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Counter Strike 1.6 Physics Plugin

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Old 03-09-2022 , 13:39   Counter Strike 1.6 Physics Plugin
Reply With Quote #1

Hello guys , i hope you all are fine .
I want to edit this physics plugin so that the physics get applied to every single gun in the game but exept for the c4 and the defuse kit .

I uploaded the sma file so that you can see if it is possible to help me guys

I wish you all a good day my friends
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File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (weapon physics.sma - 166 views - 12.2 KB)

Last edited by s0F1; 03-09-2022 at 13:45.
s0F1 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2022
Old 03-10-2022 , 04:05   Re: Counter Strike 1.6 Physics Plugin
Reply With Quote #2

It's an almost 1:1 recreation of CS 1.6, with physics and much better graphical effects, it also runs faster than CS 1.6 in many configurations. Unfortunately all download links got removed by the author and it's nowhere to be seen now, it would suck to see it completely gone with no way at all of playing it nowadays.

Last edited by BettyRNorahDeniels; 07-15-2022 at 08:39.
BettyRNorahDeniels is offline
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Old 03-11-2022 , 14:08   Re: Counter Strike 1.6 Physics Plugin
Reply With Quote #3

Try this
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <xs>


	#define HAM_IGNORED 1
	#define HAM_HANDLED 2
	#define Ham_Spawn Ham:0
	#define Ham_TraceAttack Ham:8
	#define Ham_TakeDamage Ham:9
	#define Ham_Touch Ham:42
	native HamHook:RegisterHam(Ham:function, const EntityClass[], const Callback[], Post=0)
	native SetHamParamFloat(which, Float:value)
	native DisableHamForward(HamHook:fwd)
	native EnableHamForward(HamHook:fwd)


	#include <hamsandwich>


#define PLUGIN "Weapon Physics"
#define VERSION "2.1"
#define AUTHOR "Nomexous"


Version 1.0
 - Initial release.

Version 2.0
 - Added. Ability to compile on's online compiler.
 - Added. Menu for enabling/disabling the plugin.
 - Added. Ability for weapons to be moved when shot.
 - Added. Sparks when weapon hits a wall while moving above a certain speed.
 - Added. Hooking of custom classes.
 - Fixed. Looping bounce sound when touching dead bodies in DoD.
Version 2.1
 - Fixed. Custom item spawn debug message removed.
 - Fixed. Non-visible entities no longer react to explosions (e.g. armoury_entities that have been picked up).
 - Changed. Shooting of weapons now off by default.
 - Added. Menu option for weapon clatter.


#define BOUNCE "items/weapondrop1.wav"
#define RIC "debris/metal6.wav"

new const m_WeaponBox_rgpPlayerItems[6] = {34, 35, ...}
const m_iId = 43
const CWeaponBox = 4
const CBasePlayerItem = 4

// Persistant items that don't disappear when picked up.
new const persistant[][] = { "armoury_entity" }

// Dropped items.
new const classes[][] = { "weaponbox", "weapon_shield" }

// The base is what the entity is created as, e.g. ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")).
// Put all of them here. Make sure that this custom entity can take damage, otherwise it won't work!
new const custom_base[][] = { "info_target" }
// What the entity's classname is changed to after it's created, e.g. set_pev(ent, pev_classname, "fakeweapon")
new const custom_classname[][] = { "fakeweapon" }

#define HOOK_COUNT 4 * (sizeof persistant + sizeof classes + sizeof custom_base)

new HamHook:hamhooks[HOOK_COUNT]
new traceline_fid = 0

new custom_count, shootweapons_pcvar, physics_pcvar, clatter_sound_pcvar

new Float:multiplier = 15.0

public plugin_precache()
	custom_count = sizeof custom_classname
	physics_pcvar = register_cvar("weapon_physics_enabled", "1")
	shootweapons_pcvar = register_cvar("weapon_physics_shoot_weapons", "0")
	clatter_sound_pcvar = register_cvar("weapon_physics_weapons_clatter", "1")

public do_ham_hooks()
	new count = 0
	for (new i; i < sizeof persistant; i++)
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, persistant[i], "spawn_persistant_item", 1)
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, persistant[i], "touch_item")
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, persistant[i], "damage_item")
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, persistant[i], "shoot_item")
	for (new x; x < sizeof classes; x++)
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, classes[x], "spawn_item", 1)
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, classes[x], "touch_item")
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, classes[x], "damage_item")
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, classes[x], "shoot_item")
	for (new n; n < sizeof custom_base; n++)
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, custom_base[n], "spawn_custom_item", 1)
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, custom_base[n], "touch_custom_item")
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, custom_base[n], "damage_custom_item")
		hamhooks[count++] = RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, custom_base[n], "shoot_item")

public update_hooks_and_forwards()
	if (get_pcvar_num(physics_pcvar))
		for (new i; i < sizeof hamhooks; i++)
		for (new i; i < sizeof hamhooks; i++)
	if (get_pcvar_num(shootweapons_pcvar) && get_pcvar_num(physics_pcvar) && !traceline_fid)
		traceline_fid = register_forward(FM_TraceLine, "fw_traceline")
	if ((!get_pcvar_num(shootweapons_pcvar) || !get_pcvar_num(physics_pcvar)) && traceline_fid)
		unregister_forward(FM_TraceLine, traceline_fid)
		traceline_fid = 0

