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FF2 [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss

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Old 03-05-2022 , 10:24   [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
Reply With Quote #1

Soooo i was sort of bored, wandering through discord trying to get ideas to do something
Again, this was based on something i saw on the DISC-FF BVB-ZR server, something posted by Spookmaster (Also known as LordHotPocketHomicide)

He posted a concept about a 5-player boss, that was mainly focused on support abilities for the other 4 bosses (healing, damage and resistance buffs, etc)

I liked the concept a lot, it was something i've never seen, and even through the Administrator has done an attempt to this, i wanted to experiment with what i had to make a boss largely focused on support abilities, while having some things to defend himself.
This was the result:

i still don't know how to upload images properly ;-;

He's a pyro, with a "idk how to classify this" amount of health:
He has an initial speed of 340hu, able to outrun some classes
His rage grants him a 9999hp shield and a high speed increase
Both of these things last for 15 seconds.
However... it requires 2750HP to fill his charge meter.
You'll see in a while why he requires a low amount of damage for this (texts marked with this color)

Koshihug doesn't have a superjump, neither a weightdown, grapple hook, teleport, etc...
Instead, he uses a custom jetpack, that lets him fly while holding MOUSE3 (Special Attack)
Holding said button will drain fuel from his jetpack, which has a max of 500 fuel, and consumes 1 fuel per tick (which is very fast, trust me).
He regenerates 0.61 fuel every 0.1s, and has no cooldown.

Pressing R with a minimum of 1% rage will toggle a DOT-regen effect, that drains 0.4% rage every 100ms, but lets him regenerate 0.06125% of his health every tick (100ms i guess)
However, this HP regen becomes stronger the more HP he has at the start of the round, meaning he's "able" to regen to full HP with enough timings
This effect can be toggled on and off by pressing the reload key.

He has 2 HUD abilities, that can be switched with CTRL and used with M2.
These abilities are:

Koshihug will unleash an orange-ish laser, with limited distance that lasts for 1 second, dealing certain amounts of damage depending on proximity. Has a 10s cooldown.
Basically a better dot_beam that doesn't require the main dot plugin :D
        "name"         "rage_laserbeam"
		// a standalone laserbeam rage
		// that's it
		// use it wisely
                "arg1"         "1"   // tickrate (don't change this)
                "arg2"         "0.0"  // delay before shooting the beam
                "arg3"         "1.0"  // duration in seconds.
                "arg4"         "1000"   // max distance in hammer units. (HU)
                "arg5"         "4.0"   // beam radius in hammer units.
                "arg6"         "2.0"   // beam X position
                "arg7"         "2.0"   // beam Z position
                "arg8"         "17.5"   // beam Y position
                "arg9"         "255"    // beam RED color
                "arg10"        "125"    // beam GREEN color
                "arg11"        "80"    // beam BLUE color
                "arg12"        "125"    // beam ALPHA value (0 = invis, 255 = fully visible)
                "arg13"        "100.0"   // exp range (i don't know what this does)
                "arg14"        "5.0"    // mininum damage that the laser can deal.
                "arg15"        "5.0"    // maximum damage that the laser can deal.
                "arg16"        "10.0"    // same as arg14 but for buildings
                "arg17"        "20.0"    // same as arg15 but for buildings

        "plugin_name"  "ff2_laserbeam"
Bullet Rain:
Koshihug will trigger a short, but spammy rocket rain for some seconds!
These rockets do 25 damage on hit and have a speed of 1500HU.
A max of 30 rockets will spawn.
	"ability6" // bullet rain
		"name"  "rage_necrozma"
		// this isn't effective if the map is small enough
		// the meteor storm ability from sarysa's plugin is better for closed spaces but ehh
		// i'd prefer this since its shorter and easy to modify
		// i originally wanted to use heffe's lifeloss/grey alien's rage but i realized they were ugly af and didn't fit a lot
		// i will also change this to sarysa's meteor storm ability in a future, probably when the new model is done
        "arg0"  "-1"
        "arg1"  "0" // AMS?
        "arg2"  "25" // damage
        "arg3"  "1500" // speed
        "arg4"  "450" // range to spawn
        "arg5"  "350" // range of damage
        "arg6"  "0.1" // delay
        "arg7"  "30" // max spawns
        "arg8"  "0" // freeze movement?
        "plugin_name"   "ff2_necrozma"
Now, one of the main things:
Ability Menu!
Koshihug has a menu manager, with a total of 6 abilities, with 4 of them being support abilities.
He also has 3 mana types:
-Resources (2.5k max):
Used by 4 abilities, he can gain these by dealing/taking damage, killing enemies and over time.
-Magic Paint (120 max):
A strange orange paint that he can gain over time, and is used for converting revived mercs to his team.
-Bravery (1k max):
50% of the damage that Koshihug does is converted into Bravery.
With enough Bravery, he can heal himself by 8%.

1. Offensive Buffs:
Has an initial and normal 60s cooldown, costs 300 Resources.
Grants minicrits and the concheror buff for 8 seconds in a 350hu area.

2. Defensive Buffs:
Has an initial cooldown of 30s and a normal cooldown of 45s, costs 200 Resources.
Grants the battalion's backup buff and knockback innmunity for 8 seconds in a 450hu area.

3. Revive and Convert (MAIN GIMMICK)
Has an initial cooldown of 30s, and a normal cooldown of 10s, costs 80 Magic Paint.

Koshihug weill revive up to 2 mercs, with no changes to their previous class or loadouts, and throw a jar of Magic Orange Paint to convert them to their team.
Their health is the only thing that changes, depending on RED player count and loadout.
Koshihug's minions have a set HP: ((24*n)^1.1)
However their health can also increase depending on loadouts
(battalion backup soldiers, gunslinger engineers, modified weapons, etc...) so be careful with what you have on your server!

