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Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (4.0.8)

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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: DE
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Fun Stuff
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    Servers with this Plugin:
    Plugin Description:
    Play sounds for different game events, with chat triggers or have a karaoke party
    Old 12-19-2008 , 08:59   Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (4.0.8)
    Reply With Quote #1

    Use chat triggers to play sounds associated to it.
    Players can turn the playback of say sounds on/off and it will be stored for the future
    Play Join sounds for all players and/or a specific player identified by his Steam-ID
    Play action sounds for actions like uber, kill, flag captured etc.
    Karaoke support.

    Sourcecode is also on GitHub

    Sound Info Library Extension
    The latest Windows version of the Sound Library extension requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) to be installed on the server.
    So if the extension won't load either install the Visual C++ Redistributable Package or use the previous version of the extension which doesn't have that dependency.
    *.smx -> addons/sourcemod/plugins
    saysoundhe.phrases.txt -> addons/sourcemod/translations
    saysounds.cfg -> addons/sourcemod/configs
    Sounds go in your mods "sound" directory (such as sound/misc/filename.wav)
    If you run a "pure" server make sure you add the folder contining your sounds to the whitelist.
    4.0.0 Notes
    This version now requires the Sound Info Library Extension (included in the .zip)
    More infos on what is new or changed can be found here.
    Karaoke Scripts
    can be found @
    Thanks To:
    Hell Phoenix for his initial plugin.
    Ferret for being an inspiration to Hell Phoenix. He used a few functions from his plugins as a learning tool.
    Teame06 for his help with the string replace function.
    Bailopan for the pack stream info.
    Naris and FernFerret for adding so many nice features.
    LAMDACORE, Uberman, Woody, psychonic and edgecom.
    berni for his Sound Info Library Extension
    Russian: Xiloid
            * First Public Release!
            * Removed "downloadtable extension" dependency
            * Added Insurgency Mod Support
            * Fixed some errors
            * Added admin only triggers
            * Join/Exit sound added
            * Made join/exit sounds for admins only
            * Fixed errors on linux
            * Fixed sound reset bug (thanks to lambdacore for pointing it out)
            * Added join/exit and wazza sound files to the download
        1.5 September 26, 2007
            * Uses EmitSountToClient instead of play (should allow multiple sounds to play at once)
                - Note that the path for the file changed because of this...remove the sound/ from your 
                    cfg file...IE. change sound/misc/wazza.wav to misc/wazza.wav
            * Clients using "!soundlist" in chat will get a list of triggers in their console
            * Added a cvar to control how long between each sound to wait and a message to the user
        1.5.5 Oct 9, 2007
            * Fixed small memory leak from not closing handle at the end of each map
        1.6   Dec 28, 2007
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added soundmenu (Menu of sounds to play)
            * Added adminsounds (Menu of admin-only sounds for admins to play)
            * Added adminsounds menu to SourceMod's admin menu
            * Added sm_specific_join_exit (Join/Exit for specific STEAM IDs)
            * Fixed join/exit sounds not playing by adding call to KvRewind()
              before KvJumpToKey().
            * Fixed non-admins playing admin sounds by checking for generic admin bits.
            * Used SourceMod's MANPLAYERS instead of recreating another MAX_PLAYERS constant.
            * Added globalLastSound which is set to duration of last sound played
              to reduce possibility of overlapping sounds.
            * Fix the sounds go away bug
            * Moved close of listfile from mapchange to Load_Sounds (if handle is valid)
        1.7   Jan 10, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added separate admin sound_limit and time_between_sounds convars.
            * Changed multiple sound to check the "file" key if "file1" is not found.
        1.8   Jan 11, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Fixed timer errors
        1.9   Jan 18, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added Sound Duration setting in config file
            * Various fixes
        1.10  Jan 22, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added more comprehensive error checking
            * Changed !soundlist to call Sound_Menu() instead of List_Sounds().
        1.11  Feb 03, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added separate sm_sound_admin_warn convar.
            * Added unlimited sounds when limit == 0.
        1.12  Feb 03, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Fixed message that limit was passed when unlimited
            * Fixed grammar in warning.
        1.13  Feb 06, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Fix bug in unlimited sounds.
            * Added logging.
        1.14  Feb 13, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added logging of unnamed (join/exit) sounds.
        1.15  Feb 14, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added LAMDACORE's change to increase memory to allow lots of sounds
            * Added LAMDACORE's change to allow keyword to be embedded in a sentence.
            * Added sm_sound_sentence to enable the above modification.
        1.16  Feb 18, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added check for Fake clients (bots) before Emitting Sounds
              or sending Chat messages.
        1.17  Mar 1, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Fixed crash in Counter-Strike (Windows) by NOT calling GetSoundDuration()
              unless the SDKVersion >= 30 (Version or Orangebox/TF2)
        1.18  Mar 2, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Also added check to not call GetSoundDuration() for mp3 files.
            * Added sm_sound_logging to turn logging of sounds played on and off.
            * Added sm_sound_allow_bots to allow bots to trigger sounds.
        1.19  Mar 2, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Removed sm_sound_allow_bots to allow bots to trigger sounds.
            * Removed several checks for Fake Clients.
            * Commented out code that calls GetSoundDuration()
        1.19.1    Dec 10, 2008
            * Modified by Woody
            * Added volume setting cvar sm_saysounds_volume
            * Added individual sound volume override with cfg file key "volume"
        1.20  Mar 16, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added AutoExecConfig()
            * Removed code that calls GetSoundDuration().
        2.0   March 15, 2008
            * Modified by [RiCK] Stokes aka. FernFerret
            * Made version 2.0 due to massive functionallity change
            * Changed Plugin name from Saysounds, to Saysoundshybrid
            * Changed Reference from saysounds.cfg to saysoundshybrid.cfg
            * Added ability to create sounds from actions in TF2 :) (Currently only 3 supported(Flag Events, Kill Events, 
            - Medic Uber Event) more to be added later
            * Added ability to hide soundmenu from non admins (sm_sound_showmenu)
            * Added menu for admins to show ALL sounds admin and public (sm_all_sounds)
            * Added above two items to admin menu under "Server Commands"
            * Added a few new types of data that you can add in config file including "actiononly" which will allow
            - SSH(SaySoundsHybrid) to play the sound, aka clients will download it, but they can't play it
            - Other types are covered in the demo section of this file
            * Changed the Sound_Menu function: Added AllSounds parameter
            * Updated Credits
