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to rotate the sprite of fire

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Join Date: Jul 2020
Old 09-13-2020 , 16:05   to rotate the sprite of fire
Reply With Quote #1

hi, where to turn the fire sprite? horizontally

#pragma semicolon 1
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>
#include <csx>
#include <fun>
#include <fakemeta_util>
// Uncomment the following line to enable debug logging.
#define AUTHORS "DynamicBits"
#define ANTI_LAGG 7.0   // Defines max calculations before a flame is spawned without check if onground
// This is to prevent lagg at really narrow ents where you could end up with 400 calculations per flame
// Suggested: <= 10
#define MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT 10   // Maximum molotov cocktails this code is capable of handling without bugs
            // Also how many cocktails people get with molotov_give command
#define MOLOTOV_MENU_KEYS MENU_KEY_0|MENU_KEY_1|MENU_KEY_2   // Choices to look for with optional menu
#define MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE 1000            // What is the lowest task ID?
#define MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE1 MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE             // By default, with 32 players, task ids
#define MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE3 MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE2 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * 32) // potentially be used used.
#define TEAM_ONE   1
#define TEAM_TWO   2
#define TEAM_SPECTATOR   3
new pEnabled, pPrice, pMlDamage, pMlRadius, pFireTime, pOverride;
new pFriendlyFire, pFireDmg, pMaxMolotovs, pBuyMenu, pBuyZone, pMolotovMenu;
new gmsgScoreInfo, gmsgDeathMsg;
new g_pAllocModel, g_vAllocModel;
new g_frags[33];
new g_hasMolotov[33];
new g_restarted;
new g_MaxPlayers;
new g_bomb_map;
new firespr, smokespr[2];
new last_Molotov_ent;
new g_Molotov_offset[33];
new g_g;
public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Molotov Cocktail", "3.20", AUTHORS);
   register_menucmd(register_menuid("Buy Molotov Coctail"), MOLOTOV_MENU_KEYS, "giveMolotov");
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   register_clcmd("molotov_menutest", "show_molotov_menu");
   register_clcmd("say /molotov", "buy_molotov");
   register_clcmd("say molotov", "buy_molotov");
   register_concmd("molotov_give", "cmd_MolotovGive", ADMIN_ACCESS, "<player|@all|@t|@ct|@al|@ax> - Gives free molotov cocktails (default=10)");
   register_concmd("molotov_override", "cmd_Override", ADMIN_ACCESS, "[0|1] - Enable/disable the HE grenade override (If no arguments, show the status)");
   register_concmd("molotov_cocktail", "cmd_PluginStatus", ADMIN_ACCESS, "[0|1] - Enable/disable the plugin (If no arguments, show the status)");
   pEnabled = register_cvar("molotov_enabled", "1", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pOverride = register_cvar("molotov_override_he", "0", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pPrice = register_cvar("molotov_price", "800", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pMlDamage = register_cvar("molotov_damage", "60.0", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pMlRadius = register_cvar("molotov_radius", "200.0", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pFireTime = register_cvar("molotov_firetime", "12", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pFireDmg = register_cvar("molotov_firedamage", "3", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pFriendlyFire = register_cvar("molotov_ff", "1", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pMaxMolotovs = register_cvar("molotov_max", "2", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pBuyMenu = register_cvar("molotov_inmenu", "0", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pBuyZone = register_cvar("molotov_buyzone", "1", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   pMolotovMenu = register_cvar("molotov_menu", "0", FCVAR_SPONLY);
   register_event("CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1");
   register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0");
   register_event("TextMsg", "Event_GameRestart", "a", "2=#Game_Commencing", "2=#Game_will_restart_in");
   register_event("DeathMsg", "event_DeathMsg", "a");
