAG_TIME ] );
    if( !bUsingSQL )
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iNumRemoveSteamIDs )
            new szNext[ 64 ], iNextLen, iDefaultLen, iLen = iDefaultLen = copy( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            for( new i = 0; i < iNumRemoveSteamIDs; i++ )
                ArrayGetString( aRemoveSteamIDs, i, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                iNextLen = formatex( szNext, charsmax( szNext ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                if( ( iLen + iNextLen + 1 ) > charsmax( szQuery ) && ( iLent + iNexttLen + 1 ) > charsmax( sz1Query ) )
                    szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';'
                    szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                iLen += copy( szQuery[ iLen ], charsmax( szQuery ) - iLen, szNext );
            szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';';
            szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
        ArrayDestroy( aRemoveSteamIDs );
        g_bUsingSQL = true;
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iNextTime = 999999;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
            iNextTime = min( iNextTime, data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime );
    if( iNextTime < 999999 )
        entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iNextTime );
the whole file with the modifications

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < engine >
#include < sqlx >

#define MAX_PLAYERS 32

#define MAX_PATTERN_LEN 255

enum ( <<= 1 )
    GAG_CHAT = 1,

enum _:GagData
    GAG_STEAMID[ 35 ],

enum _:TimeUnit

new const g_szTimeUnitName[ TimeUnit ][ 2 ][ ] =
    { "second", "seconds" },
    { "minute", "minutes" },
    { "hour",   "hours"   },
    { "day",    "days"    },
    { "week",   "weeks"   }

new const g_iTimeUnitMult[ TimeUnit ] =

new const DATETIME_FORMAT[ ] = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
const DATE_SIZE = 20; 
new Array:g_aGagTimes;
new Array:g_aGagData;
new Trie:g_tArrayPos;
new Trie:g_tTimeUnitWords;

new g_iGagged;
new g_iThinker;
new g_iTotalGagTimes;
new g_iMsgSayText;

new g_szSteamID[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ 35 ];
new g_iMenuOption[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new g_iMenuPosition[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new g_iMenuPlayers[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ 32 ];
new g_iMenuFlags[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];

new g_szGagFile[ 64 ];

new bool:g_bColorSupported;

new g_pCvarDefaultFlags;
new g_pCvarDefaultTime;
new g_pCvarTimeUnit;
new g_pCvarMaxTime;
new g_pCvarSQL;
new g_pCvarSQLHost;
new g_pCvarSQLUser;
new g_pCvarSQLPass;
new g_pCvarSQLDb;

new bool:g_bUsingSQL = false;
new Handle:g_hSqlTuple;

new szQuery[ 1024 ];
new sz1Query[ 1024 ];

public plugin_init( )
    register_plugin( "AMXX Gag", "1.5.0", "xPaw & Exolent" );
    register_clcmd( "say",        "CmdSay" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team",   "CmdTeamSay" );
    register_concmd( "amx_gag",       "CmdGagPlayer",   ADMIN_KICK, "<nick or #userid> <time> <a|b|c> -- Use 0 time for permanent" );
    register_concmd( "amx_addgag",    "CmdAddGag",      ADMIN_KICK, "<authid> <time> <a|b|c> -- Use 0 time for permanent" );
    register_concmd( "amx_ungag",     "CmdUnGagPlayer", ADMIN_KICK, "<nick or #userid>" );
    register_concmd( "amx_gagmenu",   "CmdGagMenu",     ADMIN_KICK, "- displays gag menu" );
    register_srvcmd( "amx_gag_times", "CmdSetBanTimes" );
    register_menu( "Gag Menu", 1023, "ActionGagMenu" );
    register_menu( "Gag Flags", 1023, "ActionGagFlags" );
    register_message( get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), "MessageSayText" );
    g_pCvarDefaultFlags = register_cvar( "amx_gag_default_flags", "abc"   );
    g_pCvarDefaultTime  = register_cvar( "amx_gag_default_time",  "600"   );
    g_pCvarTimeUnit     = register_cvar( "amx_gag_time_units",    "0"     );
    g_pCvarMaxTime      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_max_time",      "86400" );
    g_pCvarSQL          = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql",           "0"     );
    g_pCvarSQLHost      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_host",      ""      );
    g_pCvarSQLUser      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_user",      ""      );
    g_pCvarSQLPass      = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_pass",      ""      );
    g_pCvarSQLDb        = register_cvar( "amx_gag_sql_db",        ""      );
    g_tArrayPos       = TrieCreate( );
    g_aGagTimes       = ArrayCreate( );
    g_aGagData        = ArrayCreate( GagData );
    g_bColorSupported = bool:colored_menus( );
    g_iMsgSayText     = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
    // Let words work with the time unit cvar
    g_tTimeUnitWords = TrieCreate( );
    for( new i = 0; i < TimeUnit; i++ )
        TrieSetCell( g_tTimeUnitWords, g_szTimeUnitName[ i ][ 0 ], i );
        TrieSetCell( g_tTimeUnitWords, g_szTimeUnitName[ i ][ 1 ], i );
    // This is used for ungag in the menu
    ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 0 );
    // Gag times for the gag menu (amx_gagmenu)
    // Default values: 60 300 600 1800 3600 7200 86400
    new const iDefaultTimes[ ] = { 60, 300, 600, 1800, 3600, 7200, 86400, 0 };
    // Load up standart times
    for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( iDefaultTimes ); i++ )
        ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, iDefaultTimes[ i ] );
    g_iTotalGagTimes = sizeof( iDefaultTimes ) + 1;
    // Set up entity-thinker
    new const szClassName[ ] = "gag_thinker";
    g_iThinker = create_entity( "info_target" );
    entity_set_string( g_iThinker, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName );
    register_think( szClassName, "FwdThink" );
    // Load gags from file
    get_datadir( g_szGagFile, charsmax( g_szGagFile ) );
    add( g_szGagFile, charsmax( g_szGagFile ), "/gags.txt" );
    // Set server's SteamID to "SERVER"
    copy( g_szSteamID[ 0 ], charsmax( g_szSteamID[ ] ), "SERVER" );