        2.0.1 March 15, 2008
            * Modified by [RiCK] Stokes aka. FernFerret
            * Fixed Error about hiding the sound menu
            * Updated to Core Version 1.17 - Fixed the crash on windows servers due to the getsoundduration
            * Added Spy disguising event(boolean) when a spy goes to disguise, triggers a true, opposite when he goes undisguised
        2.0.2 March 15, 2008
            * Modified by [RiCK] Stokes aka. FernFerret
            * Updated to Core Version 1.19 - The Following fixes were ported in:
                1.18  Mar 2, 2008
                    * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
                    * Also added check to not call GetSoundDuration() for mp3 files.
                    * Added sm_sound_logging to turn logging of sounds played on and off.
                    * Added sm_sound_allow_bots to allow bots to trigger sounds.
                1.19  Mar 2, 2008
                    * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
                    * Removed sm_sound_allow_bots to allow bots to trigger sounds.
                    * Removed several checks for Fake Clients.
                    * Commented out code that calls GetSoundDuration()
            * Added event "build" Support
        2.0.3 Mar 16, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Merged the last few saysounds changes with saysounds hybrid.
        2.0.4 Jun 13, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Checks the GameType() before hooking TF2 events.
        2.0.5 Aug 20, 2008
            * Modified by Uberman
            * Adds the chat "!stop" command to stop any currently playing sound
        2.0.6 Oct 30, 2008
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added usage of clientprefs extension (SM 1.1 only)
            * If a client turns the playback of sounds on/off it will be stored in the clientprefs sqlite database
            * The next time the client connects, the plugin will retrieve the saved value so clients that don't want
              to play sounds doesn't have to turn it off after every reconnect or mapchange 
            * Added sm_play_cl_snd_off to restrict players with sounds turned off from playing sounds
        3.0.0 Jun 15, 2008
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Added Karaoke mode.
        3.0.5 Sep 30, 2008
            * Merged Uberman !stop command into 3.0.0 by Naris
        3.0.6 Oct 30, 2008
            * Merged gH0sTy clientprefs code (to save user settings) into 3.0.0 by Naris
        3.0.7 Jan 04, 2009
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * fixed Anti-Soundspam Issue, (epic fail :P)
            * Changed Version Cvar from "sm_saysounds_version" to "sm_saysounds_hybrid_version" so this plugin can be approved without the need to unapprove the original one
        3.0.8 Jan 05, 2009
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * fixed Anti-Soundspam Issue - Added the Function again that reads the duration from the saysounds.cfg; Added a check if the sound is a Karaoke sound (new bool:iskaraoke)
            * NOTE: Haven't tested if Karaoke still works but it should
        3.0.9 Jan 14, 2009
            * Fixed broken duration that broke anti-spam, iskaraoke no longer required.
            * Merged/Ported Woody's volume code (1.19.1) into 3.0.6 by Naris
                * Added volume setting cvar sm_saysounds_volume
                * Added individual sound volume override with cfg file key "volume"
        3.1.0 Jan 15, 2009
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Fixed broken anti-spam
        3.1.1 Feb 20, 2009
            * Modified by W]M[D FernFerret
            * Added following actions:
            * hit_by_train
            * drowned
            * backstab
            * crit_kill
            * Use these in your config the same as you would uber
            * Special thanks to BigPimpNick(psychonic) and Octo, for parts of this code
        3.1.2 Feb 26, 2009
            * Modified by -=|JFH|=-Naris
            * Don't precache sounds until they are played
            * Incorporated into this source
        3.1.3 Feb 27, 2009
            * Modified by psychonic
            * TF2 kill parameter names now use same weapon name as in game log (should clear up some confusion and fix some deflect_ kills not working)
            * Added headshot support for css, dods, and tf2 (action "kill", param "headshot")
            * Backstab is now (action "kill" param "backstab") to keep consistency
            * Fixed some cases where plugin was going through extra logic (was continuing kill logic after finding sound to play (like for headshot, train, etc.)
            * Fixed looking through tf2 logic for all games instead of just tf2
            * Fixed potential issue with leaving out "param" for some special events
        3.1.4 Apr 13, 2009
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added IsValidClient function and replaced all IsClientInGame & !IsFakeClient with it
            * Changed all cvar names to sm_saysoundhe* to have them listed beneath each other for a cvarlist output and make it easier to recognize them as a Say Sounds related cvar
            * Added an "adult" param, if it's specified in saysounds.cfg it will, hide this sound from the sound menu, block the chat output for this trigger, announces the played sound as ADULT SOUND
            * Added a "delay" param, if it's specified in saysounds.cfg it will delay the sound by x seconds (max delay 60 seconds)
            * Added the possibility to reset the clients played sound count at round end (sm_saysoundhe_limit_sound_per_round)
            * Support for playing sound for the round_start event (action "roundstart" param "roundstart")
            * Added the possibility to restrict clients form playing a sound that was recently played (sm_saysoundhe_excl_last_sound)
            * Added the possibility to hide the chat output for a sound trigger word (sm_saysoundhe_block_trigger)
            * Colored Chat output
        3.1.5 Apr 30, 2009
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added a listfile == INVALID_HANDLE check for runSoundEvent
            * Moved CheckJoin from OnClientAuthorized to OnClientPostAdminCheck as CheckJoin is done to early and listfile == INVALID_HANDLE (at least on my ZPS server)
            * Added TF event for waiting_begins/ends (action "setupstart", "setupend" param "setupstart", "setupend")
                and suddendeath_begin/end (action "suddendeathstart", "suddendeathend" param "suddendeathstart", "suddendeathend")
        3.1.6 Jun 08, 2009
            * Modified by edgecom
            * Added support for TF2's new unlockable weapons
                (huntsman , sniper rifle, back stab and ambassador)
        3.1.7 Jun 15, 2009
            * Modified by psychonic
            * Fixed headshot and backstab actions in TF2
            * Added "fall" action for TF2
            * Added suicide action for all games
        3.1.8 Jun 16, 2009
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Fixed suddendeath event
            * Fixed Setup end event, there's no setup start event so "setupstart" is not available anymore
            * Added delay support for event sounds
        3.1.9 Jun 25, 2009
            * Modified by psychoinc
            * Fixed translation error "Native "ReplyToCommand" reported: Language phrase "No matching client" not found"
        3.2.0 November 14, 2009
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added round_start event for CS:S so the sound limit for players can be reset each round
            * Fixed some join sound bugs:
                * A join sound doesn't count to a players sound quota any more
                * A join sound doesn't affect the anti sound spam function
        3.2.1 April 30, 2010
            * Modified by Naris
            * Added ResourceManage to limit number of downloads per map
        3.2.2 May 02, 2010
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added Support for translations
        3.2.3 May 03, 2010
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Fixed JoinSound where it was only played if the join spawn cvar was set to 1