   register_event("ShowMenu", "event_BuyMenuT", "b", "4=#T_BuyItem", "1=575");
   register_event("ShowMenu", "event_BuyMenuCT", "b", "4=#CT_BuyItem", "1=703");
   register_event("ShowMenu", "event_BuyMenuT", "b", "4=#DT_BuyItem", "1=575");
   register_event("ShowMenu", "event_BuyMenuCT", "b", "4=#DCT_BuyItem", "1=767");
   register_logevent("logevent_Round_End", 2, "1=Round_End");
   register_menucmd(register_menuid("#CT_BuyItem"), 1023, "handle_BuyMenuCT");
   register_menucmd(register_menuid("#T_BuyItem"), 1023, "handle_BuyMenuT");
   register_forward(FM_EmitSound, "fw_EmitSound");
   g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers();
   gmsgScoreInfo = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo");
   gmsgDeathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg");
   g_pAllocModel = engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "models/molotov/p_molotov.mdl");
   g_vAllocModel = engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "models/molotov/v_molotov.mdl");
   g_bomb_map = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, g_MaxPlayers, "classname", "info_bomb_target") ? 1 : 0;
public plugin_precache() {
   firespr = precache_model("sprites/flame.spr");
   smokespr[0] = precache_model("sprites/black_smoke3.spr");
   smokespr[1] = precache_model("sprites/steam1.spr");
public client_disconnected(id) {
   g_hasMolotov[id] = 0;
public fw_EmitSound(ent, channel, sample[]) {
   if (equal(sample[8], "he_bounce", 9)) {
      new model[32];
      pev(ent, pev_model, model, 31);
      if (equal(model[9], "lotov/w_molotov.mdl")) {
         if (last_Molotov_ent != ent) {
            new Float:fFriction, Float:fVelocity[3];
            pev(ent, pev_friction, fFriction);
            pev(ent, pev_velocity, fVelocity);
            fFriction *= 1.3;   // Increase friction to make it look more realistic
            set_pev(ent, pev_friction, fFriction);
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
            log_amx("[MC] ent:%d Friction:%f Velocity:%f/%f/%f ====================", ent, fFriction, fVelocity[0], fVelocity[1], fVelocity[2]);
            last_Molotov_ent = ent;
            return FMRES_SUPERCEDE;
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
         } else {
            log_amx("[MC] last_Molotov_ent(%d) ent(%d)", last_Molotov_ent, ent);
   return FMRES_IGNORED;
public Event_CurWeapon(id) {
   if (!get_pcvar_num(pEnabled) || !is_user_alive(id)) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   if (!g_hasMolotov[id] && !get_pcvar_num(pOverride)) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   new WeaponID = get_user_weapon(id, WeaponID, WeaponID);
   if (WeaponID != CSW_HEGRENADE) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel, g_vAllocModel);
   set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel, g_pAllocModel);
   set_pev(id, pev_weaponanim, 9);
public Event_GameRestart() {
   g_restarted = 1;
public event_DeathMsg() {
   g_hasMolotov[read_data(2)] = 0;
public logevent_Round_End() {
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   log_amx("[MC] ========== Round_End ==========");
stock reset_tasks() {
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   new tmpdbgid;
   for (new i; i < g_MaxPlayers; i++) {
      for (new o; o < MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET; o++) {   //TODO DEBUG: Verify this fixes the tasks not reset at new round issue
         if (task_exists(MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE1 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o)) {
            remove_task(MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE1 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o);
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
            tmpdbgid = MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE1 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o;
            log_amx("[MC] %d exists. ----------==========----------", tmpdbgid);
         if (task_exists(MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE2 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o)) {
            remove_task(MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE2 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o);
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
            tmpdbgid = MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE2 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o;
