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experimenting with menus

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Join Date: May 2020
Old 07-28-2021 , 15:04   experimenting with menus
Reply With Quote #1

i have some questions:
i displayed menu to 2 players and when they both choose dont they trigger menuaction_end?
is it very very important to delete menu? do they automatically delete it if its open twice or using
very memory.

because this isn't xy question i am saying what i try to accomplish right away (i am trying to make rock paper scissors game)

What i am saying is i spent tooooo much trying to get menu end (its very pain in the ...... ) when player disconnects or cancels menu with sth like !store, !map or pressing number 9 which is exit

plugin is WORKING but i did printtochatall when menu ends etc but it doesn't seem to be ending. and i am very afraid of plugin using too much memory or sth which affects server's performance badly.

(edit:i wrote what that line mines in //)

code is here:
#pragma semicolon 1

#define DEBUG

#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "pr0mers"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.00"

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
int kisiler[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; // wanttoplay wtih player
int secim[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; //choose of Rocl, paper, scissors

public Plugin myinfo = 
	author = "pr0mers",
	description = "tas kagit makas plugini",

public void OnPluginStart()
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_tkm", taskagitmakas); // tkm = rps = rock paper scissors
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_tkmdebug", tkmdebugla);
public Action tkmdebugla(int client,int args){
	for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
			PrintToChat(client, "player: %d , wanttoplaywith: %d , choose : %d", i, kisiler[i], secim[i]);
public Action taskagitmakas(int client,int args){
	int baslatankisi = client;
	char text1[512];
    char text0[512];
    GetCmdArg(1, text1, sizeof(text1));
	int playersConnected = GetMaxClients();
    int bulduk = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < playersConnected; i++)
	            GetClientName(i, text0, sizeof(text0));
	            if (StrContains(text0, text1, false)!=-1){
	           		bulduk = i;
	if(bulduk == 0){
	int asilhedef = bulduk;
	for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
	        	PrintToChat(client, "Zaten baska biriyle oynuyor sonra tekrar dene"); // already playing with omsone
	        	PrintToChat(client, "Zaten baska biriyle oynuyorsun!"); // you are already playing with someone
		PrintToChat(client, "Zaten baska biriyle oynuyor sonra tekrar dene");//already playing withsomone
	PrintToChat(asilhedef, "%N adlı kişi sana taş kağıt makasda meydan okudu kabul edicekmisin?", baslatankisi); // someone challanged you
	PrintToChat(baslatankisi, "%N adlı kişiye meydan okundu.", asilhedef);//you challanged him
	kisiler[baslatankisi] = asilhedef;

	evethayirmenu(baslatankisi,asilhedef);//do you accept or dont menu
public evethayirmenu(int baslatan,int hedef){
	Menu menu = new Menu(Menu_Callback);
	menu.SetTitle("%N adlı kişi sana taş kağıt makasda meydan okudu kabul edecekmisin?",baslatan);//title do you accept
	menu.AddItem("evet", "Evet");//yes
	menu.AddItem("hayır", "Hayır");//no
	menu.Display(hedef, 60);
public int Menu_Callback(Menu menu, MenuAction action,int param1,int param2){
	switch (action){
		case MenuAction_Select:
			int kisi2 = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
				    	kisi2 = i;
                               /* it didn't have gotten in this function ever might be something wrong*/
				PrintToChat(param1, "Karşıdaki oyuncu oyundan çıktı!");//he left the game 
				kisiler[kisi2] = 0;
				kisiler[param1] = 0;	
				delete menu;				
                                 /* it didn't have gotten in this function ever might be something wrong*/
				PrintToChat(kisi2, "Karşıdaki oyuncu oyundan çıktı!");
				kisiler[kisi2] = 0;
				kisiler[param1] = 0;
				delete menu;				
			char item[64];
			menu.GetItem(param2, item, sizeof(item));
				kisiler[param1] = kisi2;
			    kisiler[kisi2] = 0;
				PrintToChatAll("%N taş kağıt makası kabul etmedi! Korkak tavuk!", param1); // scaredy cat didn't accept the challange
		case MenuAction_End:
			delete menu;
		case MenuAction_Cancel:
			int kisi2 = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
				    	kisi2 = i;
			kisiler[kisi2] = 0;			 
public void taskagitmakasmenusu(int hedef,int yapan){
	Menu menus = new Menu(Menu_Callback2);
	menus.SetTitle("Taş Kağıt Makas Menüsü");
	menus.AddItem("tas", "Taş");
	menus.AddItem("kagit", "Kağıt");
	menus.AddItem("makas", "Makas");
	menus.Display(hedef, 60);
	menus.Display(yapan, 60);
public int Menu_Callback2(Menu menu, MenuAction action,int param1,int param2){
	switch (action){
		case MenuAction_Select:
			int kisi2 = kisiler[param1];
                                //same with everything something should be wrong it have never came this function
				PrintToChat(param1, "Karşıdaki oyuncu oyundan çıktı!");
				secim[param1] = 0;
				secim[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
				kisiler[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
				kisiler[param1] = 0;
				delete menu;				
				PrintToChat(kisi2, "Karşıdaki oyuncu oyundan çıktı!");
				secim[param1] = 0;
				secim[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
				kisiler[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
				kisiler[param1] = 0;
				delete menu;				
			char item[64];
			menu.GetItem(param2, item, sizeof(item));
			//PrintToChatAll("%d", param1);
				secim[param1] = 1;
				secim[param1] = 2;
				secim[param1] = 3;
		case MenuAction_End:
			if(secim[param1]!= 0 && secim[kisiler[param1]]!=0){