            * New cvar sm_saysoundhe_adult_announce to disable the announcement of played adult sounds
            * Join sounds won't trigger the recently played function
            * Additional translations + colouring
        3.2.4 May 03, 2010
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Karaoke sounds won't trigger the recently played function
        3.2.5 August 28, 2010
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added Cookie Menu Support (!settings); Thx @ Miraculix
            * Added round_end event for CSS; Thx @ grepplz
            * Added possibility to play event sounds to: attacker, victim, both, ateam, vteam
            * Support for random event sounds
            * Fixed clients sound settings
            *** changes by Miraculix ***
            * Added: new CVAR: possibility to interrupt the current sound when a new start
            * Added: new CVAR: possibility alive players do not hear sounds triggered by dead players
            * Changed: players are banned permanently ('til unban)
            * Changed: also dead players can be banned
        3.2.6 March 16, 2011
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added:    possibility to display a text message for a sound
            * Changed:    Joinsounds won't play again after a map change
        4.0.0 July 17, 2011
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added: More settings for the client, Enable/Disable Karaoke, chat messages, action souds, say sounds
            * Added: Menu for client settings !sounds will now display a menu to the client
            * Added: Sound Info Library Extension by berni (required now), duration of a soundfile will be automatically detected now
                     Sampling Rate will also be detected and logs to Path_SM/logs/saysounds_error.log if it's above 44100 Hz
            * Added: Round End support for TF2 and DoD
            * Added: Translation phrases for the client menu
            * Changed: Removed case sensitivity for "action", "param" and playto
            * Changed: "action" now reflect the corresponding event so some have changed 
        4.0.1 July 22, 2011
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added: Clients sound limits will now be restored on reconnect
            * Changed: Setting the *_time_between_* cvars to 0 will now allow to play another sound while one is still playing
            * Changed: Setting sm_saysoundhe_time_between_admin_sounds to -1 will completely bypass the anti soundspam protection for admins
        4.0.2 July 27, 2011
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Fixed: Now using the databases.cfg settings to access the clientprefs DB
        4.0.3 August 28, 2011
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Fixed: (TF2) playing round won/lost sounds at the same time to both teams
        4.0.4 March 03, 2012
            ** Modified by Naris
            * Updated: the ResourceManager derived functions (SetupSound() & PrepareSound()) to implement a cap to the number of different sounds
                       played per map and added a convar (sm_saysoundhe_sound_max) to set that limit.
            * Added: additional properties for sounds that can be set in the config file:
                     enable, when set to 0 disables the sound -- defaults to 1
                     title, if defined, used as the title of the sound in menus -- defaults to "" (uses the name of the sound as the title).
            * Changed: Clients sound counts are stored in tries instead of a seperate sqlite DB
            ** Modified by gH0sTy
            * Changed: Using SetAuthIdCookie intreduced in SM 1.4 to store the greeted cookie so we don't need to create a manual connection to the clienprefs DB
            * Changed: Using Command Listeners instead of registering a console command for the "say" command and removed the need of a seperate Command_InsurgencySay
        4.0.5 March 18, 2012
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Added: Play a sound if a mapvote starts/ends
                     action "mapvote"
                     param "start" or "end"
            * Added: TF2: Play a sound if Waiting for Players round starts/ends
                     action "wait4players"
                     param "start" or "end"
        4.0.6 October 07, 2012
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Changed: using tf2stocks for TF2 custom kills
            * Changed: moved a few functions into seperate files
            * Updated: translations
            * Added: Support for CS:GO
            * Added: Support for client flags
                * param "flags" can be added to a sound so only clients with this flag will have access to this sound
                * new cvars
                    - sm_saysoundhe_sound_flags //User flags that will result in unlimited sounds
                    - sm_saysoundhe_time_between_flags //User flags to bypass the Time between sounds check
                    - sm_saysoundhe_flags //Flag(s) that will have a seperate sound limit
                    - sm_saysoundhe_flags_limit //Maximum sounds per person with the corresponding flag (0 for unlimited)
                    - sm_saysoundhe_stop_flags //User flags that are allowed to stop a sound
                    - sm_saysoundhe_confmenu_flags //User flags that are allowed to access the configuration menu
        4.0.7 June 01, 2013
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Fix for built in game sounds
        4.0.8 June 17, 2013
            * Modified by gH0sTy
            * Another fix for built in game sounds
    CVAR list: (default)
    If you load the plugin the first time, a config file (sm_saysounds.cfg) will be generated in the cfg/sourcemod folder.
    • sm_saysoundhe_enable (1) Turns Sounds On/Off
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_warn (3) Number of sounds to warn person at (0 for no warnings)
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_limit (5) Maximum sounds per person (0 for unlimited)
    • sm_saysoundhe_join_exit (0) Play sounds when someone joins or exits the game
    • sm_saysoundhe_join_spawn (1) Wait until the player spawns before playing the join sound
    • sm_saysoundhe_specific_join_exit (1) Play sounds when specific steam ID joins or exits the game
    • sm_saysoundhe_time_between_sounds (4.5) Time between each sound trigger, 0.0 to disable checking
    • sm_saysoundhe_time_between_admin_sounds (4.5) Time between each admin sound trigger, 0.0 to disable checking
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_admin_warn (0) Number of sounds to warn admin at (0 for no warnings)
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_admin_limit (0) Maximum sounds per admin (0 for unlimited)
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_announce (0) Turns on announcements when a sound is played
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_sentence (0) When set, will trigger sounds if keyword is embedded in a sentence
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_logging (1) When set, will log sounds that are played
    • sm_saysoundhe_play_cl_snd_off (0) When set, allows clients that have turned their sounds off to trigger sounds (0=off | 1=on)
    • sm_saysoundhe_karaoke_delay (15.0) Delay before playing a Karaoke song
    • sm_saysoundhe_showmenu (1) 1 To show menu to users, 0 to hide menu from users (admins excluded)
    • sm_saysoundhe_saysounds_volume (1.0) Global/Default Volume setting for Say Sounds (0.0 <= x <= 1.0)
    • sm_saysoundhe_block_trigger (0) If set, block the sound trigger to be displayed in the chat window
    • sm_saysoundhe_excl_last_sound (0) If set, don't allow to play a sound that was recently played
    • sm_saysoundhe_limit_sound_per_round (0) If set, sm_saysoundhe_sound_limit is the limit per round instead of per map
    • sm_saysoundhe_download_threshold (-1) Number of sounds to download per map start (-1=unlimited)
    • sm_saysoundhe_adult_announce (0) Announce played adult sounds? | 0 = off 1 = on
    • sm_saysoundhe_interrupt_sound (0) If set, interrupt the current sound when a new start
    • sm_saysoundhe_filter_if_dead (0) If set, alive players do not hear sounds triggered by dead players