            log_amx("[MC] %d exists. ----------==========----------", tmpdbgid);
         if (task_exists(MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE3 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o)) {
            remove_task(MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE3 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o);
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
            tmpdbgid = MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE3 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * i) + o;
            log_amx("[MC] %d exists. ----------==========----------", tmpdbgid);
public event_new_round(id) {
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   log_amx("[MC] ========== event_new_round ==========");
   if (!get_pcvar_num(pEnabled)) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   reset_tasks();   // DEBUG
   if (get_pcvar_num(pMolotovMenu)) {
   for (new i; i < g_MaxPlayers; i++) {
      if (g_frags[i] && is_user_connected(i)) {
         set_user_frags(i, get_user_frags(i) + g_frags[i]);
      g_frags[i] = 0;
   if (g_restarted) {
      for (new i; i < g_MaxPlayers; i++) {
         g_hasMolotov[i] = 0;
      g_restarted = 0;
   if (get_pcvar_num(pOverride)) {
   } else {
public cmd_Override(id, level, cid) {   
   if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) {      // First argument (passed to molotov_override) is optional
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (!get_pcvar_num(pEnabled)) {
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (read_argc() == 1) {            // No arguments; Display status
      client_print(id, print_console, "Override is currently %s.", get_pcvar_num(pOverride) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   new arg[2];
   read_argv(1, arg, 1);
   new num = str_to_num(arg);
   if ((num < 0) || (num > 1) || (!isdigit(arg[0]))) {   // If less than 0 or greater than 1 or not a digit
      if (id) {
         client_print(id, print_console, "Invalid argument(%s). Valid arguments are ^"0^" and ^"1^".", arg);
      } else {
         server_print("Invalid argument(%s). Valid arguments are ^"0^" and ^"1^".", arg);
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (num == get_pcvar_num(pOverride)) {
      if (id) {
         client_print(id, print_console, "Override is already %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
      } else {
         server_print("Override is already %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   set_pcvar_num(pOverride, num);
   if (id) {
      client_print(id, print_console, "Override was %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
   } else {
      server_print("Override was %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
   if (num) {
   } else {
public cmd_PluginStatus(id, level, cid) {
   if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) {      // First argument (passed to molotov_cocktail) is optional
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (read_argc() == 1) {            // No arguments; Display status
      client_print(id, print_console, "Plugin is currently %s.", get_pcvar_num(pEnabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   new arg[2];
   read_argv(1, arg, 1);
   new num = str_to_num(arg);
   if ((num < 0) || (num > 1) || (!isdigit(arg[0]))) {   // If less than 0 or greater than 1 or not a digit
      if (id) {
         client_print(id, print_console, "Invalid argument(%s). Valid arguments are ^"0^" and ^"1^".", arg);
      } else {
         server_print("Invalid argument(%s). Valid arguments are ^"0^" and ^"1^".", arg);
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (num == get_pcvar_num(pEnabled)) {
      if (id) {
         client_print(id, print_console, "Plugin is already %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
      } else {
         server_print("Plugin is already %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   set_pcvar_num(pEnabled, num);
   if (id) {
      client_print(id, print_console, "Plugin was %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
   } else {
      server_print("Plugin was %s.", num ? "enabled" : "disabled");
   if (num && get_pcvar_num(pOverride)) {
   } else {
public cmd_MolotovGive(id, level, cid) {
