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[TF2] Hooking use_action_slot_item?

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Pawn 3-pg
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Old 05-29-2011 , 19:07   [TF2] Hooking use_action_slot_item?
Reply With Quote #1

I'm trying to trigger something when a player uses the new taunt that is triggered with the action button. The console command is use_action_slot_item, but neither AddCommandListener nor RegConsoleCmd recognize when it is pressed.

Any ideas?
Pawn 3-pg is offline

Join Date: May 2008
Old 05-29-2011 , 19:26   Re: [TF2] Hooking use_action_slot_item?
Reply With Quote #2

Looks like that exists as a command on the client which does some checking and then sends use_action_slot_item_server as a command.

__text:0055D5E3 ; use_action_slot_item(CCommand  const&)
__text:0055D5E3 __ZL20use_action_slot_itemRK8CCommand proc near ; DATA XREF: sub_728F5+92o
__text:0055D5E3                 push    ebp
__text:0055D5E4                 mov     ebp, esp
__text:0055D5E6                 push    edi
__text:0055D5E7                 push    esi
__text:0055D5E8                 push    ebx
__text:0055D5E9                 sub     esp, 1Ch
__text:0055D5EC                 call    ___i686_get_pc_thunk_bx
__text:0055D5F1                 mov     edi, ds:(_engine_ptr - 55D5F1h)[ebx]
__text:0055D5F7                 mov     eax, [edi]
__text:0055D5F9                 mov     edx, [eax]
__text:0055D5FB                 mov     [esp], eax
__text:0055D5FE                 call    dword ptr [edx+68h]
__text:0055D601                 test    al, al
__text:0055D603                 jnz     short loc_55D60D
__text:0055D605 loc_55D605:                             ; CODE XREF: use_action_slot_item(CCommand  const&)+31j
__text:0055D605                                         ; use_action_slot_item(CCommand  const&)+99j
__text:0055D605                 add     esp, 1Ch
__text:0055D608                 pop     ebx
__text:0055D609                 pop     esi
__text:0055D60A                 pop     edi
__text:0055D60B                 pop     ebp
__text:0055D60C                 retn
__text:0055D60D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:0055D60D loc_55D60D:                             ; CODE XREF: use_action_slot_item(CCommand  const&)+20j
__text:0055D60D                 call    __ZN10C_TFPlayer16GetLocalTFPlayerEv ; C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(void)
__text:0055D612                 test    eax, eax
__text:0055D614                 jz      short loc_55D605
__text:0055D616                 mov     dword ptr [esp+4], 9
__text:0055D61E                 mov     [esp], eax
__text:0055D621                 call    __ZN20CTFPlayerSharedUtils28GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlotEP10C_TFPlayeri ; CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot(C_TFPlayer *,int)
__text:0055D626                 mov     esi, eax
__text:0055D628                 test    eax, eax
__text:0055D62A                 jz      short loc_55D641
__text:0055D62C                 mov     [esp], eax
__text:0055D62F                 call    __ZN14C_EconItemView13GetStaticDataEv ; C_EconItemView::GetStaticData(void)
__text:0055D634                 test    eax, eax
__text:0055D636                 jz      short loc_55D641
__text:0055D638                 test    byte ptr [eax+0A4h], 40h
__text:0055D63F                 jnz     short loc_55D660
__text:0055D641 loc_55D641:                             ; CODE XREF: use_action_slot_item(CCommand  const&)+47j
__text:0055D641                                         ; use_action_slot_item(CCommand  const&)+53j ...
__text:0055D641                 mov     eax, [edi]
__text:0055D643                 mov     ecx, [eax]
__text:0055D645                 lea     edx, (aUse_action_s_0 - 55D5F1h)[ebx] ; "use_action_slot_item_server\n"
__text:0055D64B                 mov     [esp+4], edx
__text:0055D64F                 mov     [esp], eax
__text:0055D652                 call    dword ptr [ecx+1A8h]
__text:0055D658                 add     esp, 1Ch
__text:0055D65B                 pop     ebx
__text:0055D65C                 pop     esi
__text:0055D65D                 pop     edi
__text:0055D65E                 pop     ebp
__text:0055D65F                 retn
__text:0055D660 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__text:0055D660 loc_55D660:                             ; CODE XREF: use_action_slot_item(CCommand  const&)+5Cj
__text:0055D660                 mov     [esp], esi
__text:0055D663                 call    __ZN14C_EconItemView15GetItemQuantityEv ; C_EconItemView::GetItemQuantity(void)
__text:0055D668                 test    eax, eax
__text:0055D66A                 jle     short loc_55D641
__text:0055D66C                 mov     dword ptr [esp+4], 0
__text:0055D674                 mov     [esp], esi
__text:0055D677                 call    __Z17UseConsumableItemP14C_EconItemViewPN4vgui5PanelE ; UseConsumableItem(C_EconItemView *,vgui::Panel *)
__text:0055D67C                 jmp     short loc_55D605
__text:0055D67C __ZL20use_action_slot_itemRK8CCommand endp
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Pawn 3-pg
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Old 05-29-2011 , 21:31   Re: [TF2] Hooking use_action_slot_item?
Reply With Quote #3

Thank you! Using use_action_slot_item_server works perfectly.
Pawn 3-pg is offline

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