public plugin_natives( )
    register_library( "amx_gag" );
    register_native( "is_user_gagged" , "_is_user_gagged"  );
    register_native( "set_user_gagged", "_set_user_gagged" );
    register_native( "get_gagtime"    , "_get_gagtime"     );
    register_native( "gag_check" , "_gag_check"  );
    register_native( "gag_add"   , "_gag_add"    );
    register_native( "gag_remove", "_gag_remove" );

public _is_user_gagged( iPlugin, iParams )
    new iPlayer = get_param( 1 );
    return ( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) && TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) );

public _set_user_gagged( iPlugin, iParams )
    new iPlayer  = get_param( 1 );
    new bGagged  = get_param( 2 );
    new iSeconds = get_param( 3 );
    new bSave    = get_param( 4 );
    new iFlags   = get_param( 5 );
    if( !is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
        return 0;
    if( bGagged )
        if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
            return 0;
        GagPlayer( 0, iPlayer, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iSeconds, iFlags, bSave, 0 );
        new iArrayPos;
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
            return 0;
        new data[ GagData ];
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
        DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
        if( !g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
            SaveToFile( );
    return 1;

public _get_gagtime( iPlugin, iParams )
    new iPlayer = get_param( 1 );
    new iTime = 0;
    if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
        new iArrayPos;
        if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
            new data[ GagData ];
            ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
            if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                iTime = data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - ( get_systime( ) + 7200 );
    return iTime;

public _gag_check( iPlugin, iParams )
    new szSteamID[ 35 ];
    get_string( 1, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ) );
    return _:TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, szSteamID );

public _gag_add( iPlugin, iParams )
    new szSteamID[ 35 ];
    get_string( 1, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ) );
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, szSteamID ) )
        return 0;
    new iSeconds = get_param( 2 );
    new bSave    = get_param( 3 );
    new iFlags   = get_param( 4 );
    GagPlayer( 0, 0, szSteamID, iSeconds, iFlags, bSave, 0 );
    return 1;

public _gag_remove( iPlugin, iParams )
    new szSteamID[ 35 ];
    get_string( 1, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ) );
    new iArrayPos;
    if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, szSteamID, iArrayPos ) )
        return 0;
    DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
    return 1;

public plugin_cfg( )
    // Check SQL

    InitSQL( );

    if( !g_bUsingSQL )
        // If not using SQL, load from file
        LoadFromFile( );

InitSQL( )
    // Init SQL after configs were executed
    if( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarSQL ) )
        new szHost[ 64 ], szUser[ 64 ], szPass[ 64 ], szDb[ 64 ];
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLHost, szHost, charsmax( szHost ) );
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLUser, szUser, charsmax( szUser ) );
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLPass, szPass, charsmax( szPass ) );
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarSQLDb,   szDb,   charsmax( szDb   ) );
        g_hSqlTuple = SQL_MakeDbTuple( szHost, szUser, szPass, szDb );
        if( g_hSqlTuple == Empty_Handle ) return;
        // admin_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL
        // admin_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL
        // admin_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
        // player_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL
        // player_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
        // player_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
        // date_gagged DATETIME NOT NULL
        // date_ungag DATETIME NOT NULL
        // gag_seconds INT NOT NULL
        // gag_flags VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL
        new iError, szError[ 128 ];
        new Handle:hDb = SQL_Connect( g_hSqlTuple, iError, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
        if( hDb == Empty_Handle )
            log_amx( "Failed to connect to database: (%d) %s", iError, szError );
        new Handle:hQuery = SQL_PrepareQuery( hDb, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gagged_players (\
            admin_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,\
            admin_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL,\
            admin_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,\
            player_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,\
            player_steamid VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\
            player_ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,\
            date_gagged DATETIME NOT NULL,\
            date_ungag DATETIME NOT NULL,\
            gag_seconds INT NOT NULL,\
            gag_flags VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL);" );
        if( !SQL_Execute( hQuery ) )
            SQL_QueryError( hQuery, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
            log_amx( "Failed create table query: %s", szError );
            SQL_FreeHandle( hQuery );
            new szDate[ DATE_SIZE ];
            get_time( DATETIME_FORMAT, szDate, charsmax( szDate ) );
            // Load all users
            hQuery = SQL_PrepareQuery( hDb, "SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE date_ungag;", szDate );
            if( !SQL_Execute( hQuery ) )
                SQL_QueryError( hQuery, szError, charsmax( szError ) );
                log_amx( "Failed load gags query: %s", szError );
                g_bUsingSQL = true;
                if( SQL_NumResults( hQuery ) )
                    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
                    new iShortestTime = 999999;
                    new data[ GagData ];
                    new szFlags[ 4 ];
                    new iTimeLeft;
                    data[ GAG_SAVE   ] = 1;
                    data[ GAG_NOTIFY ] = 1;
                    new iFieldSteamID = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "player_steamid" );
                    new iFieldDateGagged = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "date_gagged" );
                    new iFieldGagTime = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "gag_seconds" );
                    new iFieldGagFlags = SQL_FieldNameToNum( hQuery, "gag_flags" );
                    while( SQL_MoreResults( hQuery ) )
                        SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldSteamID, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                        SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldDateGagged, szDate, charsmax( szDate ) );
                        data[ GAG_TIME ] = SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldGagTime );
                        SQL_ReadResult( hQuery, iFieldGagFlags, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
                        data[ GAG_START ] = strtotime( szDate );
                        data[ GAG_FLAGS ] = read_flags( szFlags );
                        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                            iTimeLeft = data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime;
                            if( iShortestTime > iTimeLeft )
                                iShortestTime = iTimeLeft;