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
	register_event("HLTV", "restart", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
	register_clcmd("amx_weapon_physics_menu", "conjure_menu", ADMIN_SLAY, "Shows weapon physics menu.")
	// This multiplier controls how fast the grenade will propel items. Originally, I wanted it to just be proportional to
	// the damage, but CZ and CS has different grenade strengths. Add your own here.
	new mods[][] = { "cstrike", "czero" }
	new Float:mult[] = { 22.0,  17.0 }
	new modname[10]
	get_modname(modname, 9)
	for (new i; i < sizeof mods; i++)
		if (equal(modname, mods[i]))
			multiplier = mult[i]

public conjure_menu(id, level, cid)
	if (cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))

public wpm(id)
	static wpmenu
	wpmenu = menu_create("Weapon Physics", "menu_h")
	get_pcvar_num(physics_pcvar) ? menu_additem(wpmenu, "Weapon physics: \yEnabled", "1") : menu_additem(wpmenu, "Weapon phyics: \rDisabled", "1")
	get_pcvar_num(shootweapons_pcvar) ? menu_additem(wpmenu, "Shoot weapons: \yEnabled", "2") : menu_additem(wpmenu, "Shoot weapons: \rDisabled", "2")
	get_pcvar_num(clatter_sound_pcvar) ? menu_additem(wpmenu, "Weapons clatter: \yEnabled", "3") : menu_additem(wpmenu, "Weapons clatter: \rDisabled", "3")
	menu_display(id, wpmenu, 0)

public menu_h(id, menu, item)
	switch (item)
		case 0:
			set_pcvar_num(physics_pcvar, !get_pcvar_num(physics_pcvar))
		case 1:
			set_pcvar_num(shootweapons_pcvar, !get_pcvar_num(shootweapons_pcvar))
		case 2:
			set_pcvar_num(clatter_sound_pcvar, !get_pcvar_num(clatter_sound_pcvar))

public restart()
	for (new i; i < sizeof persistant; i++)
		new o
		while ((o = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, o, "classname", persistant[i])))
			static Float:origin[3], Float:angles[3]
			pev(o, pev_vuser1, origin)
			pev(o, pev_vuser2, angles)
			set_pev(o, pev_angles, angles)
			set_pev(o, pev_avelocity, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0})
			engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, o, origin)
			engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, o)

public spawn_item(ent)
	set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE)
	set_pev(ent, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_YES)
	set_pev(ent, pev_health, 100.0)

public spawn_persistant_item(ent)
	set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE)
	set_pev(ent, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_YES)
	set_pev(ent, pev_health, 100.0)
	new Float:origin[3], Float:angles[3]
	pev(ent, pev_origin, origin)
	pev(ent, pev_angles, angles)
	set_pev(ent, pev_vuser1, origin)
	set_pev(ent, pev_vuser2, angles)

public spawn_custom_item(ent)
	if (is_custom_ent(ent))
		return spawn_item(ent)

public damage_item(ent, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damagebits)
	if (pev(ent, pev_effects) & EF_NODRAW) return HAM_IGNORED
	static Float:ent_v[3], Float:ent_o[3], Float:inflictor_o[3], Float:temp[3]
	pev(ent, pev_velocity, ent_v)
	pev(ent, pev_origin, ent_o)
	pev(inflictor, pev_origin, inflictor_o)
	xs_vec_sub(ent_o, inflictor_o, temp)
	xs_vec_normalize(temp, temp)
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(temp, damage, temp)
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(temp, multiplier, temp)
	xs_vec_add(ent_v, temp, ent_v)
	set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, ent_v)
	// Set a random yaw. I would've set random pitch and roll, but then the weapons don't land flat, even with my Lie Flat plugin.
	static Float:av[3]
	//av[0] = random_float(-1000.0, 1000.0)
	av[1] = random_float(-1000.0, 1000.0)
	//av[2] = random_float(-1000.0, 1000.0)
	set_pev(ent, pev_avelocity, av)
	SetHamParamFloat(4, 0.0)

