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View Poll Results: Who's going to win?
John F. Kerry 6 18.18%
George W. Bush 21 63.64%
Ralph Something Nader 6 18.18%
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Old 11-03-2004 , 07:51  
Reply With Quote #21

87% Kerry in France
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Old 11-03-2004 , 08:37  
Reply With Quote #22

Like France matters for anything. Obviously France has a particular hatred toward Bush - negotiation was irrelevant, they seemed to accept that the least.
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Old 11-03-2004 , 11:04  
Reply With Quote #23

Originally Posted by ArtAttack
87% Kerry in France
If it where up to France we would have done absolutely nothing about September 11'th

what people don't get. no matter who's fault it was the fact still remains that 2 plains crashed into 2 huge buildings killing many people DIED. they are DEAD no going back, and if you can't understand that look at it this way.

some one comes in your home kills every single person and you are the only servivor. what is your reaction? I know what my reaction would be... of fuck that lets find these sons of bitches and kill them all!

Another thought. why not go after Saddam Hussein, well the simple fact is he was doing shit that was just as bad as some of the stuff Hitler did. acid chambers! hell he didn't give a fuck about his own people he used weapons against his own people, Those people want to be free. we shouldn't push any of our values on them the true feeling over there is they are happy we came and kicked ass and want our help to get on there feet and then they want us to get the hell out.

On Kerry, the simple fact is even the political annalist where saying Kerry did not have much new in the way to deal with Iraq because there isn't very many options.

A Nation Divided... Well forks here's the harsh facts of life... this nation is so divided that its doing us no good! what we need to do is get behind what this nation is doing shape it better and try to make it work we are not going to go any where as a nation arguing. one thing is defiant as a nation we need to get our shit together...

Close Our Borders
we let to many any... yes this is how the nation was started we came over killed the natives took land that didn't belong to us, sound harsh? well it is, and now more then ever we let way to much in and we arn't taking care our self's, we are taking care of every one who can't help them self's, I'm not saying its a bad thing but we are in trouble and we need to close it up and start taking care of our own and then worry about every one else.

A Great Nation
You tell me how me how great is this nation, you decided if you don't like it I challenge you to fix it. hell what did we fight Hitler for? the fact is that many things Hitler would have brout to the world if he would have won we have now, with the exception of a few things, Euthanasia and killing people because of there race, We haven't done those yet but do nothing and I'm shure more will come

Am I Proud To Be A American?
Hell Yes. there is no other nation in the world like it. no matter where you go life is hard. I live in a state that is very expensive and full of problems. I.E. California and even worse I live in the bay area so I pay a high cost of living would I trade it all, no do I stand by my country YOU DAMN RIGHT, No nation is perfect because humanity is not don't let them confuse you and tell you that every thing we do is wrong if you don't love your country Get The Fuck Out, simply put there arn't many other places in the world that are as nice to live in like The U.S.A.
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Old 11-03-2004 , 12:46  
Reply With Quote #24

Ok, now that it's all said and the jackass is back in for four more years I might as well rant about why I didn't vote for him.

He turned september 11th into a political campaign.
  • Look at what Kalel just posted, if you can make sense of it if you want to see an example of it.
  • People have been brainwashed to the point where if you mention anything anti-Bush they associate you with a terrorist, and rant about how you are against our troops.
  • It absolutely irked me how people made this (terrorism) the main focus of the campaign. I liked how Kerry seemed to have steered away from just talking about terrorism and he actually talked about domestic issues until he realized: Nobody cares! Everybody is so brainwashed thinking that there's a mass of incoming al-Qaeda to fly planes into our sky scrapers unless we pour every penny into "security". What the HELL is the point of "the office of homeland security", anyway? All I've seen Tom Ridge (my former governer, I liked him when he was governer) do is say two types of colors. Yellow and orange.

The invasion of Iraq.
  • WMD claims. There were none found. This went off of false information, and we should have taken a more cautious approach at this. Also: North Korea?
  • Getting a little bit more global support would have been, you know... nice...
  • Claims about Saddam being a bad, bad man. What the hell? What about invading other countries? Hello? There's countries all over the world who have leaders that dont deserve to live just like Saddam. Why aren't we going after them again?
  • What the HELL is going on over there now? The country is hanging in a state of limbo currently. Saddam was a bad leader, but he's gone. Why are we still policing the damn country? Get the UN to help out and get the hell out of there. Oh right, we all but abandonded them when we started this.