                        ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
                        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], g_iGagged );
                        SQL_NextRow( hQuery );
                    if( iShortestTime < 999999 )
                        entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iShortestTime );
        SQL_FreeHandle( hQuery );
        SQL_FreeHandle( hDb );

public plugin_end( )
    TrieDestroy( g_tArrayPos );
    ArrayDestroy( g_aGagData );
    ArrayDestroy( g_aGagTimes );
    TrieDestroy( g_tTimeUnitWords );

public CmdSetBanTimes( )
    new iArgs = read_argc( );
    if( iArgs <= 1 )
        server_print( "Usage: amx_gag_times <time1> [time2] [time3] ..." );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    ArrayClear( g_aGagTimes );
    // This is used for ungag in the menu
    ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 0 );
    g_iTotalGagTimes = 1;
    // Get max time allowed
    new iTimeLimit = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarMaxTime );
    new szBuffer[ 32 ], iTime;
    for( new i = 1; i < iArgs; i++ )
        read_argv( i, szBuffer, 31 );
        if( !is_str_num( szBuffer ) )
            server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time must be an integer! (%s)", szBuffer );
        iTime = str_to_num( szBuffer );
        if( iTime < 0 )
            server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time must be a positive integer! (%d)", iTime );
        if( 0 < iTimeLimit < iTime )
            server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time more then %d is not allowed! (%d)", iTimeLimit, iTime );
        ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, iTime );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public client_putinserver( id )
    if( CheckGagFlag( id, GAG_VOICE ) )
        set_speak( id, SPEAK_MUTED );
    // Default flags are "abc"
    g_iMenuFlags[ id ] = GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY | GAG_VOICE;

public client_authorized( id )
    get_user_authid( id, g_szSteamID[ id ], 34 );

public client_disconnected( id )
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ id ] ) )
        new szName[ 32 ];
        get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
        new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, iPlayer;
        get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" );
        for( new i; i < iNum; i++ )
            iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
            if( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & ADMIN_KICK )
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( iPlayer, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Gagged player ^"^3%s^1<^4%s^1>^" has disconnected!", szName, g_szSteamID[ id ] );
                    client_print( iPlayer, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Gagged player ^"%s<%s>^" has disconnected!", szName, g_szSteamID[ id ] );
    g_szSteamID[ id ][ 0 ] = '^0';

public client_infochanged( id )
    if( !CheckGagFlag( id, ( GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY ) ) )
    static const name[ ] = "name";
    static szNewName[ 32 ], szOldName[ 32 ];
    get_user_info( id, name, szNewName, 31 );
    get_user_name( id, szOldName, 31 );
    if( !equal( szNewName, szOldName ) )
        if( g_bColorSupported )
            GreenPrint( id, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Gagged players cannot change their names!" );
            client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Gagged players cannot change their names!" );
        set_user_info( id, name, szOldName );

public MessageSayText( )
    static const Cstrike_Name_Change[ ] = "#Cstrike_Name_Change";
    new szMessage[ sizeof( Cstrike_Name_Change ) + 1 ];
    get_msg_arg_string( 2, szMessage, charsmax( szMessage ) );
    if( equal( szMessage, Cstrike_Name_Change ) )
        new szName[ 32 ], id;
        for( new i = 3; i <= 4; i++ )
            get_msg_arg_string( i, szName, 31 );
            id = get_user_index( szName );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                if( CheckGagFlag( id, ( GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY ) ) )
                    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public FwdThink( const iEntity )
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
    new bool:bUsingSQL = g_bUsingSQL;
    new Array:aRemoveSteamIDs, iNumRemoveSteamIDs;
    if( bUsingSQL )
        aRemoveSteamIDs = ArrayCreate( 35 );
        g_bUsingSQL = false;
    new data[ GagData ], id, szName[ 32 ];
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 && ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) <= iSystime )
            id = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            if( is_user_connected( id ) )
                get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 Player ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] Player ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", szName );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( 0, 0, "^4[AMXX GAG]^1 SteamID ^"^3%s^1^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                    client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] SteamID ^"%s^" is no longer gagged", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            DeleteGag( i-- );
            bRemovedGags = true;
            if( bUsingSQL )
                ArrayPushString( aRemoveSteamIDs, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
            log_to_file("ungagautomatique.txt", "Ungag de ^"%s^" Automatiquement GAG le ^"%d^" Fin le ^"%d^"", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_START ], data[ GAG_TIME ] );
    if( !bUsingSQL )
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iNumRemoveSteamIDs )
            new szNextt[ 64 ], iNexttLen, iDefaulttLen, iLent = iDefaulttLen = copy( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            new szNext[ 64 ], iNextLen, iDefaultLen, iLen = iDefaultLen = copy( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE " );
            for( new i = 0; i < iNumRemoveSteamIDs; i++ )
                ArrayGetString( aRemoveSteamIDs, i, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ) );
                iNexttLen = formatex( szNextt, charsmax( szNextt ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                iNextLen = formatex( szNext, charsmax( szNext ), "%splayer_steamid = ^"%s^"", i ? " OR " : "", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
                if( ( iLen + iNextLen + 1 ) > charsmax( szQuery ) && ( iLent + iNexttLen + 1 ) > charsmax( sz1Query ) )
                    sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';'
                    sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';'
                    szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
                    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    sz1Query[ ( iLent = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaulttLen ) ] = 0;
                    szQuery[ ( iLen = iDefaultLen ) ] = 0;
                iLent += copy( sz1Query[ iLent ], charsmax( sz1Query ) - iLent, szNextt );
                iLen += copy( szQuery[ iLen ], charsmax( szQuery ) - iLen, szNext );
            sz1Query[ iLent++ ] = ';';
            sz1Query[ iLent ] = 0;
            szQuery[ iLen++ ] = ';';
            szQuery[ iLen ] = 0;
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
            SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );
        ArrayDestroy( aRemoveSteamIDs );
        g_bUsingSQL = true;
    if( !g_iGagged )
    new iNextTime = 999999;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
            iNextTime = min( iNextTime, data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime );
    if( iNextTime < 999999 )
        entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iNextTime );