    • sm_saysoundhe_track_disconnects(1) If set, stores sound counts when clients leave and loads them when they join.
    • sm_saysoundhe_sound_flags //User flags that will result in unlimited sounds NEW since 4.0.6
    • sm_saysoundhe_time_between_flags //User flags to bypass the Time between sounds checkNEW since 4.0.6
    • sm_saysoundhe_flags //Flag(s) that will have a seperate sound limitNEW since 4.0.6
    • sm_saysoundhe_flags_limit //Maximum sounds per person with the corresponding flag (0 for unlimited) NEW since 4.0.6
    • sm_saysoundhe_stop_flags //User flags that are allowed to stop a sound NEW since 4.0.6
    • sm_saysoundhe_confmenu_flags //User flags that are allowed to access the configuration menuNEW since 4.0.6
    Admin commands: [ chat trigger]
    • sm_all_sounds [!allsounds / allsounds] Display a menu of ALL sounds to play
    • sm_sound_ban <user> : Bans a player from using sounds
    • sm_sound_unban <user> : Unbans a player from using sound
    • sm_sound_reset <user | all> : Resets sound quota for user, or everyone if all
    • sm_admin_sounds [!adminsounds / adminsounds] Display a menu of Admin sounds to play
    • sm_karaoke [!karaoke / karaoke] Display a menu of Karaoke songs to play
    User commands:
    • !sounds / sounds Display a settings manu
    • !soundlist / soundlist Display a menu of sounds to play
    • !stop Stop the actually played sound
    Configuring Sounds:
    Make sure "saysounds.cfg" is in your addons/sourcemod/configs/ directory.
    File Format:
    // ##################################################################################################
    // ############################## Saysounds example config ##########################################
    // ##################################################################################################
    // # Soundfiles have to be placed relative to your game/mod "sound" folder.                            #
    // # Example:     cstrike/sound/mysound.mp3    or        dod/sound/myfolder/mysound.mp3                    #
    // #            "file"    "mysound.mp3"        or        "file"    "myfolder/mysound.mp3"                    #
    // # If you run a pure server (sv_pure = 1) you should create an extra folder for your sounds        #
    // # so you don't have to whitelist your whole "sound" folder.                                        #
    // # Whitelisting is done in the "pure_server_whitelist.txt" file located in the "hl2" folder.        #
    // # Example: sound\myfolder\...    allow_from_disk                                                    #
    // # Don't forget to change the map after you've added something to your pure_server_whitelist.txt    #
    // # For more infos on pure servers visit        #
    // ##################################################################################################
    "Sound Combinations"
        // #### Join/Exit Sounds ####
        "JoinSound" // Sound to play when a player Joins the server
            "file"    "misc/welcome.wav"
            "admin"    "0"
            "text"    "blablabla"    // Message to display if s client joins the server
            "single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all (default is 1)
            "volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
            "file"    "misc/welcome.wav"
            "admin"    "0"
            "etext"    "blablabla"    // Message to display if a client leaves the server
            "single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all (default is 0)
            "volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
        "STEAM_0:x:xxxxxx" // trigger for specific STEAM ID
            "file"    "misc/myhouse.mp3" // name of sound to play when joining
            "exit"    "misc/goodbye.mp3" // name of sound to play when leaving
            "text"    "blablabla"    // Message to display if this client joins the server
            "etext"    "blablabla"    // Message to display if this client leaves the server
            "admin"    "0"
            "volume" "0.5"            // Specify volume for this specific sound
        // #### Say Sounds ####
        "doh"  // Minimum configuration for sounds
            "file"    "misc/doh.wav"    // This will set all other options to default values
        "wazza"  // Word trigger
            "file"    "misc/wazza.wav" //"file" is always there, next is the filepath (always starts with "sound/")
            "admin"    "1"    //1 is admin only, 0 is anyone (defaults is 0)
            "delay" "5" // will delay the sound by 5 seconds (max delay 60 seconds)
            "adult" "1" //will announce the sound as ADULT SOUND, hide it from the sounds menu, block the chat output (defaults is 0)
            "text"    "blablabla"    // Message to display for this sound
            "download" "1"    //1 to download the sounds, 0 to not download (default is 1)
            "flags" "ao"        // only clients with either the "a" or the "o" flag will be able to play that sound
        "lol"  // Word trigger to randomly select 1 of multiple sounds
            "file"    "misc/lol1.wav"    // name of the 1st option, can also be "file1"
            "file2"    "misc/lol2.wav"    // name of the 2nd option
            "file3"    "misc/lol3.wav"
            "file4"    "misc/lol4.wav"
            "count"    "4"        // number of sounds (default is 1)
            "volume" "0.5"         // Specify volume for this specific sound
        // #### KARAOKE ####
        "somesong"  // Word trigger for Karaoke
            "file"    "misc/somesong.wav"
            "karaoke" "somesong.cfg" // name of config file for karaoke lyrics
        // ####FernFerret####
        // ####Action Sounds####
        // New Section showing how to use Action Sounds Extention
        // New Parameters:
        //    - actiononly    If this variable is set to 1, the sound cannot be 
        //                     played by a menu or a client typing
        //    - action        If the action filled in here is performed, the sound will play
        //    - param            The best way to think of param is "Play Sound if [ACTION] with [PARAM]"
        //    *                 Some examples are Flag events**, or weapons***
        //    - prob            The probability of a sound playing, if you want a sound to play 20% of the time
        //    *                 the fill in prob as ".2" or the percentage divided by 100
        //    - playto        Play kill events to clients/teams
        //    *                attacker - plays the sound to the attacker
        //    *                victim - plays the sound to the victim
        //    *                both - plays the sound to the attacker and the victim
        //    *                ateam - plays the sound to the attacker team
        //    *                vteam - plays the sound to the victim team
        //  - Some examples:
        "rocket" //This example plays a random sound to the victim if he gets killed with a TF2 rocket launcher.
            "file"    "misc/saysound/rocket1.mp3"
            "file2"    "misc/saysound/rocket2.mp3"
            "file3"    "misc/saysound/rocket3.mp3"
            "count"    "3"
            "admin"    "1"
            "actiononly"    "1"
            "action"    "kill"
            "param"    "tf_projectile_rocket"
            "playto"    "victim"
            "file"    "admin_plugin/invincible.wav"
            "admin"    "1"
            "actiononly" "1"
            "action"    "uber"
            // Note: If the action is uber, you do not need param
            // Prob is assumed 1 or 100% if nothing is provied
            "file"    "admin_plugin/lmf.wav"
            "admin"    "1"
            "actiononly" "1"
            "action"    "kill"
            "param"        "flamethrower"
            "prob"        ".05"
    Play kill events to clients/teams with a new "playto" key (see the "rocket" example above)
    Values for the "playto" key are:
    • attacker - plays the sound to the attacker
    • victim - plays the sound to the victim
    • both - plays the sound to the attacker and the victim
    • ateam - plays the sound to the attacker team
    • vteam - plays the sound to the victim team