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   log_amx("[MC] cmd_MolotovGive");
   if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) {
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   new Arg1[64], target;
   read_argv(1, Arg1, 63);
   new adminName[32];
   get_user_name(id, adminName, 31);
   new targetTeam, targetTeamName[32];
   new Players[32], iNum;
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   log_amx("[MC] cmd_MolotovGive Arg1[0](%s) Arg1[1](%s)", Arg1[0], Arg1[1]);
   if (Arg1[0] == '@') {
      if (equali(Arg1[1], "all")) {
         targetTeam = 0;
      } else if (equali(Arg1[1], "t") || equali(Arg1[1], "al")) {   // CS_TEAM_T or ALLIES
         targetTeam = TEAM_ONE;
      } else if (equali(Arg1[1], "ct") || equali(Arg1[1], "ax")) {   // CS_TEAM_CT or AXIS
         targetTeam = TEAM_TWO;
      get_players(Players, iNum, "ac");   // Bots don't understand molotov cocktails
      for (new i = 0; i < iNum; ++i) {
         target = Players[i];
         if ((targetTeam == 0) || (get_user_team(target) == targetTeam)) {
            g_hasMolotov[target] = MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT;
            give_item(target, "weapon_hegrenade");
            cs_set_user_bpammo(target, CSW_HEGRENADE, MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT);
            emit_sound(target, CHAN_WEAPON, "items/gunpickup2.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
      switch(targetTeam) {
         case 0: {
            targetTeamName = "everyone";
         case 1: {
            if (cstrike_running()) {
               targetTeamName = "all terrorists";
            } else if (is_running("dod")) {
               targetTeamName = "all allies";
            } else {
               targetTeamName = "team 1";
         case 2: {
            if (cstrike_running()) {
               targetTeamName = "all ct's";
            } else if (is_running("dod")) {
               targetTeamName = "all axis";
            } else {
               targetTeamName = "team 2";
      client_print(0, print_chat, "ADMIN %s: has given %s %d Molotov Cocktails!", adminName, targetTeamName, MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT);
   } else {
      target = cmd_target(id, Arg1, 0);
      if (!is_user_connected(target) || !is_user_alive(target)) {
         return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
      new targetName[32];
      get_user_name(target, targetName, 31);
      g_hasMolotov[target] = MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT;
      give_item(target, "weapon_hegrenade");
      cs_set_user_bpammo(target, CSW_HEGRENADE, MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT);
      emit_sound(target, CHAN_WEAPON, "items/gunpickup2.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
      client_print(target, print_chat, "ADMIN %s: has given you %d Molotov Cocktails!", adminName, MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT);
public buy_molotov(id) {
   if (!get_pcvar_num(pEnabled)) {
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (get_pcvar_num(pOverride)) {
      if (get_pcvar_num(pBuyMenu)) {
         client_print(id, print_center, "Buy them in the buy equipment menu.");
      } else {
         client_print(id, print_center, "Just buy a HE grenade and get molotov automatically!");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (!is_user_alive(id)) {
      client_print(id, print_center, "Вы не можете приобрести Molotov Cocktails пока убиты.");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (!cs_get_user_buyzone(id) && get_pcvar_num(pBuyZone)) {
      client_print(id, print_center, "Вы находитесь не в зоне покупки.");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   new money = cs_get_user_money(id);
   if (money < get_pcvar_num(pPrice)) {
      client_print(id, print_center, "У Вас не достаточно денег для приобретения Molotov Cocktail!");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (g_hasMolotov[id] == get_pcvar_num(pMaxMolotovs)) {
      if (g_hasMolotov[id] == 1) {
         client_print(id, print_center, "Вы уже приобрели Molotov Cocktail.");
      } else {
         client_print(id, print_center, "Вы уже приобрели %d Molotov Cocktails.", g_hasMolotov[id]);
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (!g_hasMolotov[id] && user_has_weapon(id, CSW_HEGRENADE)) {