public CmdSay( const id )
    return CheckSay( id, 0 );

public CmdTeamSay( const id )
    return CheckSay( id, 1 );

CheckSay( const id, const bIsTeam )
    new iArrayPos;
    if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ id ], iArrayPos ) )
        new data[ GagData ];
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
        new const iFlags[ ] = { GAG_CHAT, GAG_TEAMSAY };
        if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & iFlags[ bIsTeam ] )
            if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                new iSystime = get_systime( ) + 7200;
                new szInfo[ 128 ], iTime = ( data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] ) - iSystime;
                GetTimeLength( iTime, szInfo, charsmax( szInfo ) );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( id, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^3 %s^1 left before your ungag!", szInfo );
                    client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] %s left before your ungag!", szInfo );
                if( g_bColorSupported )
                    GreenPrint( id, id, "^4[AMXX GAG]^3 You are gagged permanently!" );
                    client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX GAG] You are gagged permanently!" );
            client_print( id, print_center, "** You are gagged from%s chat! **", bIsTeam ? " team" : "" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CmdGagPlayer( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) )
        console_print( id, "Flags: a - Chat | b - Team Chat | c - Voice communications" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szArg[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
    new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szArg, CMDTARGET_OBEY_IMMUNITY | CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
    if( !iPlayer )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szName[ 20 ];
    get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 19 );
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
        console_print( id, "User ^"%s^" is already gagged!", szName );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new iFlags;
    new iGagTime = -1;
    read_argv( 2, szArg, 31 );
    if( szArg[ 0 ] ) // No time entered
        if( is_str_num( szArg ) ) // Seconds entered
            iGagTime = abs( str_to_num( szArg ) );
            console_print( id, "The value must be in seconds!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        read_argv( 3, szArg, 31 );
        if( szArg[ 0 ] )
            iFlags = read_flags( szArg );
    GagPlayer( id, iPlayer, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iGagTime, iFlags );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

GagPlayer( id, iPlayer, const szPlayerSteamID[ ], iGagTime, iFlags, bSave=1, bNotify=1 )
    new iMaxTime = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarMaxTime );
    if( iGagTime == -1 )
        iGagTime = clamp( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarDefaultTime ), 0, iMaxTime );
    if( iGagTime )
        new iTimeUnit = GetTimeUnit( );
        iGagTime = clamp( iGagTime, 1, iMaxTime ) * g_iTimeUnitMult[ iTimeUnit ];
    if( !iFlags )
        new szFlags[ 27 ];
        get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarDefaultFlags, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
        iFlags = read_flags( szFlags );
    new data[ GagData ];
    data[ GAG_START ]  = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    data[ GAG_TIME ]   = iGagTime;
    data[ GAG_FLAGS ]  = iFlags;
    data[ GAG_SAVE ]   = bSave;
    data[ GAG_NOTIFY ] = bNotify;
    copy( data[ GAG_STEAMID ], 34, szPlayerSteamID );
    TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, szPlayerSteamID, g_iGagged );
    ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
    if( iGagTime > 0 )
        new Float:flGametime = get_gametime( ), Float:flNextThink;
        flNextThink = entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink );
        if( !flNextThink || flNextThink > ( flGametime + iGagTime ) )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, flGametime + iGagTime );
    if( bSave )
        if( g_bUsingSQL )
            new szPlayerName[ 32 ], szPlayerIP[ 32 ];
            if( iPlayer )
                get_user_name( iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax( szPlayerName ) );
                get_user_ip( iPlayer, szPlayerIP, charsmax( szPlayerIP ), 1 );
                szPlayerName[ 0 ] = szPlayerIP[ 0 ] = '?';
            AddGag( id, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], szPlayerName, szPlayerIP, iGagTime, iFlags );
            SaveToFile( );
    if( bNotify )
        new szFrom[ 64 ];
        if( iFlags & GAG_CHAT )
            copy( szFrom, 63, "say" );
        if( iFlags & GAG_TEAMSAY )
            if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
                copy( szFrom, 63, "say_team" );
                add( szFrom, 63, " / say_team" );
        if( iFlags & GAG_VOICE )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_MUTED );
            if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
                copy( szFrom, 63, "voicecomm" );
                add( szFrom, 63, " / voicecomm" );
        new szName[ 64 ];
        if( iPlayer )
            get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 19 );
            formatex( szName, charsmax( szName ), "a non-connected player <%s>", szPlayerSteamID );
        new szInfo[ 32 ], szAdmin[ 32 ];
        get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
        if( iGagTime > 0 )
            new iLen = copy( szInfo, 31, "for " );
            GetTimeLength( iGagTime, szInfo[ iLen ], charsmax( szInfo ) - iLen );
            copy( szInfo, 31, "permanently" );
        show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has gagged %s from speaking %s! (%s)", szName, szInfo, szFrom );
        console_print( id, "You have gagged ^"%s^" (%s) !", szName, szFrom );
        log_to_file("Playermute.txt", "Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" has gagged ^"%s<%s>^" %s. (%s)", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], szName, szPlayerSteamID, szInfo, szFrom );