    Supported Events

    • TF2 Build Event

      "action" "build"
      "param" see list

    • TF2 Flag Event

      "action" "flag"
      "param" see list
      flag_captured (default)
    • TF2 Uber Charge Event

      "action" "uber"
      "param" "uber"
    • TF2 Kill Events

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "hit_by_train"

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "drowned"

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "backstab"

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "crit_kill"

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "fall"

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "headshot"
    • TF2 Round Events

      "action" "round"

      "param" "stalemate"
      "param" "suddendeath"
      "param" "won"
      "param" "lost"
    • TF2 Waiting for Players

      "action" "wait4players"

      "param" "start"
      "param" "end"
    • Special CS:S Events

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "headshot"
    • DOD:S Kill Events

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "headshot"
    • DOD:S Round Events

      "action" "round"

      "param" "USWon"
      "param" "GERWon"
    • Kill event:

      "action" "kill"
      "param" see weapons list
      tf: ambassador
      tf: amputator
      tf: atomizer
      tf: axtinguisher
      tf: backburner
      tf: back_scratcher
      tf: ball
      tf: bat
      tf: battleaxe
      tf: battleneedle
      tf: bazaar_bargain
      tf: big_earner
      tf: blackbox
      tf: bleed_kill
      tf: blutsauger
      tf: bonesaw
      tf: boston_basher
      tf: bottle
      tf: brass_beast
      tf: bushwacka
      tf: candy_cane
      tf: claidheamohmor
      tf: club
      tf: cow_mangler
      tf: crusaders_crossbow
      tf: deflect_arrow
      tf: deflect_flare
      tf: deflect_promode
      tf: deflect_rocket
      tf: deflect_sticky
      tf: degreaser
      tf: demokatana
      tf: demoshield
      tf: detonator
      tf: disciplinary_action
      tf: enforcer
      tf: eternal_reward
      tf: eviction_notice
      tf: family_business
      tf: fireaxe
      tf: fists
      tf: flamethrower
      tf: flaregun
      tf: force_a_nature
      tf: frontier_justice
      tf: fryingpan
      tf: gloves
      tf: gloves_running_urgently
      tf: headtaker
      tf: holy_mackerel
      tf: iron_curtain
      tf: knife
      tf: kunai
      tf: letranger
      tf: liberty_launcher
      tf: loch_n_load
      tf: mailbox
      tf: mantreads
      tf: market_gardener
      tf: maxgun
      tf: minigun
      tf: natascha
      tf: nessieclub
      tf: obj_minisentry
      tf: obj_sentrygun
      tf: obj_sentrygun2
      tf: obj_sentrygun3
      tf: paintrain
      tf: persian_persuader
      tf: pistol
      tf: pistol_scout
      tf: powerjack
      tf: proto_syringe
      tf: reserve_shooter
      tf: revolver
      tf: righteous_bison
      tf: robot_arm
      tf: robot_arm_blender_kill
      tf: robot_arm_combo_kill
      tf: rocketlauncher_directhit
      tf: samrevolver
      tf: sandman
      tf: saxxy
      tf: scattergun
      tf: scout_sword
      tf: shahanshah
      tf: short_stop
      tf: shotgun_hwg
      tf: shotgun_primary
      tf: shotgun_pyro
      tf: shotgun_soldier
      tf: shovel
      tf: sledgehammer
      tf: smg
      tf: sniperrifle
      tf: soda_popper
      tf: solemn_vow
      tf: southern_hospitality
      tf: splendid_screen
      tf: steel_fists
      tf: sticky_resistance
      tf: sword
      tf: sydney_sleeper
      tf: syringegun_medic
      tf: taunt_demoman                
      tf: taunt_guitar_kill
      tf: taunt_heavy
      tf: taunt_medic
      tf: taunt_pyro
      tf: taunt_scout
      tf: taunt_sniper
      tf: taunt_soldier
      tf: taunt_soldier_lumbricus
      tf: taunt_spy
      tf: telefrag
      tf: tf_projectile_arrow
      tf: tf_projectile_arrow_fire
      tf: tf_projectile_energy_ball
      tf: tf_projectile_pipe
      tf: tf_projectile_pipe_remote
      tf: tf_projectile_rocket
      tf: tf_pumpkin_bomb
      tf: the_maul
      tf: the_winger
      tf: tomislav
      tf: tribalkukri
      tf: ubersaw
      tf: ullapool_caber
      tf: ullapool_caber_explosion
      tf: unique_pickaxe
      tf: warfan
      tf: warrior_spirit
      tf: world
      tf: wrangler_kill
      tf: wrench
      tf: wrench_golden
      tf: wrench_jag
      csp: knife
      csp: usp
      csp: glock
      csp: deagle
      csp: mp5navy
      csp: m4a1
      csp: ak47
      csp: awp
      csp: hegrenade
      csp: famas
      csp: galil
      css: knife
      css: usp
      css: glock
      css: deagle
      css: p228
      css: m3
      css: xm1014
      css: mp5navy