The economy... I'm not going to even start on this. It's just a joke.

Stem cell research - Let's quickly ban any possibility of allowing people who have life threatening illnesses and who cannot move their arms and/or legs to possibly live a normal, healthy life!

The guy didn't even win the popular vote in 2000. He didn't deserve to be president to begin with. The idiotic and unintuitive electoral system basically placed him into the oval office. I was hoping the exact opposite would have happened this year: bush wins popular vote but kerry wins electoral, but Kerry already conceded.

Now there's Bush on his last term, with no reason to make people like him. There's also more republicans in both the senate and congress. I can just picture bush wiping his ass with the constitution now.

<-- would have made a better President. Cursed PA polls not allowing for write in votes, or I'd have written "gyar!".
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Old 11-03-2004 , 13:22  
Reply With Quote #25

Sawce you are, unfortunetely for this world and its inabitants, one of the few people in US understanding enough of whats going on around here. see the way I see it is most of the poeple on this board who are gooing crazy about bush are predominently {white, living with their parents, learned all about politics(read = real life) from their best freind who also happens to fit the above bill and knows just as much about real life as they do.} and they have not had to get a serious job where they support the house.... When you lose your $48 an hour job to the point where unless you move far away from where you live now the best job you can find even with contacts around the place is $23 an hour then thats when you get to find out what kind of crap this country is really in. and you also see more than half of your friends and coworkers out of jobs or setteling for lower pay..... it makes one angry to have to go home to ones loved ones and notice that your too tired to have a decent word with them since you are too tired from working overtime just to make ends meet?... lol well thats my rant... feel free to not like it or hate it or whatever because I dont care.. I live my life and I said what I saw and Im not changing my opinion of the shit going on around me for no one.

***NOTE - The above does not apply to all peoples, some people have valid reasons to vote for bush and those I respect.***
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Old 11-03-2004 , 15:16  
Reply With Quote #26

You must remember that the easiest way to control people is through fear and the administration and the Bush campagin have done a very good job of instilling fear and thus seeding control.
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Old 11-03-2004 , 16:43  
Reply With Quote #27

i vote for nader.... tho bush won... i say both people would bring country down but "Darth Vader" will do it more quickly ;) ... and for some of you... he wants to legalize drugs.
Anything that is done can only be done better by urself - since life is a opinion make it the way urs feel its best

~live by it
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Old 11-03-2004 , 16:53  
Reply With Quote #28

Originally Posted by mahnsawce
Ok, now that it's all said and the jackass is back in for four more years I might as well rant about why I didn't vote for him.

He turned september 11th into a political campaign.
Yeah, because these incidents have nothing to do with politics.
Originally Posted by mahnsawce
People have been brainwashed to the point where if you mention anything anti-Bush they associate you with a terrorist, and rant about how you are against our troops.

Originally Posted by mahnsawce
It absolutely irked me how people made this (terrorism) the main focus of the campaign. I liked how Kerry seemed to have steered away from just talking about terrorism and he actually talked about domestic issues until he realized: Nobody cares! Everybody is so brainwashed thinking that there's a mass of incoming al-Qaeda to fly planes into our sky scrapers unless we pour every penny into "security". What the HELL is the point of "the office of homeland security", anyway?
My guess is its to keep the "homeland" "secure", but I may be taking a wild guess there. Many departments were restructured to work around and within the new department, which was a necessary reorganization.