public CmdAddGag( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) )
        console_print( id, "Flags: a - Chat | b - Team Chat | c - Voice communications" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szArg[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
    if( !IsValidSteamID( szArg ) )
        console_print( id, "Invalid SteamID provided (%s). Must be in ^"STEAM_0:X:XXXXX^" format (remember to use quotes!)", szArg );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new iPlayer = find_player( "c", szArg );
    if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
        new szTime[ 12 ], szFlags[ 4 ];
        read_argv( 2, szTime,  charsmax( szTime  ) );
        read_argv( 3, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
        client_cmd( id, "amx_gag #%d ^"%s^" ^"%s^"", get_user_userid( iPlayer ), szTime, szFlags );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, szArg ) )
        console_print( id, "This user is already gagged!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if( GetAccessBySteamID( szArg ) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY )
        console_print( id, "This user has immunity!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new data[ GagData ];
    copy( data[ GAG_STEAMID ], 34, szArg );
    get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarDefaultFlags, szArg, charsmax( szArg ) );
    new iFlags = read_flags( szArg );
    new iMaxTime = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarMaxTime );
    new iGagTime = clamp( get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarDefaultTime ), 0, iMaxTime );
    read_argv( 2, szArg, 31 );
    if( szArg[ 0 ] ) // No time entered
        if( is_str_num( szArg ) ) // Seconds entered
            iGagTime = min( abs( str_to_num( szArg ) ), iMaxTime );
            console_print( id, "The value must be in seconds!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        read_argv( 3, szArg, 31 );
        if( szArg[ 0 ] )
            iFlags = read_flags( szArg );
    new iTimeUnit = GetTimeUnit( );
    // convert to seconds
    iGagTime *= g_iTimeUnitMult[ iTimeUnit ];
    data[ GAG_START ] = get_systime( ) + 7200;
    data[ GAG_TIME ]  = iGagTime;
    data[ GAG_FLAGS ] = iFlags;
    data[ GAG_SAVE ] = 1;
    TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], g_iGagged );
    ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
    new szFrom[ 64 ];
    if( iFlags & GAG_CHAT )
        copy( szFrom, 63, "say" );
    if( iFlags & GAG_TEAMSAY )
        if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
            copy( szFrom, 63, "say_team" );
            add( szFrom, 63, " / say_team" );
    if( iFlags & GAG_VOICE )
        if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
            copy( szFrom, 63, "voicecomm" );
            add( szFrom, 63, " / voicecomm" );
    if( iGagTime > 0 )
        new Float:flGametime = get_gametime( ), Float:flNextThink;
        flNextThink = entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink );
        if( !flNextThink || flNextThink > ( flGametime + iGagTime ) )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, flGametime + iGagTime );
    if( g_bUsingSQL )
        AddGag( id, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], "?", "?", iGagTime, iFlags );
        SaveToFile( );
    new szInfo[ 32 ], szAdmin[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
    if( iGagTime > 0 )
        new iLen = copy( szInfo, 31, "for " );
        GetTimeLength( iGagTime, szInfo[ iLen ], charsmax( szInfo ) - iLen );
        copy( szInfo, 31, "permanently" );
    show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has gagged a non-connected player <%s> from speaking %s! (%s)", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], szInfo, szFrom );
    console_print( id, "You have gagged ^"%s^" (%s) !", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], szFrom );
    log_to_file("Playermute.txt", "Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" has gagged a non-connected player ^"<%s>^" %s. (%s)", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], data[ GAG_STEAMID ], szInfo, szFrom );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CmdUnGagPlayer( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new szArg[ 32 ];
    read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
    if( szArg[ 0 ] == '@' && equali( szArg[ 1 ], "all" ) )
        if( !g_iGagged )
            console_print( id, "No gagged players!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        DeleteAllGags( );
        if( entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink ) > 0.0 )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, 0.0 );
        console_print( id, "You have ungagged all players!" );
        new szAdmin[ 32 ];
        get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
        show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged all players." );
        log_to_file("Playerunmute.txt", "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged all players.", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ] );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szArg, CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
    new iArrayPos, szName[ 32 ];
    if( !iPlayer )
        // Maybe it's a steamid
        if( !IsValidSteamID( szArg ) )
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, szArg, iArrayPos ) )
            console_print( id, "This steamid is not gagged!" );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        copy( szName, charsmax( szName ), szArg );
        get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, charsmax( szName ) );
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
            console_print( id, "User ^"%s^" is not gagged!", szName );
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
    if( !g_bUsingSQL )
        SaveToFile( );
    new szAdmin[ 32 ];
    get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
    show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged %s.", szName );
    console_print( id, "You have ungagged ^"%s^" !", szName );
    log_to_file("Playerunmute.txt", "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged ^"%s<%s>^"", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], szName, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CmdGagMenu( const id, const iLevel, const iCid )
    if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 1 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    g_iMenuOption[ id ] = 0;
    arrayset( g_iMenuPlayers[ id ], 0, 32 );
    DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] = 0 );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