      css: tmp
      css: p90
      css: m4a1
      css: ak47
      css: sg552
      css: scout
      css: awp
      css: g3sg1
      css: m249
      css: hegrenade
      css: flashbang
      css: elite
      css: aug
      css: mac10
      css: fiveseven
      css: ump45
      css: sg550
      css: famas
      css: galil
      css: smokegrenade_projectile
      css: PROP_PHYSICS
      hl2mp: env_explosion
      hl2mp: player
      hl2mp: physbox
      hl2mp: physics
      hl2mp: crowbar
      hl2mp: stunstick
      hl2mp: pistol
      hl2mp: 357
      hl2mp: smg1
      hl2mp: smg1_grenade
      hl2mp: ar2
      hl2mp: combine_ball
      hl2mp: shotgun
      hl2mp: crossbow_bolt
      hl2mp: rpg_missile
      hl2mp: grenade_frag
      hl2mp: slam
      hl2mp: physcannon
      hl2ctf: stunstick
      hl2ctf: Crowbar
      hl2ctf: crossbow_bolt
      hl2ctf: Slam
      hl2ctf: Pistol
      hl2ctf: grenade_frag
      hl2ctf: combine_ball
      hl2ctf: physcannon
      hl2ctf: Shotgun
      hl2ctf: 357
      hl2ctf: rpg_missile
      hl2ctf: ar2
      hl2ctf: smg1
      hl2ctf: env_explosion
      hl2ctf: ctf_combine_turret
      hl2ctf: ctf_rebel_turret
      hl2ctf: ctf_oicw
      hl2ctf: ctf_sniper
      hl2ctf: grenade_ctf_oicw_airburst
      hl2ctf: ctf_alyxgun
      hl2ctf: smg1_grenade
      dods: k98
      dods: mp40
      dods: k98_scoped
      dods: mp44
      dods: colt
      dods: riflegren_us
      dods: thompson
      dods: spring
      dods: bar
      dods: frag_us
      dods: m1carbine
      dods: 30cal
      dods: frag_ger
      dods: spade
      dods: amerknife
      dods: bazooka
      dods: pschreck
      dods: riflegren_ger
      dods: garand
      dods: p38
      dods: c96
      dods: punch
      dods: mg42
      dods: smoke_ger
      dods: smoke_us
      dods: dod_bomb_target
      insmod: weapon_makarov
      insmod: weapon_m9
      insmod: world
      insmod: weapon_sks
      insmod: weapon_m1014
      insmod: weapon_toz
      insmod: weapon_svd
      insmod: weapon_rpk
      insmod: weapon_m249
      insmod: weapon_m16m203
      insmod: weapon_l42a1
      insmod: weapon_m4med
      insmod: weapon_m4
      insmod: weapon_m16a4
      insmod: weapon_m14
      insmod: weapon_fnfal
      insmod: weapon_aks74u
      insmod: weapon_ak47
      ff: weapon_railgun
      ff: weapon_tranq
      ff: weapon_medkit
      ff: weapon_spanner
      ff: weapon_crowbar
      ff: weapon_shotgun
      ff: grenade_napalm
      ff: weapon_ic
      ff: grenade_nail
      ff: weapon_supershotgun
      ff: weapon_supernailgun
      ff: weapon_sniperrifle
      ff: weapon_rpg
      ff: weapon_pipelauncher
      ff: weapon_knife
      ff: weapon_grenadelauncher
      ff: weapon_flamethrower
      ff: Dispenser
      ff: weapon_autorifle
      ff: weapon_assaultcannon
      ff: SentryGun
      ff: grenade_normal
      ff: grenade_mirv
      ff: grenade_emp
      ff: DETPACK
      ff: weapon_umbrella
      ff: grenade_gas
      ff: weapon_tommygun
      ff: weapon_nailgun
      ff: backstab
      zps: arms
      zps: carrierarms
      zps: ak47
      zps: mp5
      zps: revolver
      zps: glock
      zps: glock18c
      zps: ppk
      zps: usp
      zps: 870
      zps: supershorty
      zps: grenade_frag
      zps: sledgehammer
      zps: crowbar
      zps: chair
      zps: keyboard
      zps: plank
      zps: shovel
      zps: golf
      zps: machete
      zps: fryingpan
      zps: spanner
      zps: axe
      zps: tireiron
      zps: hammer
      zps: pot
      zps: world
      zps: physics
      zps: torque
      zps: winchester
      zps: bat_aluminum
      zps: bat_wood
      zps: m4
      zps: pipe
      zps: slam
      aoc: Flamberge
      aoc: Longsword
      aoc: Glaive
      aoc: Dual Daggers
      aoc: Flamberge & Kite Shield
      aoc: world
      aoc: chivalry
      aoc: Shortsword
      aoc: Warhammer
      aoc: Mace
      aoc: Mace & Buckler
      aoc: Broadsword & Evil Shield
      aoc: Crossbow
      aoc: Longbow
      aoc: Longsword & Kite Shield
      aoc: Broadsword & Good Shield
      aoc: Hatchet
      aoc: Double Axe
      aoc: Flail & Evil Shield
      aoc: Flail & Good Shield
      aoc: Javelin
      aoc: Spear & Buckler
      aoc: Dagger
      aoc: Broadsword
      aoc: Throwing Knife
      aoc: Spiked Mace
      aoc: Spiked Mace & Buckler
      aoc: Halberd
      aoc: Oil Pot
      aoc: Fists
      aoc: Throwing Axe
      cstrike: knife
      cstrike: usp
      cstrike: glock18
      cstrike: deagle
      cstrike: p228
      cstrike: m3
      cstrike: xm1014
      cstrike: mp5navy
      cstrike: tmp
      cstrike: p90
      cstrike: m4a1
      cstrike: ak47
      cstrike: sg552
      cstrike: scout
      cstrike: awp