public damage_custom_item(ent, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damagebits)
	if (is_custom_ent(ent))
		static Float:ent_v[3], Float:ent_o[3], Float:inflictor_o[3], Float:temp[3]
		pev(ent, pev_velocity, ent_v)
		pev(ent, pev_origin, ent_o)
		pev(inflictor, pev_origin, inflictor_o)
		xs_vec_sub(ent_o, inflictor_o, temp)
		xs_vec_normalize(temp, temp)
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(temp, damage, temp)
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(temp, multiplier, temp)
		xs_vec_add(ent_v, temp, ent_v)
		set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, ent_v)
		// Set a random yaw. I would've set random pitch and roll, but then the weapons don't land flat, even with my Lie Flat plugin.
		static Float:av[3]
		av[1] = random_float(-1000.0, 1000.0)
		set_pev(ent, pev_avelocity, av)
		SetHamParamFloat(4, 0.0)
		return HAM_HANDLED

public touch_item(ent, touched)
	if (pev(touched, pev_solid) < SOLID_BBOX) return HAM_IGNORED
	if (1 <= touched <= 32) return HAM_IGNORED // Prevents bugginess when someone drops a gun (or in DoD, when a gun gets stuck inside a dead body).
	new classname[32]
	pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname))

	if (equal(classname, "weaponbox"))
		new item = get_pdata_cbase(ent, m_WeaponBox_rgpPlayerItems[5], CWeaponBox)

		if (item > 0 && get_pdata_int(item, m_iId, CBasePlayerItem) == CSW_C4)
			return HAM_IGNORED

	static Float:v[3]
	pev(ent, pev_velocity, v)
	if (xs_vec_len(v) > 700.0)
		static Float:origin[3]
		pev(ent, pev_origin, origin)
		origin[0] += random_float(-10.0, 10.0)
		origin[1] += random_float(-10.0, 10.0)
		origin[2] += random_float(-10.0, 10.0)
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(v, 0.4, v)
	set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, v)
	if (get_pcvar_num(clatter_sound_pcvar))
		engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, ent, CHAN_WEAPON, BOUNCE, 0.25, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)

public touch_custom_item(ent, touched)
	if (is_custom_ent(ent))
		return touch_item(ent, touched)

public shoot_item(ent, attacker, Float:damage, Float:direction[3], trace, damagebits)
	static Float:endpoint[3]
	get_tr2(trace, TR_vecEndPos, endpoint)
	static Float:velocity[3]
	pev(ent, pev_velocity, velocity)
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(direction, damage, direction)
	xs_vec_mul_scalar(direction, multiplier, direction)
	xs_vec_add(direction, velocity, velocity)
	set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, velocity)
	engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, ent, CHAN_ITEM, RIC, 0.5, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)

public fw_traceline(Float:start[3], Float:end[3], conditions, id, trace)
	// Spectators don't need to run this.
	if (!is_user_alive(id)) return FMRES_IGNORED
	// If we hit a player, don't bother searching for an item nearby.
	if (is_user_alive(get_tr2(trace, TR_pHit))) return FMRES_IGNORED
	static Float:endpt[3], tr = 0, i
	get_tr2(trace, TR_vecEndPos, endpt)
	i = 0
	while ((i = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, i, endpt, 20.0)))
		if (is_shootable_ent(i))
			engfunc(EngFunc_TraceModel, start, end, HULL_POINT, i, tr)
			if (pev_valid(get_tr2(tr, TR_pHit)))
				get_tr2(tr, TR_vecEndPos, endpt)
				set_tr2(trace, TR_vecEndPos, endpt)
				set_tr2(trace, TR_pHit, i)
				return FMRES_IGNORED

public is_shootable_ent(ent)
	static classname[32]
	pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, 31)
	for (new i; i < sizeof classes; i++)
		if (equal(classname, classes[i]))
			return true
	for (new i; i < sizeof persistant; i++)
		if (equal(classname, persistant[i]))
			return true
	for (new i; i < sizeof custom_classname; i++)
		if (equal(classname, custom_classname[i]))
			return true
	return false

public is_custom_ent(ent)
	static classname[40]
	pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, 39)
	for (new i; i < custom_count; i++)
		if (equal(classname, custom_classname[i]))
			return true
	return false

stock draw_spark(Float:origin[3])
	message_begin(MSG_ALL, SVC_TEMPENTITY)
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[0])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[1])
	engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[2])
Originally Posted by BettyRNorahDeniels View Post
It's an almost 1:1 recreation of CS 1.6, with physics and much better graphical effects, it also runs faster than CS 1.6 in many configurations. Unfortunately all download links got removed by the author and it's nowhere to be seen now, it would suck to see it completely gone with no way at all of playing it nowadays.
I can't see how this is related to his question.

Last edited by CrazY.; 03-11-2022 at 14:08.
CrazY. is offline

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