#define PERPAGE 6

public ActionGagMenu( const id, const iKey )
    switch( iKey )
        case 6: DisplayGagFlags( id );
        case 7:
            ++g_iMenuOption[ id ];
            g_iMenuOption[ id ] %= g_iTotalGagTimes;
            DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
        case 8: DisplayGagMenu( id, ++g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
        case 9: DisplayGagMenu( id, --g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
            new iPlayer = g_iMenuPlayers[ id ][ g_iMenuPosition[ id ] * PERPAGE + iKey ];
            if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
                if( !g_iMenuOption[ id ] )
                    new iArrayPos;
                    if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) )
                        DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
                        if( !g_bUsingSQL )
                            SaveToFile( );
                        new szName[ 32 ];
                        get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 31 );
                        new szAdmin[ 32 ];
                        get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
                        show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged %s.", szName );
                        console_print( id, "You have ungagged ^"%s^" !", szName );
                        log_to_file("Playerunmute.txt", "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged ^"%s<%s>^"", szAdmin, g_szSteamID[ id ], szName, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] );
                else if( !TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
                    GagPlayer( id, iPlayer, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ], ArrayGetCell( g_aGagTimes, g_iMenuOption[ id ] ), g_iMenuFlags[ id ] );
            DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );

// I just copied this from AMXX Ban menu, so don't blame me :D
DisplayGagMenu( const id, iPosition )
    if( iPosition < 0 )
        arrayset( g_iMenuPlayers[ id ], 0, 32 );
    new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, iCount, szMenu[ 512 ], iPlayer, iFlags, szName[ 32 ];
    get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" ); // Ignore bots and hltv
    new iStart = iPosition * PERPAGE;
    if( iStart >= iNum )
        iStart = iPosition = g_iMenuPosition[ id ] = 0;
    new iEnd = iStart + PERPAGE, iKeys = MENU_KEY_0 | MENU_KEY_8;
    new iLen = formatex( szMenu, 511, g_bColorSupported ? "\rGag Menu\R%d/%d^n^n" : "Gag Menu %d/%d^n^n", iPosition + 1, ( ( iNum + PERPAGE - 1 ) / PERPAGE ) );
    new bool:bUngag = bool:!g_iMenuOption[ id ];
    if( iEnd > iNum ) iEnd = iNum;
    for( new i = iStart; i < iEnd; ++i )
        iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
        iFlags  = get_user_flags( iPlayer );
        get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 31 );
        if( iPlayer == id || ( iFlags & ADMIN_IMMUNITY ) || bUngag != TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) )
            if( g_bColorSupported )
                iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\d%d. %s^n", iCount, szName );
                iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "#. %s^n", szName );
            iKeys |= ( 1 << iCount );
            iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "\r%d.\w %s\y%s\r%s^n" : "%d. %s%s%s^n", iCount, szName, TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ iPlayer ] ) ? " GAGGED" : "", ( ~iFlags & ADMIN_USER ? " *" : "" ) );
    g_iMenuPlayers[ id ] = iPlayers;
    new szFlags[ 4 ];
    get_flags( g_iMenuFlags[ id ], szFlags, 3 );
    iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? ( bUngag ? "^n\d7. Flags: %s" : "^n\r7.\y Flags:\w %s" ) : ( bUngag ? "^n#. Flags: %s" : "^n7. Flags: %s" ), szFlags );
    if( !bUngag )
        iKeys |= MENU_KEY_7;
        new iGagTime = ArrayGetCell( g_aGagTimes, g_iMenuOption[ id ] );
        if( iGagTime )
            new szTime[ 128 ];
            GetTimeLength( iGagTime * g_iTimeUnitMult[ GetTimeUnit( ) ], szTime, charsmax( szTime ) );
            iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r8.\y Time:\w %s^n" : "^n8. Time: %s^n", szTime );
            iLen += copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r8.\y Time: Permanent^n" : "^n8. Time: Permanent^n" );
        iLen += copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r8.\w Ungag^n" : "^n8. Ungag^n" );
    if( iEnd != iNum )
        formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r9.\w More...^n\r0.\w %s" : "^n9. More...^n0. %s", iPosition ? "Back" : "Exit" );
        iKeys |= MENU_KEY_9;
        formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r0.\w %s" : "^n0. %s", iPosition ? "Back" : "Exit" );
    show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "Gag Menu" );

public ActionGagFlags( const id, const iKey )
    switch( iKey )
        case 9: DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
            g_iMenuFlags[ id ] ^= ( 1 << iKey );
            DisplayGagFlags( id );

DisplayGagFlags( const id )
    new szMenu[ 512 ];
    new iLen = copy( szMenu, 511, g_bColorSupported ? "\rGag Flags^n^n" : "Gag Flags^n^n" );
    if( g_bColorSupported )
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r1.\w Chat: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_CHAT ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r2.\w TeamSay: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_TEAMSAY ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r3.\w Voice: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_VOICE ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "1. Chat: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_CHAT ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "2. TeamSay: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_TEAMSAY ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
        iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "3. Voice: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_VOICE ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
    copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColorSupported ? "^n\r0. \wBack to Gag Menu" : "^n0. Back to Gag Menu" );
    show_menu( id, ( MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_0 ), szMenu, -1, "Gag Flags" );

CheckGagFlag( const id, const iFlag )
    new iArrayPos;
    if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szSteamID[ id ], iArrayPos ) )
        new data[ GagData ];
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
        return ( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & iFlag );
    return 0;

DeleteAllGags( )
    new data[ GagData ];
    new iPlayer;
    for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    ArrayClear( g_aGagData );
    TrieClear( g_tArrayPos );
    g_iGagged = 0;
    if( g_bUsingSQL )
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", "TRUNCATE TABLE gagged_players" );