				delete menu;					
			if(param1 != MenuEnd_Selected){
				secim[param1] = 0;
				secim[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
				kisiler[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
				kisiler[param1] = 0;
				delete menu;
		case MenuAction_Cancel:
			secim[param1] = 0;
			secim[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
			kisiler[kisiler[param1]] = 0;
			kisiler[param1] = 0;
public void secimyapildi(int client){
	int baslatansecim = secim[client];
	int hedefsecim = secim[kisiler[client]];
	char text1[256];
   	char text0[256];
	GetClientName(client, text1, sizeof(text1));
	GetClientName(kisiler[client], text0, sizeof(text0));
	if(baslatansecim != 0 && hedefsecim!=0){
		char bassec[10];
		char hedsec[10];
		if(baslatansecim == 1){
			bassec = "Taş";
		if(baslatansecim== 2){
			bassec = "Kağıt";
		if(baslatansecim == 3){
			bassec = "Makas";
		if(hedefsecim == 1){
			hedsec = "Taş";
		if(hedefsecim== 2){
			hedsec = "Kağıt";
		if(hedefsecim == 3){
			hedsec = "Makas";
                //below is this chose this, this chose this this is the winner blah blah blah
			PrintToChatAll("Berabere! 2 Oyuncununda seçimi %s idi", hedsec);
		if(hedefsecim==1 && baslatansecim==2){
			PrintToChatAll("Kazanan :%s-%s in seçimi %s, %s in seçimi %s idi", text1, text1, bassec, text0, hedsec);
		if(hedefsecim==1 && baslatansecim==3){
			PrintToChatAll("Kazanan :%s-%s in seçimi %s, %s in seçimi %s idi", text0, text0, hedsec, text1, bassec);
		if(hedefsecim==2 && baslatansecim==1){
			PrintToChatAll("Kazanan :%s-%s in seçimi %s, %s in seçimi %s idi", text0, text0, hedsec, text1, bassec);
		if(hedefsecim==2 && baslatansecim==3){
			PrintToChatAll("Kazanan :%s-%s in seçimi %s, %s in seçimi %s idi", text1, text1, bassec, text0, hedsec);
		if(hedefsecim==3 && baslatansecim==1){
			PrintToChatAll("Kazanan :%s-%s in seçimi %s, %s in seçimi %s idi", text1, text1, bassec, text0, hedsec);
		if(hedefsecim==3 && baslatansecim==2){
			PrintToChatAll("Kazanan :%s-%s in seçimi %s, %s in seçimi %s idi", text0, text0, hedsec, text1, bassec);
		secim[client] = 0;
		secim[kisiler[client]] = 0;
		kisiler[kisiler[client]] = 0;
		kisiler[client] = 0;
		//PrintToChatAll("herkes secmedi");//not both palyer selected
public OnClientDisconnect(int client){
		secim[client] = 0;
		secim[kisiler[client]] = 0;
		kisiler[kisiler[client]] = 0;
		kisiler[client] = 0;
i am too tilted, i am sorry but i spent waay much time in this
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-I always write unnecessary plugins-
(you can tell me better ways to do something, thank you)

Last edited by pr0mers; 07-28-2021 at 15:18. Reason: // everything
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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Apr 2020
Old 07-29-2021 , 07:42   Re: experimenting with menus
Reply With Quote #2

case MenuAction_End: CloseHandle(menu)

if(IsClientInGame(kisi2)==false) -> if(IsClientInGame(kisi2))

delete menu; -> CloseHandle(menu)

if(IsClientInGame(i)==true) -> if(IsClientInGame(i))
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