      client_print(id, print_center, "You already have a HE Grenade.");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   cs_set_user_money(id, money - get_pcvar_num(pPrice));
   give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_HEGRENADE, ++g_hasMolotov[id]);
   client_print(id, print_chat, "Вы приобрели Molotov Cocktail!");
public event_BuyMenuCT(id) {
   if (!get_pcvar_num(pEnabled) || !get_pcvar_num(pBuyMenu)) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   new Override = get_pcvar_num(pOverride);
   new menu[1024];
   new len = formatex(menu, 1023, "\yBuy Equipment\R$ Cost");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n^n\w1. Kevlar Vest\R\y650");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w2. Kevlar Vest & Helmet\R\y1000");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w3. Flashbang\R\y200");
   if (Override) {
      len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w4. Molotov Cocktail\R\y%d", get_pcvar_num(pPrice));
   } else {
      len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w4. HE Grenade\R\y300");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w5. Smoke Grenade\R\y300");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w6. NightVision Goggles\R\y1250");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\%c7. Defuse Kit\R\y200 ", g_bomb_map ? 'w' : 'd');
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w8. Tactical Shield\R\y2200");
   if (!Override) {
      len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w9. Molotov Cocktail\R\y%d", get_pcvar_num(pPrice));
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n^n\w0. Exit");
   show_menu(id, read_data(1)|MENU_KEY_9, menu, -1, "#CT_BuyItem");
public event_BuyMenuT(id) {
   if (!get_pcvar_num(pEnabled) || !get_pcvar_num(pBuyMenu)) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   new Override = get_pcvar_num(pOverride);
   new menu[1024];
   new len = formatex(menu, 1023, "\yBuy Equipment\R$ Cost");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n^n\w1. Kevlar Vest\R\y650");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w2. Kevlar Vest & Helmet\R\y1000");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w3. Flashbang\R\y200");
   if (Override) {
      len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w4. Molotov Cocktail\R\y%d", get_pcvar_num(pPrice));
   } else {
      len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w4. HE Grenade\R\y300");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w5. Smoke Grenade\R\y300");
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w6. NightVision Goggles\R\y1250");
   if (!Override) {
      len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n\w7. Molotov Cocktail\R\y%d", get_pcvar_num(pPrice));
   len += formatex(menu[len], 1023-len, "^n^n\w0. Exit");
   show_menu(id, read_data(1)|MENU_KEY_7, menu, -1, "#T_BuyItem");
public handle_BuyMenuCT(id, key) {
   if (key == (get_pcvar_num(pOverride) ? 3 : 8)) {
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
public handle_BuyMenuT(id, key) {
   if (key == (get_pcvar_num(pOverride) ? 3 : 6)) {
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
stock handle_BuyMenu(id) {
   new money = cs_get_user_money(id);
   if (money < get_pcvar_num(pPrice)) {
      client_print(id, print_center, "You don't have enough $ to buy a Molotov Cocktail.");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   if (g_hasMolotov[id] == get_pcvar_num(pMaxMolotovs)) {
      if (g_hasMolotov[id] == 1) {
         client_print(id, print_center, "You already have a Molotov Cocktail.");
      } else {
         client_print(id, print_center, "You already have %d Molotov Cocktails.", g_hasMolotov[id]);
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   } else if (!g_hasMolotov[id] && user_has_weapon(id, CSW_HEGRENADE)) {
      client_print(id, print_center, "You already have a HE Grenade.");
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
   cs_set_user_money(id, money - get_pcvar_num(pPrice));
   give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade");
   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_HEGRENADE, ++g_hasMolotov[id]);
   client_print(id, print_chat, "You got a Molotov Cocktail!");
public grenade_throw(id, ent, wid) {
   if (!get_pcvar_num(pEnabled) || !is_user_connected(id) || wid != CSW_HEGRENADE) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   if (!g_hasMolotov[id] && !get_pcvar_num(pOverride)) {