DeleteGag( const iArrayPos )
    new data[ GagData ];
    ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
    if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & GAG_VOICE )
        new iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
            set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
    TrieDeleteKey( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
    ArrayDeleteItem( g_aGagData, iArrayPos );
    for( new i = iArrayPos; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
        ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], i );
    if( g_bUsingSQL && data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
        formatex( sz1Query, charsmax( sz1Query ), "INSERT INTO archive_gagged SELECT * FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid='%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "DELETE FROM gagged_players WHERE player_steamid = '%s'", data[ GAG_STEAMID ] );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", sz1Query );
        SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );

LoadFromFile( )
    new hFile = fopen( g_szGagFile, "rt" );
    if( hFile )
        new szData[ 128 ], szTime[ 16 ], szStart[ 16 ], szFlags[ 4 ];
        new data[ GagData ], iSystime = get_systime( ), iTimeLeft, iShortestTime = 999999;
        new bool:bRemovedGags = false;
        data[ GAG_SAVE   ] = 1;
        data[ GAG_NOTIFY ] = 1;
        while( !feof( hFile ) )
            fgets( hFile, szData, charsmax( szData ) );
            trim( szData );
            if( !szData[ 0 ] )
            parse( szData,
                data[ GAG_STEAMID ], charsmax( data[ GAG_STEAMID ] ),
                szTime, charsmax( szTime ),
                szStart, charsmax( szStart ),
                szFlags, charsmax( szFlags )
            // Remove old gags
            if( contain( szStart, "." ) > 0 )
            data[ GAG_TIME ] = str_to_num( szTime );
            data[ GAG_START ] = str_to_num( szStart );
            data[ GAG_FLAGS ] = read_flags( szFlags );
            if( data[ GAG_TIME ] > 0 )
                iTimeLeft = data[ GAG_START ] + data[ GAG_TIME ] - iSystime;
                if( iTimeLeft <= 0 )
                    bRemovedGags = true;
                if( iShortestTime > iTimeLeft )
                    iShortestTime = iTimeLeft;
            TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_STEAMID ], g_iGagged );
            ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
        fclose( hFile );
        if( bRemovedGags )
            SaveToFile( );
        if( iShortestTime < 999999 )
            entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + iShortestTime );

SaveToFile( )
    new hFile = fopen( g_szGagFile, "wt" );
    if( hFile )
        new data[ GagData ], szFlags[ 4 ];
        for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ )
            ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
            if( data[ GAG_SAVE ] )
                get_flags( data[ GAG_FLAGS ], szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
                fprintf( hFile, "^"%s^" ^"%d^" ^"%d^" ^"%s^"^n", data[ GAG_STEAMID ], data[ GAG_TIME ], data[ GAG_START ], szFlags );
        fclose( hFile );

GetTimeUnit( )
    new szTimeUnit[ 64 ], iTimeUnit;
    get_pcvar_string( g_pCvarTimeUnit, szTimeUnit, charsmax( szTimeUnit ) );
    if( is_str_num( szTimeUnit ) )
        iTimeUnit = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvarTimeUnit );
        if( !( 0 <= iTimeUnit < TimeUnit ) )
            iTimeUnit = -1;
        strtolower( szTimeUnit );
        if( !TrieGetCell( g_tTimeUnitWords, szTimeUnit, iTimeUnit ) )
            iTimeUnit = -1;
    if( iTimeUnit == -1 )
        iTimeUnit = TIMEUNIT_SECONDS;
        set_pcvar_num( g_pCvarTimeUnit, TIMEUNIT_SECONDS );
    return iTimeUnit;

GetTimeLength( iTime, szOutput[ ], iOutputLen )
    new szTimes[ TimeUnit ][ 32 ];
    new iUnit, iValue, iTotalDisplay;
    for( new i = TimeUnit - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        iUnit = g_iTimeUnitMult[ i ];
        iValue = iTime / iUnit;
        if( iValue )
            formatex( szTimes[ i ], charsmax( szTimes[ ] ), "%d %s", iValue, g_szTimeUnitName[ i ][ iValue != 1 ] );
            iTime %= iUnit;
    new iLen, iTotalLeft = iTotalDisplay;
    szOutput[ 0 ] = 0;
    for( new i = TimeUnit - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        if( szTimes[ i ][ 0 ] )
            iLen += formatex( szOutput[ iLen ], iOutputLen - iLen, "%s%s%s",
                ( iTotalDisplay > 2 && iLen ) ? ", " : "",
                ( iTotalDisplay > 1 && iTotalLeft == 1 ) ? ( ( iTotalDisplay > 2 ) ? "and " : " and " ) : "",
                szTimes[ i ]
    return iLen

GreenPrint( id, iSender, const szRawMessage[ ], any:... )
    if( !iSender )
        new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
        get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" );
        if( !iNum ) return;
        iSender = iPlayers[ 0 ];
    new szMessage[ 192 ];
    vformat( szMessage, charsmax( szMessage ), szRawMessage, 4 );
    message_begin( id ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST, g_iMsgSayText, _, id );
    write_byte( iSender );
    write_string( szMessage );
    message_end( );

bool:IsValidSteamID( const szSteamID[ ] )
    // STEAM_0:(0|1):\d+
    // 012345678    90
    // 0-7 = STEAM_0:
    // 8 = 0 or 1
    // 9 = :
    // 10+ = integer
    return ( ( '0' <= szSteamID[ 8 ] <= '1' ) && szSteamID[ 9 ] == ':' && equal( szSteamID, "STEAM_0:", 8 ) && is_str_num( szSteamID[ 10 ] ) );