      cstrike: g3sg1
      cstrike: m249
      cstrike: grenade
      cstrike: elite
      cstrike: aug
      cstrike: mac10
      cstrike: fiveseven
      cstrike: ump45
      cstrike: sg550
      cstrike: famas
      cstrike: galil
      dod: k43
      dod: luger
      dod: kar
      dod: mp40
      dod: scopedkar
      dod: mp44
      dod: colt
      dod: garand
      dod: thompson
      dod: spring
      dod: bar
      dod: grenade
      dod: enf_bayonet
      dod: bren
      dod: m1carbine
      dod: greasegun
      dod: 30cal
      dod: mg42
      dod: grenade2
      dod: spade
      dod: gerknife
      dod: fg42
      dod: world
      dod: amerknife
      dod: bayonet
      dod: mg34
      dod: brit_knife
      dod: mortar
      dod: fcarbine
      dod: scoped_fg42
      dod: bazooka
      dod: enfield
      dod: garandbutt
      dod: mills_bomb
      dod: piat
      dod: pschreck
      dod: scoped_enfield
      dod: sten
      dod: webley
      ns: welder
      ns: item_mine
      ns: handgrenade
      ns: grenade
      ns: knife
      ns: pistol
      ns: machinegun
      ns: shotgun
      ns: heavymachinegun
      ns: turret
      ns: siegeturret
      ns: resourcetower
      ns: team_turretfactor
      ns: team_advturretfactor
      ns: acidrocket
      ns: bitegun
      ns: charge
      ns: claws
      ns: divinewind
      ns: leap
      ns: bite2gun
      ns: spitgunspit
      ns: sporegunprojectile
      ns: swipe
      ns: healingspray
      ns: parasite
      ns: devour
      ns: offensechamber
      fof: deringer
      fof: carbine
      fof: coltnavy
      fof: bow
      fof: arrow
      fof: sharps
      fof: coachgun
      fof: peacemaker
      fof: knife
      fof: physics
      fof: thrown_axe
      fof: arrow_fiery
      fof: thrown_knife
      fof: dualnavy
      fof: dynamite
      fof: explosive_arrow
      fof: fists
      fof: axe
      fof: dualpeacemaker
      fof: henryrifle
      fof: shotgun
      bg2: brownbess
      bg2: brownbess_bayonet
      bg2: charleville
      bg2: charleville_bayonet
      bg2: hirschf
      bg2: jaeger
      bg2: knife
      bg2: pennsylvania
      bg2: pistol_a
      bg2: pistol_b
      bg2: sabre_a
      bg2: sabre_b
      sgtls: p90-90 Red Dot / FN-H P-90RD', 1),
      sgtls: pistol-s', 1),
      sgtls: knife
      sgtls: staff_blast
      sgtls: p90D
      sgtls: hdevice
      sgtls: tac_pulse
      sgtls: tac_projectile
      sgtls: c4_charge
      sgtls: grenade_projectile
      sgtls: g36
      sgtls: kull_blast
      sgtls: suicide_bomb
      sgtls: kullblaster
      sgtls: staff
      sgtls: zat_blast
      sgtls: awp
      sgtls: grenade
      sgtls: zat
      sgtls: tac
      dystopia: Light Katana
      dystopia: Medium Katana
      dystopia: Fatman Fist
      dystopia: Machine Pistol
      dystopia: Shotgun
      dystopia: Laser Rifle
      dystopia: BoltGun
      dystopia: SmartLock Pistols
      dystopia: Assault Rifle
      dystopia: Grenade Launcher
      dystopia: MK-808 Rifle
      dystopia: Tesla Rifle
      dystopia: Rocket Launcher
      dystopia: Minigun
      dystopia: Ion Cannon
      dystopia: Basilisk
      dystopia: Frag Grenade
      dystopia: EMP Grenade
      dystopia: Spider Grenade
      dystopia: Cortex Bomb
      dystopia: Leg Boosters
      dystopia: Trap
      dystopia: Turret
      nts: aa13
      nts: grenade_projectile
      nts: jitte
      nts: jittescoped
      nts: knife
      nts: kyla
      nts: m41
      nts: m41s
      nts: milso
      nts: mpn
      nts: mx
      nts: mx_silenced
      nts: pz
      nts: grenade_detapack
      nts: srm
      nts: srm_s
      nts: srs
      nts: supa7
      nts: tachi
      nts: zr68c
      nts: zr68l
      nts: zr68s
      pvkii: zerking
      pvkii: slidingdoor
      pvkii: seaxshield
      pvkii: longbow
      pvkii: chest
      pvkii: parrot
      pvkii: rocks
      pvkii: bigaxe
      pvkii: gatecrush
      pvkii: cutlass
      pvkii: twoaxe
      pvkii: spear
      pvkii: freeze
      pvkii: plfall
      pvkii: steam
      pvkii: vulture
      pvkii: shuriken
      pvkii: huscshieldbash
      pvkii: spike
      pvkii: blunderbuss
      pvkii: punch_cpt
      pvkii: crossbow
      pvkii: env_explosion
      pvkii: flintlock
      pvkii: throwaxe
      pvkii: powderkeg
      pvkii: physics
      pvkii: boulder
      pvkii: drowned
      pvkii: barrel
      pvkii: axesword
      pvkii: cutlass2
      pvkii: flames
      pvkii: vikingshield
      pvkii: thrownkeg
      pvkii: archersword
      pvkii: player
      pvkii: worldspawn
      pvkii: twosword
      pvkii: hook
      pvkii: hkshieldbash
      pvkii: javelin
      pvkii: swordshield
      pvkii: crusher
    • General Events