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
   engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, "models/molotov/w_molotov.mdl");
   set_pev(ent, pev_nextthink, 99999.0);
public grenade_explode(ent) {
   new param[6], iOrigin[3];
   new Float:fOrigin[3];
   new owner = pev(ent, pev_owner);
   new ent2 = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target"));
   pev(ent, pev_origin, fOrigin);
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   new iOwnerAlive = is_user_alive(owner);
   new iOwnerConnected = is_user_connected(owner);
   new iEnt2Valid = pev_valid(ent2);
   log_amx("[MC] grenade_explode ent(%d) owner(%d) ent2(%d) iOwnerAlive(%d) iOwnerConnected(%d) iEnt2Valid(%d)", ent, owner, ent2, iOwnerAlive, iOwnerConnected, iEnt2Valid);
   param[0] = ent;
   param[1] = ent2;
   param[2] = owner;
   param[3] = iOrigin[0] = floatround(fOrigin[0]);
   param[4] = iOrigin[1] = floatround(fOrigin[1]);
   param[5] = iOrigin[2] = floatround(fOrigin[2]);
   emit_sound(ent, CHAN_AUTO, "molotov/molotov_fire.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
   engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, "models/molotov/w_broke_molotov.mdl");
   random_fire(iOrigin, ent2);
   radius_damage(owner, fOrigin, get_pcvar_float(pMlDamage), get_pcvar_float(pMlRadius), DMG_BLAST);
   new Float:FireTime = get_pcvar_float(pFireTime);
   if (++g_Molotov_offset[owner] == MOLOTOV_HARD_LIMIT) {
      g_Molotov_offset[owner] = 0;
   set_task(0.2, "fire_damage", MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE1 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * (owner - 1)) + g_Molotov_offset[owner], param, 6, "a", floatround(FireTime / 0.2, floatround_floor));
   set_task(1.0, "fire_sound", MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE2 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * (owner - 1)) + g_Molotov_offset[owner], param, 6, "a", floatround(FireTime) - 1);
   set_task(FireTime, "fire_stop", MOLOTOV_TASKID_BASE3 + (MOLOTOV_TASKID_OFFSET * (owner - 1)) + g_Molotov_offset[owner], param, 6);
public fire_sound(param[]) {
   emit_sound(param[1], CHAN_AUTO, "molotov/molotov_fire.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
public fire_stop(param[]) {
   g_g = 0;
   if (pev_valid(param[0])) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, param[0]); }
   if (pev_valid(param[1])) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, param[1]); }
   if ((last_Molotov_ent = (param[0]))) {
      last_Molotov_ent = 0;
public fire_damage(param[]) {
   new iOrigin[3], Float:fOrigin[3];
   iOrigin[0] = param[3];
   iOrigin[1] = param[4];
   iOrigin[2] = param[5];
   random_fire(iOrigin, param[1]);
   IVecFVec(iOrigin, fOrigin);
   radius_damage(param[2], fOrigin, get_pcvar_float(pFireDmg), get_pcvar_float(pMlRadius), DMG_BURN, 0);
stock radius_damage(attacker, Float:origin[3], Float:damage, Float:range, dmgtype, calc = 1) {
   new Float:pOrigin[3], Float:dist, Float:tmpdmg;
   new i, ateam = get_user_team(attacker), iFF = get_pcvar_num(pFriendlyFire);
   while (i++ < g_MaxPlayers) {
      if (!is_user_alive(i)) {
      if (!iFF && ateam == get_user_team(i)) {
      pev(i, pev_origin, pOrigin);
      dist = get_distance_f(origin, pOrigin);
      if (dist > range) {
      if (calc) {
         tmpdmg = damage - (damage / range) * dist;
      } else {
         tmpdmg = damage;
      if (pev(i, pev_health) < tmpdmg) {
         kill(attacker, i);
      } else {
         fm_fakedamage(i, "molotov", tmpdmg, dmgtype);
   while ((i = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, i, origin, range))) {   // warning 211: possibly unintended assignment
      if (pev(i, pev_takedamage)) {
         if (calc) {
            pev(i, pev_origin, pOrigin);
            tmpdmg = damage - (damage / range) * get_distance_f(origin, pOrigin);
         } else {
            tmpdmg = damage;
         fm_fakedamage(i, "molotov", tmpdmg, dmgtype);
stock random_fire(Origin[3], ent) {
   new range = get_pcvar_num(pMlRadius);
   new iOrigin[3];
   for (new i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
      g_g = 1;
      iOrigin[0] = Origin[0] + random_num(-range, range);
      iOrigin[1] = Origin[1] + random_num(-range, range);
      iOrigin[2] = Origin[2];
      iOrigin[2] = ground_z(iOrigin, ent);