GetAccessBySteamID( const szSteamID[ ] )
    new szAuthData[ 44 ], iCount = admins_num( );
    for( new i; i < iCount; i++ )
        if( admins_lookup( i, AdminProp_Flags ) & FLAG_AUTHID )
            admins_lookup( i, AdminProp_Auth, szAuthData, charsmax( szAuthData ) );
            if( equal( szAuthData, szSteamID ) )
                return admins_lookup( i, AdminProp_Access );
    return 0;

strtotime( const string[ ] )
    new szTemp[ 32 ];
    new szYear[ 5 ], szMonth[ 3 ], szDay[ 3 ], szHour[ 3 ], szMinute[ 3 ], szSecond[ 3 ];
    strtok( string, szYear,   charsmax( szYear   ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), '-' );
    strtok( szTemp, szMonth,  charsmax( szMonth  ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), '-' );
    strtok( szTemp, szDay,    charsmax( szDay    ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), ' ' );
    strtok( szTemp, szHour,   charsmax( szHour   ), szTemp,   charsmax( szTemp   ), ':' );
    strtok( szTemp, szMinute, charsmax( szMinute ), szSecond, charsmax( szSecond ), ':' );
    return TimeToUnix( str_to_num( szYear ), str_to_num( szMonth ), str_to_num( szDay ), str_to_num( szHour ), str_to_num( szMinute ), str_to_num( szSecond ) );

AddGag( admin, const szPlayerSteamID[ ], const szPlayerName[ ], const szPlayerIP[ ], iGagTime, iFlags )
    new szAdminName[ 32 ], szAdminIP[ 16 ];
    if( admin )
        get_user_name( admin, szAdminName, charsmax( szAdminName ) );
        copy( szAdminName, charsmax( szAdminName ), "SERVER" );
    get_user_ip( admin, szAdminIP, charsmax( szAdminIP ), 1 );
    new szDateNow[ DATE_SIZE ], szDateUngag[ DATE_SIZE ];
    get_time( DATETIME_FORMAT, szDateNow, charsmax( szDateNow ) );
    format_time( szDateUngag, charsmax( szDateUngag ), DATETIME_FORMAT, get_systime( ) + iGagTime );
    new szFlags[ 4 ];
    get_flags( iFlags, szFlags, charsmax( szFlags ) );
    formatex( szQuery, charsmax( szQuery ), "REPLACE INTO gagged_players \
        (admin_name, admin_steamid, admin_ip, player_name, player_steamid, player_ip, date_gagged, date_ungag, gag_seconds, gag_flags) \
        VALUES \
        (^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", ^"%s^", %d, ^"%s^")",\
        szAdminName,  g_szSteamID[ admin ], szAdminIP,\
        szPlayerName, szPlayerSteamID       , szPlayerIP,\
        szDateNow, szDateUngag, iGagTime, szFlags );
    SQL_ThreadQuery( g_hSqlTuple, "HandleDefaultQuery", szQuery );

public HandleDefaultQuery( iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[ ], iError, iData[ ], iDataSize, Float:flQueueTime )
    if( iFailState != TQUERY_SUCCESS )
        switch( iFailState )
            case TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED: log_amx( "Failed to connect to database: (%d) %s", iError, szError );
            case TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED:   log_amx( "Failed to execute query: (%d) %s", iError, szError );


new const YearSeconds[ 2 ] =
    31536000,   //Normal year
    31622400    //Leap year

new const MonthSeconds[ 12 ] =
    2678400, //January  31 
    2419200, //February 28
    2678400, //March    31
    2592000, //April    30
    2678400, //May      31
    2592000, //June     30
    2678400, //July     31
    2678400, //August   31
    2592000, //September    30
    2678400, //October  31
    2592000, //November 30
    2678400  //December 31

const DaySeconds = 86400;
const HourSeconds = 3600;
const MinuteSeconds = 60;

TimeToUnix( const iYear, const iMonth, const iDay, const iHour, const iMinute, const iSecond )
    new i, iTimeStamp;

    for( i = 1970; i < iYear; i++ )
        iTimeStamp += YearSeconds[ IsLeapYear( i ) ];

    for( i = 1; i < iMonth; i++ )
        iTimeStamp += SecondsInMonth( iYear, i );

    iTimeStamp += ( ( iDay - 1 ) * DaySeconds );
    iTimeStamp += ( iHour * HourSeconds );
    iTimeStamp += ( iMinute * MinuteSeconds );
    iTimeStamp += iSecond;

    return iTimeStamp;

SecondsInMonth( const iYear , const iMonth ) 
    return ( ( IsLeapYear( iYear ) && ( iMonth == 2 ) ) ? ( MonthSeconds[ iMonth - 1 ] + DaySeconds ) : MonthSeconds[ iMonth - 1 ] );

IsLeapYear( const iYear ) 
    return ( ( ( iYear % 4 ) == 0) && ( ( ( iYear % 100 ) != 0) || ( ( iYear % 400 ) == 0 ) ) );
I am a beginner if someone could tell me where the error is that I can find how to fix it, I have been looking for 48 hours and I can't find it.

Thank you in advance.
Do you use Admin Prefix in your server ??
If you use then tell me version of your admin prefix
Supremache is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Old 05-17-2020 , 06:51   Re: After modification amx_gag plugins ungag does not work
Reply With Quote #4

I don't use admin prefix, but.
I use a plugin that adds a grade to all players based on their points, but this plugin is private

My problem is still there and really annoying

thx for your help

GoRiLliAz is offline

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