      "action" "kill"
      "param" "suicide"
    • Round Start Event

      "action" "round"
      "param" "roundstart"
    • Mapvote

      "action" "mapvote"

      "param" "start"
      "param" "end"

    You can add additional .cfg files that contain the text of the lyrics to be displayed while the song is playing (you can even have different lines for different teams).
    You then add a "karaoke" entry to list the name of the .cfg file for the lyrics:
    "Sound Combinations"
                "somesong"  // Word trigger for Karaoke
                    "file"    "misc/somesong.wav"
                    "karaoke" "somesong.cfg" // name of config file for karaoke lyrics
    The Karaoke config files have to be placed under addons/sourcemod/configs
    They are formatted like this:
    "Some Song Karaoke" // Whatever
                    "time"    "0:0" // time offset for 1st line
                    "text"    "1st line"
                    "time"    "0:5" // time offset for 2nd line
                    "text"    "2nd line for spectators"
                    "text1"    "2nd line for first (Red/T/Allies) team"
                    "text2"    "2nd line for second (Blue/CT/Axis) team"
                    "time"    "0:10/ time offset for 3rd line
                    "text"    "3rd line"
    Get Plugin will not work as it requires an additional file to compile!
    If you prefer the old 3.2.6 version you can get it here
    The Zip file contains all required files.
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip (363.9 KB, 16995 views)
    File Type: smx saysounds.smx (37.8 KB, 5248 views)

    Last edited by gH0sTy; 06-17-2013 at 23:54. Reason: 4.0.8 - Another fix for built in game sounds
    gH0sTy is offline
    SourceMod Donor
    Join Date: May 2007
    Location: London
    Old 12-19-2008 , 13:15   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #2

    nice, just need to wait for official sourcemod to be v1.1
    shustas is offline
    SourceMod Developer
    Join Date: Jul 2007
    Old 12-19-2008 , 14:15   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #3

    Does the old Say Sounds plugin not work any more or something?
    bl4nk is offline
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    Old 12-19-2008 , 16:08   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #4

    No, it still works.
    gH0sTy is offline
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    Join Date: Dec 2008
    Old 12-19-2008 , 16:13   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #5

    SourceMod 1.1 is required to run this plugin
    where you found this?
    KroleG is offline
    Join Date: Nov 2008
    Old 12-19-2008 , 16:42   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #6

    Originally Posted by bl4nk View Post
    Does the old Say Sounds plugin not work any more or something?
    I think this thread is because the OP of the old Say Sounds thread has last activity Last Activity: 12-20-07 07:07 AM and this way the latest updated version can be in the first post?
    swifty29 is offline
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    Old 12-19-2008 , 20:09   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #7

    Originally Posted by KroleG View Post
    where you found this?
    The plugin uses the clientprefs extension to store the client Say Sounds settings and the clientprefs extension is only included in SM 1.1.
    gH0sTy is offline
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    Old 12-21-2008 , 18:02   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #8

    Hy the Plugin don't work @ my Server?!

    I have SourceMod v1.1.0-dev (here is the gameserver ip: || css ||Gun game)

    An wenn i typed this :sm_sound_showmenu

    Comes this:
    Unknown command "sm_sound_showmenu"

    I can't download the plugin -> Plugin failed to compile! Please try contacting the author.

    Can help me some one?

    Athlon from Germany with a bad english :-)
    Athlon is offline
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    Old 12-21-2008 , 21:47   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #9

    The Plugin won't compile because it needs the file which is not part of SM, therefore the already compiled .smx file is attached as well so download and use the saysounds.smx.
    gH0sTy is offline
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    Old 12-22-2008 , 04:28   Re: Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (3.0.6)
    Reply With Quote #10

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