      while (get_distance(iOrigin, Origin) > range) {
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
         //log_amx("[MC] random_fire ent(%d) i(%d) g_g(%d)", ent, i, g_g);
         iOrigin[0] = Origin[0] + random_num(-range, range);
         iOrigin[1] = Origin[1] + random_num(-range, range);
         iOrigin[2] = Origin[2];
         if (g_g >= ANTI_LAGG) {
            iOrigin[2] = ground_z(iOrigin, ent, 1);
         } else {
            iOrigin[2] = ground_z(iOrigin, ent);
      new rand = random_num(5, 15);
      message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY);
      write_coord(iOrigin[2] + rand * 5);
      if (!(i % 4)) {   // Smoke every 4th flame
         message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY);
         write_coord(iOrigin[2] + 120);
         write_short(smokespr[random_num(0, 1)]);
         write_byte(random_num(10, 30));
         write_byte(random_num(10, 20));
stock kill(k, v) {
   new kteam = get_user_team(k);
   new vteam = get_user_team(v);
   new kfrags = get_user_frags(k) + 1;
   new kdeaths = get_user_deaths(k);
   if (kteam == vteam) {
      kfrags = get_user_frags(k) - 2;
   new vfrags = get_user_frags(v);
   new vdeaths = get_user_deaths(v);
   message_begin(MSG_ALL, gmsgScoreInfo);
   message_begin(MSG_ALL, gmsgScoreInfo);
   write_short(vfrags + 1);
   message_begin(MSG_ALL, gmsgDeathMsg, {0,0,0}, 0);
   if (kteam != vteam) {
      cs_set_user_money(k, cs_get_user_money(k) + 300);
   } else {
      cs_set_user_money(k, cs_get_user_money(k) - 300);
stock ground_z(iOrigin[3], ent, skip = 0, iRecursion = 0) {
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
   new iEntValid = pev_valid(ent);
   if (iRecursion > 0) {
      log_amx("[MC] ground_z ent(%d) iEntValid(%d) skip(%d) iRecursion(%d)", ent, iEntValid, skip, iRecursion);
   iOrigin[2] += random_num(5, 80);
   if (!pev_valid(ent)) {   // Fix for: Run time error 10: native error (native "set_pev")
      return iOrigin[2];
   new Float:fOrigin[3];
   IVecFVec(iOrigin, fOrigin);
   set_pev(ent, pev_origin, fOrigin);
   engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, ent);
   if (!skip && !engfunc(EngFunc_EntIsOnFloor, ent)) {
      if (iRecursion >= ANTI_LAGG) {
         skip = 1;
#if defined MOLOTOV_DEBUG
      log_amx("[MC] ground_z ++iRecursion(%d)", ++iRecursion);
      return ground_z(iOrigin, ent, skip, iRecursion);
      return ground_z(iOrigin, ent, skip, ++iRecursion);
   pev(ent, pev_origin, fOrigin);
   return floatround(fOrigin[2]);
stock reset_molotovs() {
   new ent = g_MaxPlayers;
   while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "model", "models/molotov/w_molotov.mdl"))) {
      engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, "models/w_hegrenade.mdl");
stock set_molotovs() {
   new ent = g_MaxPlayers;
   while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "model", "models/w_hegrenade.mdl"))) {
      engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, "models/molotov/w_molotov.mdl");
// This will run at event New Round if enabled
public show_molotov_menu(id) {
   new menu[192];
   // Get a custom menu title with the price
   // When done it should look something like this:
   // Buy Molotov Cocktail ($1200)...
   new menu_title_text[120], the_molotov_price[7];
   get_cvar_string("molotov_price", the_molotov_price, 6);
   strcat(menu_title_text, "Buy Molotov Cocktail ($", 40);
   strcat(menu_title_text, the_molotov_price, 40);
   strcat(menu_title_text, ")?^n^n1. Yes, I will burn them all...^n2. No, I will kill in some other way...^n^n0. EXIT MENU", 119);
   format(menu, 191, menu_title_text);
   // This shows the menu for 30 seconds, I tried first with get_cvar_num("mp_buytime")*60 , but it didn't work well
   // when using 0.5 as mp_buytime. If you like, just change the time below
   show_menu(id, MOLOTOV_MENU_KEYS, menu, 30);
//Our menu function will get the player id and the key they pressed
public giveMolotov(id, key) {
   //key will start at zero
   if (key == 0) {
   } else if (key == 1) {
      client_print(id, print_center, ">You have chosen not to buy a Molotov Coctail<");
   } else {
      client_print(id, print_center, ">You have choosen to exit the molotov menu...<");

Last edited by anakonda001; 09-13-2020 at 16:06.
anakonda001 is offline

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