4. AOE Healing:
Has the same cooldowns of Revive and Convert, but has a global cooldown of 2s for other abilities. Costs 150 Resources.
Koshihug will cast the Healing Aura spell, healing nearby minions.

5. Throw a Crate:
Has a 10s initial cooldown, and a normal cooldown of 20s. Costs 50 Resources.
Koshihug will throw an explosive crate, with a speed of 1200hu and a strange damage of 60 (20x3)
What i mean with strange is that the damage value isn't exact, and can be randomized.

6. Self-Treatment:
Only has a global cooldown of 2.5s, but costs 1k Bravery
Koshihug cures his wounds, healing an 8% of his health.
He's somewhat unbalanced in my opinion, so feel free to adjust him to your likings
Now onto the misc things:

The revive and convert ability uses all of the current rage, idk why this happens but its the main reason of why his rage damage is so low

Subplugins, all of them credited and included in the zip:
ff2_dynamic_defaults and ff2_sarysapub3 (sarysa)
ff2_flight (Made by Spookmaster, i've never seen this subplugin used on other bosses)
ff2_laserbeam (no idea who made it, don't ask where i got it)
ff2_movespeed (93SHADoW)
ff2_necrozma (Noobis, deleted but there's an existing download link)
ff2_salmon (93SHADoW)
ff2_spellbook and sr_dot_abilities (J0BL3SS)
ffalex_finalpack (Made by LeAlex14, oh god i like this subplugin so much)
ffbat_menu_abilities and ffbat_publicpack (Batfoxkid)
m7_abilities_extended and the updated version of drain_over_time (M76030)
ff2_blockdropitem (Sadao, used because of the regen powerup given on the dot regen effect)
ff2_ragesound (Made by Deathreus, 4 of them are included in the zip)

You can find most of these in Bat's Content Thread

Future Things:
I plan to modify his model textures, which is something i have never tried doing but im willing to try out
Some changes to some abilities, like rage_necrozma being replaced with rage_meteor_storm from sarysa's subplugins
Some cool sound replacements

Soo i guess that's all i have to say for this boss, im quite proud of how it came out hehe
Big thanks to Spookmaster for inspiring me a bit with the original 5-boss concept
If there's any issue with him, tell me and ill fix it afaifc (as fast as i fucking can)

Enjoy, and have fun! :3
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Last edited by Samuwu; 03-05-2022 at 13:51. Reason: ah the sounds do play, nice
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Old 03-07-2022 , 22:09   Re: [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
Reply With Quote #2

Neat boss. Well done man.

Last edited by infrabaron; 03-07-2022 at 22:09.
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Tim q
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Old 02-12-2023 , 18:49   Re: [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
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Laserbeam don't works on ff2_rewrite
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Old 02-13-2023 , 09:02   Re: [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by Tim q View Post
Laserbeam don't works on ff2_rewrite
did you try running the plugin through this?
Owner of Team Fortress 2 Gemara Servers:

"Don't worry, it will obviously work first try. Trust me" -Famous Last Words

(Suck at Source SP smh)
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Tim q
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Old 03-04-2023 , 20:23   Re: [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
Reply With Quote #5

Originally Posted by Kolaxie View Post
did you try running the plugin through this?
Ye, still doesnt work
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Old 03-04-2023 , 22:43   Re: [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by Tim q View Post
Ye, still doesnt work
You could most likely just replace it in the cfg by another laser rage.

	"abilityX" // Replace X with a number numbnuts
		"name" "rage_octogonapus"
		"arg1"	""	// Delay before firing
		"arg2"	""	// Beam damage
		"arg3"	""	// Beam size (1.0 = size of a bullet)
		"arg4"	"-1.0"	// Beam max length, -1 = infinite
		"arg5"	"1"		// Ignore walls?
		"arg6"	"1"		// Ignore uber?
		"arg7"	"0.0,0.0,0.0" // Beam min's
		"arg8"	"0.0,0.0,0.0" // Beam max's
		// Beam RGB
		"arg9"	""
		"arg10"	""
		"arg11"	""
		"plugin_name"	"ff2_octogonapus"
Octagonapus Boss
Owner of Team Fortress 2 Gemara Servers:

"Don't worry, it will obviously work first try. Trust me" -Famous Last Words

(Suck at Source SP smh)

Last edited by Kolaxie; 03-06-2023 at 08:20. Reason: Replaced with other laser cause i don't have access to the other source code atm
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Old 03-05-2023 , 21:35   Re: [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by Kolaxie View Post
You could most likely just replace it in the cfg by another laser rage.
Please attach the source code when posting any compiled plugins.
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Tim q
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Old 03-19-2023 , 11:42   Re: [BOSS] Koshihug, a minion-support based boss
Reply With Quote #8

Originally Posted by Kolaxie View Post
You could most likely just replace it in the cfg by another laser rage.

	"abilityX" // Replace X with a number numbnuts
		"name" "rage_octogonapus"
		"arg1"	""	// Delay before firing
		"arg2"	""	// Beam damage
		"arg3"	""	// Beam size (1.0 = size of a bullet)
		"arg4"	"-1.0"	// Beam max length, -1 = infinite
		"arg5"	"1"		// Ignore walls?
		"arg6"	"1"		// Ignore uber?
		"arg7"	"0.0,0.0,0.0" // Beam min's
		"arg8"	"0.0,0.0,0.0" // Beam max's
		// Beam RGB
		"arg9"	""
		"arg10"	""
		"arg11"	""
		"plugin_name"	"ff2_octogonapus"
Octagonapus Boss
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