Originally Posted by mahnsawce
WMD claims. There were none found. This went off of false information, and we should have taken a more cautious approach at this. Also: North Korea?
False information? Every war needs a "catalyst", which is usually propoganda or blatant lies. It's called "history". WMDs were a means to an end. What's in Iraq is an important strategical safepoint in the middle east. That and we got rid of a really, really nasty guy.
Originally Posted by mahnsawce
Getting a little bit more global support would have been, you know... nice...
Originally Posted by mahnsawce
Claims about Saddam being a bad, bad man. What the hell? What about invading other countries? Hello? There's countries all over the world who have leaders that dont deserve to live just like Saddam. Why aren't we going after them again?
Because it's not convenient yet. But that doesn't change the fact that the UN agreed Saddam should be taken out of power, and so did Kerry and Clinton. It was just Bush's decision to uphold that.
Originally Posted by mahnsawce
What the HELL is going on over there now? The country is hanging in a state of limbo currently. Saddam was a bad leader, but he's gone. Why are we still policing the damn country? Get the UN to help out and get the hell out of there. Oh right, we all but abandonded them when we started this.
No, we're still there assimilating it. These things don't take six weeks, which is why it's good Bush is back again.

Originally Posted by mahnsawce
I'm not going to even start on this. It's just a joke.
Really? I guess that's why the economy not only has been doing better lately but the market went up hearing that Bush got re-elected. Tax cuts on capital gains and dividends == good.

Originally Posted by mahnsawce
Stem cell research - Let's quickly ban any possibility of allowing people who have life threatening illnesses and who cannot move their arms and/or legs to possibly live a normal, healthy life!
Yeah, like how California is wasting $3billion of their negative budget on this useless and possibly life-destroying method? I don't have a problem if it's not embryonic stem cell research, but still - CA doesn't need to be wasting that much money on it. And Bush isn't banning it, he was banning federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

Originally Posted by mahnsawce
The guy didn't even win the popular vote in 2000.
Originally Posted by mahnsawce
He didn't deserve to be president to begin with.
Originally Posted by mahnsawce
The idiotic and unintuitive electoral system basically placed him into the oval office.
Idiotic? Unintuitive maybe, but it's designed around how our country was originally modelled - separate states forming a sovereignty, not one big federal government. Anyway, obviously it placed him into office. If kerry had won, it would have placed him into office too. You tryin' to make some sense, boy?

Anyway, I look forward to our new Republican overlords. Resistance is futile.
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Old 11-03-2004 , 20:07  
Reply With Quote #29

Originally Posted by mahnsawce
Ok, now that it's all said and the jackass is back in for four more years I might as well rant about why I didn't vote for him.

He turned september 11th into a political campaign.
  • Look at what Kalel just posted, if you can make sense of it if you want to see an example of it.
  • People have been brainwashed to the point where if you mention anything anti-Bush they associate you with a terrorist, and rant about how you are against our troops.
  • It absolutely irked me how people made this (terrorism) the main focus of the campaign. I liked how Kerry seemed to have steered away from just talking about terrorism and he actually talked about domestic issues until he realized: Nobody cares! Everybody is so brainwashed thinking that there's a mass of incoming al-Qaeda to fly planes into our sky scrapers unless we pour every penny into "security". What the HELL is the point of "the office of homeland security", anyway? All I've seen Tom Ridge (my former governer, I liked him when he was governer) do is say two types of colors. Yellow and orange.

The invasion of Iraq.
  • WMD claims. There were none found. This went off of false information, and we should have taken a more cautious approach at this. Also: North Korea?
  • Getting a little bit more global support would have been, you know... nice...
  • Claims about Saddam being a bad, bad man. What the hell? What about invading other countries? Hello? There's countries all over the world who have leaders that dont deserve to live just like Saddam. Why aren't we going after them again?
  • What the HELL is going on over there now? The country is hanging in a state of limbo currently. Saddam was a bad leader, but he's gone. Why are we still policing the damn country? Get the UN to help out and get the hell out of there. Oh right, we all but abandonded them when we started this.
I totally agree with you Mahnsawce.
Originally Posted by twisteduphoria
You must remember that the easiest way to control people is through fear and the administration and the Bush campagin have done a very good job of instilling fear and thus seeding control.
You are so right. Every second Bush has to mention that Osama is out there and there is danger , well buddy you're not doing shit about it , most troops are in Iraq and not Afghanistan.
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Old 11-03-2004 , 21:46  
Reply With Quote #30

what ever you say dosn't matter at this point it don't matter what I say whats done is done... there are no easy choices espicaly when it comes to matters of life and death
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